View Full Version : move, embark, move?

01-24-2011, 05:32 PM
If a unit had to move to get all within 2" to embark, can the transport then move in the same turn?

Debarking is very clear: you can't move, debark, and move. So it seems like you shouldn't be able to move after moving to embark, but I find nothing that reads you can't.

01-24-2011, 05:51 PM
You are correct, the unit may move, embark and then the vehicle may move.
Vehicles don't have the same movement rescrictions as infantry

01-24-2011, 06:36 PM
the way i've always seen it was that a vehicle has to stay still if somebody's getting on it, for obvious reasons. so if the squad piles in, then the bus can take off in the same move. and conversely, the bus can't roll up six inches to an unmounted squad and then they pile in to get cover for shooting or assault.

Mycroft Holmes
01-25-2011, 09:18 AM
... the bus can't roll up six inches to an unmounted squad and then they pile in to get cover for shooting or assault.

I'm pretty sure the rules allow:
vehicle moves
unit moves with in 2"
unit embarks on moved vehicle


01-25-2011, 10:17 AM
The only restriction on vehicle movement is it can't move more than 12" if a unit either embarks or disembarks that turn. So a unit could move 6" and get in, then the vehicle moves 12" just fine, but a fast skimmer couldn't move flat out.

Shotgun Justice
01-25-2011, 12:52 PM
As all replies have stated yes the transport can move after a unit embarks, however it may not do so if it had moved in the same player turn.
So no move transport 6, embark unit, move full transport another 6.