View Full Version : Ravenwing...Yay or Nay....

02-01-2011, 05:51 AM
Hey all....

The Colonial's coming up, one of the Northeast's bigger GT's and I decided to go 40k rather than Fantasy.

I'm having a debate with my group as to taking a Ravenwing army. I'm in the middle of painting the army and really do love playing them despite all their disadvantages.I fell in love with them many years back when I played against a Ravenwing player at a GW GT mainly because of their look on the tabletop. Years later I finally built one of my own.

I can bring DE, Sisters or my newest group,the Ravenwing.

What do you all think? Take the RW despite my abysmal chances of any decent placement or bring a newer book more in line with this edition?

Eric J

02-01-2011, 07:24 AM
If you are having that much fun building and painting the models, it'd be almost criminal not to ttake them. Damn the abysmal chances... or for that matter, trying learning some new tricks to play with them. Not many other players will be bring that many bikes, or for that matter will be used to playing against that many bikes. Maybe you can use that to your advantage?

I've seen so many people taking armies that are competitive, but they done love and spend half the tournament looking miserable (but at the top tables). Alternatively I've seen people at the bottom tables with the biggest smiles across their faces because they were having a great time showing off the models the love and have enjoyed creating, even as they take them of the table in handfuls.

02-01-2011, 08:08 AM
Take the Ravenwing. You love them, you say you love painting them and making them so why not? As SotonShades said, it will be criminal not to take them.

Put it this way, if you don't take them, you will be Fallen. :P. Abysmal rules be damned. If you need help in using them go to the B & C Dark Angels site and we will help you there with any questions you need.

Don't forget, that since you are using RW, the RWA Speeder is a SCORING unit still. So use these to your advantage. Yes the Speeder may not last long, but it should provide a great distraction since people will be up in arms, that a "vehicle" is a scoring unit. It can be taken out easily from what they say on the DA forum so use it for great distraction.

02-01-2011, 08:36 PM
i say take the ravenwing.. just make sure to take sammuel he makes the wing a troop choise and this can free up some points for some DeathWing terminators. the RW needs a little punch.
hey dont knock the Landspeeder there fast and if you can utilize terain to your advantage they can do alot of damage and be tough to kill.
just last week i had a typhoon LS take out a deamon prince, 1 rino, five korn bezerkers and 2 obliterators.by it self. it pissed off my opponent so bad. he spent most of his resourses tryin to kill it and never did.:D ok, i did have some very lucky rolls. he had 8 pens and i made every coversave.hahaha:D