View Full Version : Durandal Dreadnaught (Black Templars) datasheet

01-24-2011, 01:35 PM
==> Link for datasheet download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VUV1KBF6

Ok, hope this is the right subforum (first post)... Hi guys, don't know if anyone will be interested at all, but the recent chatter about Black Templars (i.e., FAQed, yay!) got me to remember an old datasheet that had been posted on the French GW website: the Durandal Dreadnought, created by Christian Valentin, former head of GW online sales for France. I loved the way this dread looked and this was the first thing that inspired me to consider starting my own army (back then I only knew 40k through DoW; ironically, I ended up settling for an Eldar army).
The datasheet and instructions (download link above) for conversion were taken down when the new GW website was launched, however I found a copy on the web. Since someone in the BoLS comments section showed interest in getting a translation, here's the Apocalypse datasheet for the Durandal Dreadnought, to my knowledge for the first time ever in English!
Important: though once hosted on the French GW website, this datasheet is non-official and thus you'll need your opponent's agreement to use it. I have also included the two French language versions of the datasheet that exist, they are identical in terms of rules but one has the illustration said to have inspired the original conversion.

Disclaimer: I have not altered the rules or costs in any way, so I may not be held responsible if this is considered worthless/redundant/overcosted/anything-worth-complaining-about. I am just posting this for you guys, let the community judge.

01-24-2011, 02:03 PM
So it's essentially a cheaper, upgradeable Pre-5th Edition Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought? Hits vehicles as if it has chainfists? Looks pretty nasty, but you'd definitely have to get consent. :)

01-26-2011, 09:07 AM
I did a little bit of translating on that, and the attack came out worded different but meaning the same thing. Oh, and thanks!

01-28-2011, 04:09 PM
I did a little bit of translating on that, and the attack came out worded different but meaning the same thing. Oh, and thanks!
Just curious: which wording did you get?