View Full Version : New Dark Angel Codex Wishlist... What would you like to see?

01-31-2011, 09:40 AM
Now i do realize the new codex is at least a year or 2 off, but if it were up to you what would you like to see min the new DA codex?
1: slightly Cheaper and larger Deathwing options as all SM armys have terms so lets make the DW truly special.
2: more unique characters, ws6 capt. and chap masters, and better wargear options.
3: 1 or 2 unique units that stand apart from all the other SMs.
4: prefered enemy special rule(chaos). fluff wise, the Unforgiven are eternally hunting the fallen(Chaos corrupted DAs) so it fits them.
5: more wargear options and a few unique DA only wargear items.
6: ravenwing and scouts as normal troop choices and keep belials DW special rule
7: Honor guard, terminator honorguard, better interigator chaplins.

well thats a few i can think of right now. tell me what you think or what you would want to see...:cool:

Brass Scorpion
01-31-2011, 09:51 AM
This is neither news nor rumor, it belongs in the 40K General Discussion area.

01-31-2011, 10:05 AM
Moving to general...

01-31-2011, 10:11 AM
I want to see DA as a truly unique SM army, not just green Ultramarines with a few special rules. My suggestions:

* DA tactical squads may take one heavy weapon at 5 models, and a second heavy weapon at 10 models.
* Terminator squads may take two heavy weapons per 5 terminators.
* Mortis-pattern (rifleman) dreadnought is the default. Can be upgraded to venerable or perhaps have a special rule like tank hunting.
* An HQ model who replaces Chapter Tactics with Relentless.
* DA get a new special pattern of rhino (perhaps it is a dedicated transport for an HQ) which has 5 firing points instead of the normal 2.
* At least one shooty HQ, like the Master of the Forge.
* An elite DA squad that comes with a special pattern of rending bolters. You can also buy every model a plasma pistol.
* To represent the legacy of their primarch's superior tactical ability, give DA a lot of alternate deployment options (lots of units with the ability to outflank/infiltrate/deep strike), and an HQ that allows the army to redeploy a few units after their opponent as deployed.

01-31-2011, 10:39 AM
Now i do realize the new codex is at least a year or 2 off, but if it were up to you what would you like to see min the new DA codex?

I will give you my wish list. I just have to critize what you asking because I don't understand why you are asking for them.

1: slightly Cheaper and larger Deathwing options as all SM armys have terms so lets make the DW truly special.

Problem I have here is, why does it have to be cheaper just because other SM armies have them? You want cheaper, go play other codicies. I don't care for cheaper, I want different. Hopefully by different, they would be better. I expect DW to more expensive and more powerfull than other SM termies and armies. So no cheaper for me. Cheaper usually means weaker, unless you are UM.

2: more unique characters, ws6 capt. and chap masters, and better wargear options.

Yes I agree.

3: 1 or 2 unique units that stand apart from all the other SMs.

Why just one or two? There should be more since being a seperate codex. Also alot of people would like to use the DA codex for their own chapter and not be DA or Unforgiven, so more unique units should be in, to better represent those players as well. Of course it has to have a DA feel to it.

4: preferqed enemy special rule(chaos). fluff wise, the Unforgiven are eternally hunting the fallen(Chaos corrupted DAs) so it fits them.

I disagree here. Prefered enemy is so 3rd and 4th edtion. I do not want to be like the Grey Knights of 3rd edtion where you are good or your unique powers are against one enemy only, and will not effect other codicies then.

5: more wargear options and a few unique DA only wargear items.

As said above, of course, who doesn't love having more options and customability?

6: ravenwing and scouts as normal troop choices and keep belials DW special rule

Ah, you ask for being different from other codicies, but you want them to be the same? Play SM codex then. Other wise, why should we have a DA codex then? I say leave the scouts Elites. Other wise, we are not being any different, and should not have a codex and just be combined with the UM (or will it be BT) for 6th edtion SM codex.

7: Honor guard, terminator honorguard, better interigator chaplins.

I thought DA had no Honour guard. Reading the DA forums in B & C, most people say DA don't have Honour guards. I believe our Command Squads are suppose to be like Honour Guard. Maybe better? :P

well thats a few i can think of right now. tell me what you think or what you would want to see...:cool:
I hope I haven't been too harsh, just some of the things you suggested SREAM, SM or I want to be UM. I want DA to be unique and different. Here is what I would love to see.

