View Full Version : 2000 pt. Blood Angels list for local tourney

01-30-2011, 03:30 PM
Captain w/ Lightning Claws and Jump Pack and Meltabombs
Honor Guard w/ 4 Meltaguns + 4 Lightning Claws and Jump Packs

HQ (Deployed w/ Meltagun Assault Squad
Librarian w/ Jump Pack W/ Blood Lance and Unleash Rage

Furioso Librarian W/ Shield and Wings

Elite (Deployed w/ Plasma gun Assault Squad
78 Sanguinary Priest w/ Jump Pack and Storm Bolter

Death Company
2 Power Weapons and 4 bolters

Razorback w/ Heavy Bolters

Assault Squad w/ 2 melta +Sgt. w/ Thunder Hammer

Assault Squad w/ 2 Plasmaguns+ Sgt. w/Power Weapon and Meltabombs

150 DC Dreadnought w/ Heavy Flamer and Magna Grapple
45 Drop Pod w/ Locatoir Beacon

Fast Attack
Baal Predator w/ Heavy bolters , storm bolter and a searchlight

Heavy Support
6 man squad
3 Missile Launchers and Lascannon


I am still debating whether to exchange one honor guard's melta gun and lightning claw for a power fist since they cost the same amount of points.
Let me know what you think.

01-30-2011, 05:01 PM
I would change the one honor guard to Powerfist---the last thing you want is to drop down an WHIFF! and then a Soulgrinder Charges you---at which point, your captain misses with meltabombs, and then gets squished by Soulgrinder claw... and the rest of the squad cannot hurt the Soul Grinder due to Armor 13.

This is just one possible scenario... but I have had the meltagun squad whiff many times, and had no fist to defend myself. That combined squad is 420 points, easy points for a Dreadnought.

01-30-2011, 06:30 PM
I will make the powerfist change then. I am considering dropping my captain and putting the librarian in the command squad. with the 160 pts I can field another predator or something. I feel like my two Dreadnoughts hit the sweet spot and will be enough of a headache to deal with, three isn't necessary.

01-30-2011, 09:50 PM
I think you should drop the captain , for the points either go with a libraian (i usually give mine unleash rage and sanguine sword but shield or bloodlance are also good choices) unfortunatly you cannot give a librarian in power armor a close combat invul save and they always seem to get picked on by the big ol' mean guy with the power weapon in close combat; OR take a reclusiarc w jump pack. rerolling to hits and to wounds is nifty. I personally prefer the reclusiarc I dont think captains are worth it in the blood angel codex. They dont gve anything extra to the squad. essentially you pay 15 more points for fearless and rerolls and give up ws 6 and the twin lc.

The other thing i think you woulld be better off wth is exchanging the plasma guns for meltaguns. You cant assault if you shoot plama guns. the plasma are only better on the turn you drop and they are not that good against armor. i know you get 2 more shots but I would rather be able to charge after I shoot in subsequent turns, Also the melts will insta death alot more things than will plasmas.

I also would try to find the points to put a thammer or power fist in the dc for the same reason as Tynskel stated for the honor guard. I like thunderhammers better primarily because they look cooler on the model.

other than that I think this a good list and will rape face as is.

01-31-2011, 06:48 PM
I like the list as well. Decent use of the Death Company considering most people avoid them. I try to leave a few points left over for melta-bombs, but so rarley are they effective. A power fist might help even the odds in certain situations with that melta squad. Let us know how you do with it. Thanks

02-01-2011, 09:47 AM
What about switching the heavy bolters on the DC razorback to twin-linked heavy flamers?