View Full Version : Stinky washes! :(

01-26-2011, 05:03 PM
I've just opened a brand new pot of GW's Badab Black wash (probably about the twentieth I've used), and sweet mercy it stinks! Proper rotting egg sulphur stink. Anyone else experienced this recently? Has the formula changed? Because the stench in my study is currently so strong it's making the bile rise in my gullet.

01-26-2011, 05:08 PM
I bought a pot of brush-on primer that had that smell. There was definitely something wrong with it (beyond the smell, it also didn't work worth a damn). I'd return it to the place you bought it and see if they can't exchange it for one that doesn't reek. Or you could contact GW directly.

01-26-2011, 07:51 PM
But if it's for your Nurgle Army, by all means USE IT!

01-26-2011, 07:56 PM
Yeah my pot of Delvan Mud was rather stinky as well! I figured thats just how it is. I used it to wash my skaven and it worked pretty good so I figured it was just a stinky product!

01-26-2011, 09:52 PM
I just sniffed a random sample of inks - they all smell the same. They smell almost like ... brand new plastic - if that makes sense.

Definitely not like rotten eggs. Take it back - especially if its not working correctly.

01-27-2011, 12:22 AM
I run a FLGS and my GW rep told us they are hearing this on a batch of washes. They work the same and don't smell when they are on the figure, but GW will take them back if you turn them in to your shop.

Mike X
01-27-2011, 01:29 AM
I've just opened a brand new pot of GW's Badab Black wash (probably about the twentieth I've used), and sweet mercy it stinks! Proper rotting egg sulphur stink. Anyone else experienced this recently?

My pot of Badab Black stinks too. I've never really had much experience sniffing paint before, so I just figured that's how it's supposed to smell and kept using it anyway.

01-27-2011, 02:53 AM
I had a devlan mud one that stank my entire flat out...used it on one crisis suit, then binned the whole pot. Stank until it completly dried...

01-27-2011, 03:44 AM
Just an idea...are the washes now being made in China?

If so maybe they are made with the finest purified Chinese water, complete with factory runoff and human fecal waste? We all know how well Chinese exports conform to health and safety standard!

If anyone really cares, I wonder what would happen if you had one tested.

01-27-2011, 04:39 AM
Just an idea...are the washes now being made in China?

If so maybe they are made with the finest purified Chinese water, complete with factory runoff and human fecal waste? We all know how well Chinese exports conform to health and safety standard!

If anyone really cares, I wonder what would happen if you had one tested.

Memo to self....stop putting brushes in my mouth....

01-27-2011, 09:43 AM
I've had a few Foundation paints stink like crazy, but just assumed it was the extreme amount of pigment used in them. Never had any washes smell bad... And since I've mainly switched to Vallejo, I use such small amounts of paint at a time, I hardly notice the smell of it any more. :P

01-27-2011, 10:04 AM
Just an idea...are the washes now being made in China?

If so maybe they are made with the finest purified Chinese water, complete with factory runoff and human fecal waste? We all know how well Chinese exports conform to health and safety standard!

If anyone really cares, I wonder what would happen if you had one tested.

For the most part China's free trade commercial zones are actually in relatively good condition. Now, if that is because they are almost entirely for exported products or not is the real question.

01-30-2011, 09:53 AM
"Stop putting Brushes in my mouth"

I think it is hilarious that, what I am assuming is, that most of us do that! I love the look on peoples faces who aren't use to painting models and such see me do that! I tell em its the best way to keep the brush intact and I wash off MOST of the paint before hand! However, there have been times when I forget that minir step and my wife has to tell me I got some Boltgun Metal on the corner of my mouth!