Even though I don't care for the mecha part of the game, I want to see Iron Wing. So DA have, DW, RW, GW and IW.

I want to see rules for the Fallen. So it could be two books in one. I want to see Cypher have a BS of 7 or 8. We have that stupid rule if your BS goes over 6 on how it works, and I never seen it used. I think one or two units have it. Use the rule that you put in the game.

I think the DW should be expensive. Very expensive, but very hard to kill. a 2+ save with a 3 or 4++ save plus FnP with it. Or give the option to have an Apothacary in every DW unit. Again make it very expensive, so if you only have 20 minis, you can go against 150 minis and have fun.

Yes I would love to have a rule for "Hunt the Fallen" but it can't be just agaisnt a certian race or codex. Maybe have a rule where you can choose an opponents HQ choice or what ever and it counts for double or tripple KPs or is an Objective. Or have a rule where HtF reduces a DA players choice and reduce the Ld of a unit, something like the Tyranids have.

I believe Scouts should be Elites. Come on, how come now. It's one thing to have UM and other SM hide and cower in vehicles but it's another thing for SM to hide and cower behind Scouts? How come the scouts are dong the job of what SM should be doing. There is no way in hell Scouts should be troops, unless you have an IC letting your Scouts be troops then you can't have anything else be troops then.

I would like to see the RW have a rule where if they fail a Dangerous terrian test they get to reroll since they are suppose to be experts on their bikes.

As I said before, I want to see a Cypher mini with rules.

Get rid of the rules for Immunity to ID. I find those rules horrible. I think they did it right in the Tyranid codex. I can't rememeber if the BA have immunity to ID or not. They should be banished.

You are correct more rules should be made to make the DA more unique. Make it a reason to have a seperated codex and not just 3 or 4 extra pages for the 6th edtion SM codex.

Also more fluff. Lots more fluff. New fluff, and add in the fluff that was in AoD, 3rd edtion as well. I was shocked to here stuff that were not in the 4th edtion codex.

I would also like to have rules for the Watchers in the Dark. Maybe they don't take part in the battle but if they are on the field, maybe they can give the rest of the units buffs, like increased WS or BS, or Fleets or FnP or what ever.

Please for heaven sakes, please give our Libraians great psychic powers and not let them suck.

Of course there is more, but now it's your time to critize what I have suggested. :P

01-31-2011, 03:17 PM
Lion Guard for one (Basically Command Squad/honour Guard)

Fallen Angel hunters (or rules for Deathwing to hunt fallen angels with Ravenwing)

Mortis Dread

Land Raider Ares

Jet Bikes - Allows Sammeal to join other units (or a bike option)

Tarantula Sentry Gun (I would to captalise on the whole idea idea that the Lion was a great tactian and used over lapping arc of fire)

Naaman back!

Asmodai Back!

Watchers in the dark as wargear, that be a good angle to work wtih.

I got loads, but since the new FAQ I like the uniques for the Dark Angel, over prcied in some areas but we got the cheapest IC that allows scoring terminators so I dont care!:)


01-31-2011, 03:33 PM
I like the idea of scoring RW Landraider. That can also show The Lions Tactiacl brilliance.

01-31-2011, 07:24 PM
I will give you my wish list. I just have to critize what you asking because I don't understand why you are asking for them.

the reason i ask is, GW surely checks forums to get customer feed back and see where the demand is. it is a buisness and keeping your customers happy = more $$$. by asking i hope, we the consumer may give them some ideas on what we want and be able to maintain the games balance...

Problem I have here is, why does it have to be cheaper just because other SM armies have them? You want cheaper, go play other codicies. I don't care for cheaper, I want different. Hopefully by different, they would be better. I expect DW to more expensive and more powerfull than other SM termies and armies. So no cheaper for me. Cheaper usually means weaker, unless you are UM.

i hate that, go play C:UM if you dont like it crap..:mad:. i play DA. i have always played DA... i dont want to be UMs just to be compeditive. the reason i said cheaper DW is the current DW limitations. if they were to be made better i would happily accept a higher cost.

Yes I agree.

Why just one or two? There should be more since being a seperate codex. Also alot of people would like to use the DA codex for their own chapter and not be DA or Unforgiven, so more unique units should be in, to better represent those players as well. Of course it has to have a DA feel to it.

im tryin not to be greedy. your right though, there should be more to better differenciate them from other codexes.

