View Full Version : 1500 pt IG: By our Powers Combined

01-29-2011, 09:37 AM
Okay, so I'm quite vehement about not putting special or heavy weapons into Infantry Squads. I think the heavy options belong on tanks or in HWS, and the specials can be better done by Vets, CCS, and SWS. Basically, I only take Infantry Platoons if I want Power Blobs.

I also frequently say that gunlines aren't viable, since foot-based armies can move so much faster this edition with the Run! move. Gunlines don't get enough time to shoot the opponent before they get hit with assault.

Well, I think occasionally someone should strive to prove themselves wrong, so I'm going to try to do both of those things at once with a list. I'm going to do it by starting with power blobs and adding ranged weapons to them. The idea is to have enough ranged threat to outshoot almost anything, while having power blobs to suprise any foe that gets to close or tries to assault.

Help prove me wrong!

CCS, Master of Ordinance, LasCannon: 100
Straken: 95

CCS, Master of Ordinance, LasCannon: 100

PCS, 4x Melta: 70
21-man Power Blob, Commissar, 3x PW, 2x AutoCannon, 2x GL: 195
21-man Power Blob, Commissar, 3x PW, 2x AutoCannon, 2x GL: 195

PCS 4x Melta: 70
21-man Power Blob, Commissar, 3x PW, 2x AutoCannon, 2x GL: 195

Manticore: 160
Manticore: 160
Manticore: 160

This comes up to 1500 points. My Lazors go pew pew pew.

At first I wanted to add Vendettas, too, for MOAR LASCANNONS. But I decided to keep this at 1500. Comments!

01-29-2011, 10:04 AM
you could replace a manticore with a vendetta