View Full Version : Question about moving out and the new faq

01-27-2011, 12:28 AM
I had a archon get pwned because I moved his raider flat out. Now the new faw says that all models are removed as a casualty does this mean I cannot make his shadow field save and I will never go flat out again or can I make the save and pray.

01-27-2011, 03:14 AM
That part of the FAQ only occurs if the Raider is destroyed in the same player turn. If you move your Raider flat out and it is destroyed by the opponent's shooting, your passengers are not automatically destroyed. Any instance of the word "turn" refers to player turn unless it specifically says otherwise.

If, however, you move flat out and your vehicle is somehow destroyed on your turn (ramming or dangerous terrain, for instance) then all of the models on board are destroyed, no exceptions. No wounds are caused (so no saves available), they're simply destroyed.

01-28-2011, 12:35 AM
awesome that really makes me feel better thanx