I disagree here. Prefered enemy is so 3rd and 4th edtion. I do not want to be like the Grey Knights of 3rd edtion where you are good or your unique powers are against one enemy only, and will not effect other codicies then.

you got a point. it was just an idea.

Ah, you ask for being different from other codicies, but you want them to be the same? Play SM codex then. Other wise, why should we have a DA codex then? I say leave the scouts Elites. Other wise, we are not being any different, and should not have a codex and just be combined with the UM (or will it be BT) for 6th edtion SM codex.

scouts are way to week to be an elite choise. i mean what would you rather DW or scouts? now if i could take scouts with tele homers instead of tac marines ide be happy.

I thought DA had no Honour guard. Reading the DA forums in B & C, most people say DA don't have Honour guards. I believe our Command Squads are suppose to be like Honour Guard. Maybe better? :P

i dont know what the fluff says but a 3 to 10man terminator honorguard with say DW champ, DW standard bearerall having aux grenade launchers, relic swords and stormshields. having them DW assault right into the heart of the enemy would be epic.:D very expencive but wicked cool. im dreamin i know:cool:

I hope I haven't been too harsh, just some of the things you suggested SREAM, SM or I want to be UM. I want DA to be unique and different. Here is what I would love to see.
not to harsh. i appreciate the honesty.

Even though I don't care for the mecha part of the game, I want to see Iron Wing. So DA have, DW, RW, GW and IW.
same here, armor seems to die way to easily. whats GW?

I want to see rules for the Fallen. So it could be two books in one. I want to see Cypher have a BS of 7 or 8. We have that stupid rule if your BS goes over 6 on how it works, and I never seen it used. I think one or two units have it. Use the rule that you put in the game.
i likem it involving more fluff into the game is a great idea in my book.

I think the DW should be expensive. Very expensive, but very hard to kill. a 2+ save with a 3 or 4++ save plus FnP with it. Or give the option to have an Apothacary in every DW unit. Again make it very expensive, so if you only have 20 minis, you can go against 150 minis and have fun.
the 20 minis against 150 minis sounds very GreyKnight of you.:D

Yes I would love to have a rule for "Hunt the Fallen" but it can't be just agaisnt a certian race or codex. Maybe have a rule where you can choose an opponents HQ choice or what ever and it counts for double or tripple KPs or is an Objective. Or have a rule where HtF reduces a DA players choice and reduce the Ld of a unit, something like the Tyranids have.
im ok with that.

I believe Scouts should be Elites. Come on, how come now. It's one thing to have UM and other SM hide and cower in vehicles but it's another thing for SM to hide and cower behind Scouts? How come the scouts are dong the job of what SM should be doing. There is no way in hell Scouts should be troops, unless you have an IC letting your Scouts be troops then you can't have anything else be troops then.
not hiding but infultrated with tele homers. deathwing assault anyone then they head to the nearest obj. for some quick points.

I would like to see the RW have a rule where if they fail a Dangerous terrian test they get to reroll since they are suppose to be experts on their bikes.
me too.

As I said before, I want to see a Cypher mini with rules.
they got the mini just no rules. so again me too.

Also more fluff. Lots more fluff. New fluff, and add in the fluff that was in AoD, 3rd edtion as well. I was shocked to here stuff that were not in the 4th edtion codex.
the more fluf the better..

I would also like to have rules for the Watchers in the Dark. Maybe they don't take part in the battle but if they are on the field, maybe they can give the rest of the units buffs, like increased WS or BS, or Fleets or FnP or what ever.
they could be an elite unit or uniqueHQ character. i like it.

Please for heaven sakes, please give our Libraians great psychic powers and not let them suck.
how true, the DA librarians suck so bad ive never put one in my army.

Of course there is more, but now it's your time to critize what I have suggested. :P[/QUOTE]
besides the" go play some other SMcodex" stuff, you got some good points and ideas

01-31-2011, 07:46 PM
GW is Green Wing. Regular Dark Angel Space Marines. Sorry I should have clarified that. I forgot about Grey Knights being a very very Elite Force. I just hope us DA players will not get upset agaisnt it.

I see your point about Scouts being Troops now. I guess in my eyes, I don't see scouts holding objectives, because that is what the SM is suppose to do. As you said, about scouts having teleport homers or stuff like that, I can see them doing as Elites. That would be them scouting ahead, planning and giving intel to the other DA. That is why I see them as Elites.

