View Full Version : No Iron Halo for Lias Issodon. Typo or Intended?

01-26-2011, 06:15 PM
I was looking through the (relatively) new IA 9 Badab War part 1 book and I noticed that Lias Issodon, the chapter master for the Raptors, does not have a Iron Halo listed in his wargear, but all the other Chapter Masters/Captains in the book have one standard. Is this a typo or was this intended? I suppose there could be an argument for intended, because he is one of the cheapest characters available in terms of points, but I was under the impression that Chapter Masters/Captains came standard with an Iron Halo.

Venerable Rhadamanthus
01-26-2011, 08:40 PM
I'd say typo. Give the guy an Iron Halo. It's standard equipment for Generic Captains and Chapter Masters in the base Codex.

I noticed the same thing and checked the rest of the Badab characters. They all have em, so I'm sure it's a typo. It's not as if he is so much better than any of the other Badab characters so...

01-27-2011, 03:28 PM
Looks like it was intended after all. I suspected as much because he got a lot of special abilities and a few upgrades in wargear for a relatively small amount of points. I think he wasn't intended to ever be in CC. Here is the email that I got in reply.


Thanks for your e-mail. This is indeed a deliberate choice; Issodon and his Chapter shun the trappings and honour markings normally associated with the Adeptus Astartes, due to their pragmatic nature.
This means that Issodon’s mark of office is his bolter rather than the embellishments on his armour.

I'm not sure if that makes him worth it when compared to just a regular old captain or chapter master. Depends on how much you want to use his Chapter Tactics and special abilities I suppose.

01-27-2011, 04:04 PM
I thought it was a deliberate move looking at his points.
There is something about this character that I like and I quite fancy a few points of Raptors now. I really like their colour scheme now.