View Full Version : DEADPOOL in the 40K????

01-30-2011, 06:55 PM
Hey! I made this deadpool space marine for a friend of mine and thought that somebody out there might think it was neat so I decided to share!

I had so much fun making this guy that I want to try and make some more Marvel characters. I have plans for a Captain America, Wolverine, and Carnage (my personal favorite).

Also if anyone has some ideas on rules for DeadPool I would love to hear them!

01-30-2011, 07:14 PM
i am in love with this.

also, WBB on a 4+, can never benefit from stealth, bs of 1. i know there's other obvious ones i'm forgetting, but this is brilliant.

01-30-2011, 08:02 PM
Feel no pain?

I ve seen people do star wars characters but never comics. There were old necromunda spyrers that were pretty similar to spider man thp. Isn't tere a new SW character pretty similar to thor

01-30-2011, 09:32 PM
i'd give him all the DH's assassin's rules...ALL of them....

01-30-2011, 10:31 PM
This is hilarious and fantastic. Thank you. I'd suggest WBB on a 2+, as well as Kharn's Blessing of the Blood God (Immune to all psychic powers/force weapons count as normal). Maybe something to "break the fourth wall" and mess with either of the players of the game?

01-31-2011, 01:34 AM
Maybe something to "break the fourth wall" and mess with either of the players of the game?

Assuming Deadpool is being played as Kharn the Betrayer (just seems right for some reason), how about this.

In a round of assault during which Deadpool rolls 3 1s to hit, in addition to hurting members of his own unit, Deadpool's overzealous flurry of attacks accidentally catches his controlling player's arm during combat. If Deadpool has hit his owner in his attacks, roll an additional "to wound" roll aside from other rolls. This wounding roll represents Deadpool's accidental(?) attack against his controlling player and wounds on a 3+. If the controlling player is wounded, they must locate a band-aid or some adhesive item to dress the wound on their arm.

01-31-2011, 06:49 AM
Why don't you try venom or spawn. I think I'm going to try kitbashing 40k superheros. Thanks for the idea!!

01-31-2011, 08:07 AM
Assuming Deadpool is being played as Kharn the Betrayer (just seems right for some reason), how about this.

In a round of assault during which Deadpool rolls 3 1s to hit, in addition to hurting members of his own unit, Deadpool's overzealous flurry of attacks accidentally catches his controlling player's arm during combat. If Deadpool has hit his owner in his attacks, roll an additional "to wound" roll aside from other rolls. This wounding roll represents Deadpool's accidental(?) attack against his controlling player and wounds on a 3+. If the controlling player is wounded, they must locate a band-aid or some adhesive item to dress the wound on their arm.

I love this breaking the fourth wall idea!

Maybe to make it more interesting, instead of putting on a band aid, the owner 'losses' an arm/leg. For the remainder of the game, he is not allowed to do anything with the 'lost' arm/leg.

If the player forgets, he needs to take a penalty (but nothing that affects the game, so things like taking a shot if you are playing somewhere that allows drinking and are both up for it, or doing a push up or sit up or something, I'm sure you can be creative and come up with something suitably fun and amusing).

To make it interesting, you should do the reverse for triple 6s, so he lops off one of the opponent player's arms/legs.

If he somehow manages to roll four 1s or 6s in a game, he auto-wins/losses the game by himself. :p

Drew da Destroya
01-31-2011, 09:07 AM
Nicely done, man!

I'd love to see a Carnage... or his whole "family" from Maximum Carnage. Shriek, Doppleganger, Demogoblin, Carrion... good times.

01-31-2011, 12:24 PM
Nicely done, man!

I'd love to see a Carnage... or his whole "family" from Maximum Carnage. Shriek, Doppleganger, Demogoblin, Carrion... good times.

Totally!!! I love Maximum Carnage such a good read. (Off subject but did you know that in the NEW Carnage series Shriek is wearing the Carnage symbiote! Pretty cool.) And thanks to the new Dark Eldar a Demogoblin wouldn't be hard to make.

I Love the "breaking the fourth wall" idea! So Good! Thanks Atrocity!

Thanks GeistHammer for mentioning Spawn. Now I want to make a Spawn Chaos Space Marine and Violator Daemon Prince! That one would be so hard.

Thanks guys I'm glad you like it. He's going to be in a blood angels army so maybe feel no pain, but I do like the WBB idea. He gets his head caved in by an ork then gets back up.

Drew da Destroya
01-31-2011, 01:40 PM
Totally!!! I love Maximum Carnage such a good read. (Off subject but did you know that in the NEW Carnage series Shriek is wearing the Carnage symbiote! Pretty cool.) And thanks to the new Dark Eldar a Demogoblin wouldn't be hard to make.

I didn't know about Shriek in the Carnage suit... I know that Gwen Stacy is Carnage (or is it the other way around?) in the Ultimate universe, so they seem to like turning him female.

01-31-2011, 02:33 PM
Overtkill, use a chaos space marine obliterator body and just green stuff the rest. Spawn would be a problem the cape would pe solid to sculpt. As for violator I think the best bet would be to thin out the extremitys (arms,legs) and use a bloodthirster head maybe.
You have just opened up a whole new world of modeling opportunities for me. Thanks for the inspiration .