Also something about Dreadnaughts. I am not fimiliar with them but I always read that other people have the DA Dreadnaught except for the DAs LOL. So I don't know what we can do about that. Now that BA and GK will have special Dreadnaughts, I don't want to see DA doing it now. So I would like to see them have something different.

Maybe other scoring units that others can't have. Like vehicles, or heavy support or Fast Attack types. This could show how The Lion was a Tactical genious and can use anything at his disposal to do the job, hence why they are scoring.

This could be why the DA have a lack of options as other SM chapters have. DA know how to use what they have.

I would also like rules that would represent on how the DA still use arcane technology and stuff. I don't know if I would want to see a squad of jet bikes though. Leave that to the Eldar and DE.

But I would like to see Nammn ( sorry if his name is wrong) make Elites troops, Sammy make bikes or the RW troops and Belial make Termie Troops. Who knows, maybe Azzy would make the Iron Wing scoring units. :P.

I would love to see the "Emperor's Royal Guards" type unit. Again it's fluff, and we know GW doesn't make rules for fluff, but I would love to see the ERG. That would be a kick *** unit, and minis.

01-31-2011, 10:37 PM
Yeah, if you want Terminators with FNP and 3/4+ invulnerables and the like, I think you'll be very happy in April. I doubt that DA will be better than vanilla SMs, however. They'll just be (hopefully) different. And hopefully they won't come with Dark Swords and Dark Shields and Dark Claws and Dark Fists and Bolters of Darkness and the like:rolleyes:.

02-01-2011, 12:33 AM
Yeah, if you want Terminators with FNP and 3/4+ invulnerables and the like, I think you'll be very happy in April. I doubt that DA will be better than vanilla SMs, however. They'll just be (hopefully) different. And hopefully they won't come with Dark Swords and Dark Shields and Dark Claws and Dark Fists and Bolters of Darkness and the like:rolleyes:.

And riding creatures into battle. LandRaiders will be fast and can be taken as Fast Attack. Everything else can deep strike and move fast as well. Everything gets feel no pain. The Dark Angels will distrust magic and sorcery, but end up having the strongest, mott powerful psykers in game. As a matter of fact, Eldrad learned his spellcraft FROM the DA. All vehicles will be immune to melta and lance. Melta weapons will come as standard weapons that can be swapped out for bolt guns for free.

Admiral Kenaris
02-01-2011, 12:40 AM
I think it would be in the character of the Ravenwing to give the DA access to the Stormraven.

02-01-2011, 12:51 AM
Well, I'll chime in on this for my first post, and the DA are my "marine army"

I'd like to see the Tac Squads get the some weapons as the blue guys. For the same cost, ie the freebie ones.

The Chapter and Company Masters are otherwise fine. Just bump up the WS of them all to 6. How is Azrael less competent that a vanilla captain is beyond me. Keep the company master making their respective units troops is fine as is.

Deathwing is fine. Ravenwing is fine, save the fact they can't turboboost in their scout move. So fix that.

Keep scouts as elites. I see scouts as the future of a chapter. I don't think they will want to be called upon as much.

I agree that there should be some way of reflecting the Lion's tactical genius. Putting that in effect is probably easier said than done.

Keep the Interrogator chaplain. It's a DA thing, I'm not sure why the BA have two versions.

Bring the DA librarian in line with the rest of the chapters. Let Ezekiel cast more than one power per turn.

02-01-2011, 02:00 AM
- Sternguard and Vanguard vets only available in Terminator armor.
- Veteran scout squads - "bounty hunter" style Fallen hunters.
- Plastic DW figs.
- more accurate deepstrike a la "Descent of Angels"
- artificer terminator armor giving a 4+ inv. Available to a more inner-circle DW unit.
- RW with bolt pistol and cc weapon.
- all power armored marines given bolt pistol and cc weapon (DA style swords) with a rule that allows them a 'parry' that acts as defensive grenades (to help vs. Space Wolf advantages in their rivaly and make a battle between the champions less one-sided).
- some "steal the initiative" bonus, or something somewhere in the army, that reflects Jonson's tactical superiority.
- a melange of Fearless and ATSNNF that allows Fearless units to make an unmodified Break test before resorting to "No Retreat!"

02-01-2011, 04:31 AM
Hey!!! Im new in this forum and a Dark Angels player...

I would like to see in the next codex things like a Deathwing Dreadnought, Chaplain Dreadnought.

