View Full Version : Twin-linked Heavy Flamer?

01-31-2011, 03:20 PM
I keep looking at the Blood Angels codex and under the heavy choice "Dreadnought" it states that you can exchange the Multi-melta for a twin-linked Heavy Flamer for free. Now I may be missing something but template weapons do not roll to hit, all models touched by the template are hit and then you roll to wound. Twin-linked allows you to roll the dice again if you missed the first roll. But if you auto hit when would you have a chance to re-roll?

So am I missing something here? Any insite would be great. Thanks

01-31-2011, 03:24 PM
I keep looking at the Blood Angels codex and under the heavy choice "Dreadnought" it states that you can exchange the Multi-melta for a twin-linked Heavy Flamer for free. Now I may be missing something but template weapons do not roll to hit, all models touched by the template are hit and then you roll to wound. Twin-linked allows you to roll the dice again if you missed the first roll. But if you auto hit when would you have a chance to re-roll?

So am I missing something here? Any insite would be great. Thanks

I cant remember if its under Template rules or under twin linked rules, but if a weapon is twin liked and a template it re-rolls wounds instead of hits.


01-31-2011, 03:29 PM
I cant remember if its under Template rules or under twin linked rules, but if a weapon is twin liked and a template it re-rolls wounds instead of hits.


Yep...after seeing this post I looked and the very next paragraph under Twin Linked says Twin Linked Template weapons are fired just like a single weapon, but they can re-roll the dice to wound. When fired against a vehicle, you may re-roll the armour pen dice instead.


02-05-2011, 02:52 PM
thats why i somtimes deep strike my oblitators agaisnt hords like orks and nids and use the twin linked flamers seeing them go poof

02-06-2011, 03:39 PM
vulkan he'stan called he wants his twin linkage back

02-13-2011, 10:45 PM
Twin-Linked heavy flamer is wicked weapon, scares the **** outta orcs. Poor immolator gets hammered before I can use it alot. Kinda makes me jealous that other armies can deepstrke with them.