-Two heavy weapons for Deathwing and unique weapons for deathwing.

-A kind of asault ravenwing with 2 attacks per unit and that you can buy a close combat weapon to all the squadron.

-More characters: Asmodai, Watchers in the dark...

Characters at the 5th edition level like Azrael or Ezekiel little bit more strong.

Better librariarians, at least better powers.

Something like the calibans knights, like close combat veterans with the special rule of the cercle defensive position like in the horus heresy book.

JEtbikes and Sammael with squadron.

And Ravenwing and Deathwing as a normal troops without Belial or Sammael, then sometimes you can use other CG and still useing a competitive Dark Angels.

02-01-2011, 08:17 AM
Yeah, if you want Terminators with FNP and 3/4+ invulnerables and the like, I think you'll be very happy in April. I doubt that DA will be better than vanilla SMs, however. They'll just be (hopefully) different. And hopefully they won't come with Dark Swords and Dark Shields and Dark Claws and Dark Fists and Bolters of Darkness and the like:rolleyes:.

If and when the new DA codex comes out, this better not be the case. This will ruin DA so much. Yeah I don't want to see Dark Fists, and Swords etc.

02-01-2011, 09:38 AM
And riding creatures into battle. LandRaiders will be fast and can be taken as Fast Attack. Everything else can deep strike and move fast as well. Everything gets feel no pain. The Dark Angels will distrust magic and sorcery, but end up having the strongest, mott powerful psykers in game. As a matter of fact, Eldrad learned his spellcraft FROM the DA. All vehicles will be immune to melta and lance. Melta weapons will come as standard weapons that can be swapped out for bolt guns for free.

Yes, a species of giant, winged horses will turn out to be native to Calaban; Dark Pegasus. And all those melta weapons can be upgraded to Dark Meltas for 1pts each, giving them the lance special rule.

Brass Scorpion
02-01-2011, 09:43 AM
The recent DA FAQ took care of some problems. Really, if they'd just lower the points costs for transports and some other unit options, increase the number of models that can be carried in game by transports to match the regular Codex Space Marines, and add in the Land Raider Redeemer it would be about equal to the books that came after it. Of course, a little more "character" in the layout and options like in all the books that came after it wouldn't hurt either.

02-01-2011, 09:48 AM
Oh, and the Dark Pegasus will be both Jump Infantry and Cavalry, with a special rule that allows them to fleet 2d6 and ignore all intervening terrain, including impassable terrain.

02-01-2011, 10:21 AM
Oh, and the Dark Pegasus will be both Jump Infantry and Cavalry, with a special rule that allows them to fleet 2d6 and ignore all intervening terrain, including impassable terrain.

There would be a special character called Darklink as well....

02-01-2011, 01:33 PM
Y'know, I'm starting to like where this is headed...:D

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
02-01-2011, 10:21 PM
I think you may get your wish sooner than you think, look on page 53 of this months WD, is that a new Chaplain???

02-02-2011, 09:39 AM
Thats really old chaplain...

02-02-2011, 09:45 AM
What would you like to see?

No SM dex for 2 years, exept CSM book.
My 2 cent.

02-02-2011, 01:25 PM
What would you like to see?

No SM dex for 2 years, exept CSM book.
My 2 cent.

no SM dex..hahaha that won't happen
the chaos dex does need an update but it can still compete. i see that dex about 2 or 3 yrs out. where as the DA and BT codexs are so outdated that its hard to put to gether a turni worthy army. i see them as the next 2 SM dexs 2012 and 2013. this fall we'll see ether the eldar or necron. im hopin it will be necron. it my OTHER army.:)

02-02-2011, 03:26 PM
I think BT will be late 2011 early 2012 and Dark Angels buffff maybe the last to update.

02-02-2011, 03:36 PM
I think BT will be late 2011 early 2012 and Dark Angels buffff maybe the last to update.

your probly right. i think the DA dex was the last SM dex to be upgraded to 4th ed. which could mean they could be last again...:(

02-02-2011, 05:28 PM
the only posibility is that they do the marines-xenos usual GW relase. Then could be Grey Knights, Necron, Black Templars, Tau, Dark Angels, Eldar...

02-03-2011, 12:21 AM
I'm not sure if DA were the last to be done, as far as loyalist marine codex' go. They did start the whole combat squad thing. GW just let some fanboy do the ultra smurf codex, so everything got out of whack. Everything Space Marine after that just felt the aftershocks. Think of the DA codex as the "prototype" of Imperial Marine codex. But I can see how they might considered the last one.

02-03-2011, 05:00 AM
the last 4th edition where chaos space marines and Demons.

02-03-2011, 06:44 AM
The current rumoured release schedule is Grey Knights, Necrons, SoB, Tau. After that we can speculate that we would see BT or DA followed by Eldar.

Personally I'd rather see a reduction in the number of SM codices, have a generic codex for people to make their own Chapters from and put the first/second founding chapters in another book, free up the damned release schedule a bit.:rolleyes:

the only posibility is that they do the marines-xenos usual GW relase. Then could be Grey Knights, Necron, Black Templars, Tau, Dark Angels, Eldar...

02-03-2011, 07:14 AM
But now you can't erase codices that always exist like Dark Angels, Blood Angels and Space wolfs. I like dark angels because they are diferent than others and i dont want them as vanilla.

02-03-2011, 07:21 AM
Well, it is a wishlist topic, I'm wishlisting I know it won't happen.:p I don't mean make DA vanilla marines, I mean have a codex for vanilla marines with ways to cusomise them, and then put the more important chapters chapters (ha) in their own codex with their own rules etc. It would free up the release schedule and still let each Chapter get enough attention. Because honestly, there really aren;t enough differences between chapters to warrant their own codices in my opinion.

02-03-2011, 05:09 PM
What I'd like to see:

- More special Characters with better stat lines and better abilities a-la Blood Angels.
- Chaplain Dreadnoughts
- Some kind of big super shooty style Dreadnought
- Elite Chaplains a-la the blood angels (DA are the Chaplain chapter after all)
- Ability to take large and small Deathwing squads (start at 3 and go up to 10).
- Allow Deathwing units to be teleported back up to a ship (i.e. placed back into reserves) so they can be redeployed (i.e. Deep Strike again).
- Make Deathwing units more powerful so you can actually field a Deathwing army
- Ravenwing as Troops, standard
- Make DA Scouts either better or different, if not then put them back into the Troops slot
- Dirt Cheap Plasma
- New "Plasma Themed" weapons
- Land Raiders as a Dedicated Transports

Here are some cool ideas I had that are prolly too weird to ever see the light of day:

- A Dreadnought that moves like a Bike or whose lower body IS a (big) bike, or Jet Bike maybe
- A Stormraven or Land Raider-like vehicle that can carry Bikers
- A Helicopter vehicle that works in tandem with the Raven Wing

02-03-2011, 05:29 PM
Yes. Plasma Weapons.
Like a Plasma Mortar variant of the Whirlwind.

I disagree with the Land Raider dedicated transports (beyond Deathwing), because that would imply strong ties to the Mechanicum, and as far as fluff is concerned, they have no strong ties to anyone but themselves. Not to mention, their plasma tech is probably coveted by the Mechanicus, making the two groups hate each other even more.

I don't see the reason for their scouts to be any better.

Jetbikes-- since the Dark Angels have access to very ancient tech, jetbikes should be more 'common'-- maybe elite or hq.

I would like to see Sgt Naamam. That would be cool.

Mortis Dreadnoughts. With Plasma Cannons (oh baby!), Assault Cannons, ect. Maybe the ability to shoot two different targets.

Expansions of the Mind Worm power, and other psychic powers. Themes around the idea of interrogation. Maybe even an ability to 'seize the initiative'.

Str 6 Power Weapons (not relic blades). The original Str 6 weapons was in the Dark Angels, anyhow.

Army Wide Stubborn, while Ravenwing n' Deathwing are Fearless.
Space Marine Captains being fearless and passing this to the unit they join. Or all captains have Rites of Battle. Representing the commander's expectations to give no quarter.

02-03-2011, 06:01 PM
For me I think the should really really make a assault version of the ravenwing with 2 attacks and close combat weapons options.

02-03-2011, 08:18 PM
i would like special plasma weapons just for DA with-out the stupid russian rulette Gets Hot rule...
i mean who in there right mind would use a weapon that 1 in 6 times you pull the trigger its gonna blow-up an kill YOU. i know its there for balance but its f'in retarded....

02-04-2011, 03:43 PM
What is with all the Dreadnaught talk? Why does every chapter need a different dreadnaught? Yes we lost ours, others have it. Nothing we can do about it.

I want DA to be different, not just another SM with a different dreadnaught. So now it will be BA dready, GK dready or the DA dready? I rather have something different, unique but different. Different Dreadnaughts seem so passe now.

Yes be nice to have, but all it seems now is too much emphisis is no the dreadnaugh and what DA really should be.

Yes to unique characters. Why not have different rules to bikes, and terminators that other SM don't have? This will make them unique. How about uniuqe speeders as well? This would show how DA are the Tactical geniouses and can adapt thier war gear to what ever situation rises?

02-04-2011, 05:22 PM
Actually, we GKs get super terminator armor for our terminator armor, as opposed to a unique dread variant. We're just that cool:D.

But now you can't erase codices that always exist like Dark Angels, Blood Angels and Space wolfs. I like dark angels because they are diferent than others and i dont want them as vanilla.

Ironic as the DA rules are by far the most vanilla of the SM variants. The only truly unique thing is terminators as troops.

02-04-2011, 06:20 PM
Well because the 5th edition space marines got a lot of the 4th edition Dark Angels, the blood angels were also almost vanilla in 4th edition.

And also the reason i want a new codex is to make them more different than vanillas again.

02-04-2011, 07:07 PM
Well because the 5th edition space marines got a lot of the 4th edition Dark Angels, the blood angels were also almost vanilla in 4th edition.

And also the reason i want a new codex is to make them more different than vanillas again.

Here is a question. Do you want the new DA codex, before or after SM have a 6th edtion codex?

Here is what I think. If before 6th edtion, then DA will be different, then SM can have all the good stuff that regular SM will cry about and the GW will give it to them, making DA vanillia again. So maybe it would be good to have them after so when DA do have a codex, it will be different from SM then.

02-04-2011, 07:26 PM
Well if that doesnt mean 5 years more of waiting the better wait till 6th edition. xD

02-04-2011, 09:03 PM
Well if that doesnt mean 5 years more of waiting the better wait till 6th edition. xD

OH FRACK! GW screwed up. I think GW mistaken DARK Elder with Dark Angels. I think DA should have been updated instead. :D

I just hope the DA is not the new DE and we have to wait over 12 years for an update. :P

02-05-2011, 01:06 AM
Hah, I can see that.

"Ok, guys, I threw together a rough draft of our next project, Dark Eldar."

"Wait, dark Eldar? It was Dark Angels next, dude."

"Oh... ummm, oh well, let's just go with it."

02-05-2011, 03:08 PM
how about the return of lion el'jonhson from the warp. the first playable primarch.(how cool would that be?) he would require some powerful rules to go with him like,all DA are relentless, any unit can be a scoring unit or any unit can be taken as a troop choise. all DA units within 12" reroll hits and wounds and/or any saves. all DA use his leadership 10 for all lead checks. no reserve rolles or no deepstrike misshaps. 7755564 10+, 2+as/3+inv stats.Relentless, fearless, no instant death. Master crafted(MC) plasma gun, a MC power sword with +2 str, orbital strike that uses his bs7,and a teleporter that allowes him to move like jump infantry...:cool:

02-06-2011, 12:51 AM
Introduction of a primarch?? GW does that, and I sincerely hope that a new edition of 40K is published a week after. That would wreck havoc upon 40K as we know it. It would be cool for aproximately that long I feel.

The DA codex should focus on either hunting the Fallen, or the influence of the Primarch Lion'El. If they tried to do both, the codex might end up such a mess that DA players would leave the DA 'dex in favour of one of the other non-DA codex.

02-06-2011, 02:32 PM
the codex might end up such a mess that DA players would leave the DA 'dex in favour of one of the other non-DA codex.

They have already done that. :eek: As well as a few other armies, using the SM codex for their own army before they got their new codex.

02-06-2011, 05:31 PM
I still use DA codex i never use SM codex because is a different army.

02-13-2011, 09:44 PM
Without any real specifics, what I want is a codex as ridiculous as Space Wolves and Blood Angels. Imagine then how DW termies would be...:eek: It would be nice to have more than one troop choice (like Necrons). The fact we can't have 2 special weapons, or a sereant with anything but a bolt istol if he has a power weapon. What the hey? Those guys get hand flamers, 87 S6 attacks at I12 or something. Lightning claw dreads that can kill an entire squad on the charge. Librarian dreads...really? I want crap like that, but only if it screams Dark Angels!