View Full Version : 2000pts nids

01-24-2011, 12:07 PM
So, after a few years away from 40k in the wonderful land of FOW, I have been seriously contemplating a return to 40k. I am leaning towards either nids or guard, and would like to hear opinions about this nid list. As I have not been playing for a few years, all comments and suggestions are much appreciated.

Tervigon w/catalyst, crushing claws, regenerate 230pts
Tervigon w/catalyst, crushing claws, regenerate 230pts

Hormagaunt brood (16) 96pts
Hormagaunt brood (16) 96pts

Ripper Swarm Brood (5) 50pts

Genestealer brood (16) w/ scything talons, broodlord (naked) 302pts

Tyranid Warrior Brood (5) w/adrenal glands 175pts

Zoanthrope brood (3) 180pts

Carnifex Brood (2) 320pts

Carnifex Brood (2) 320pts

01-24-2011, 03:52 PM
not to bad in general

things i would change:

i ALWAYS choose toxin sacs for my stealers over talons

im not particularly fond of hormies but if you take them your at about the right squad size

i always take my warriors with boneswords/talons/toxin sacs, this makes them very deadly(also expensive), but i suppose the trade-off of more warriors to less with power weapons is based on preference

i would pod the zoanthropes

would deffinitely suggest some hive gaurd if you plan on playing competatively

01-24-2011, 07:05 PM
IMO, dump CC on Tervigons and add AG/TS

Not a fan of carneys in ths new codex.

01-24-2011, 08:30 PM
I like the Carnifexes--- run n' chop! Might want to invest in Frag Spines and Adrenal Glands--- I4 through cover is sweet with 10 Re-rolling to hit Str 10 attacks.
I like to give warriors deathspitters n' barbed strangler. Makes them a solid firepower unit while still holding their own in close combat.
The rippers, unfortunately, seem out of place to me. They do make great ablative wounds, however, I am not quite sure how they fit in this army. You should be generating plenty of ablative wounds from the Tervigons.

Overall, it is nice to see an army that's different.

My best suggestion would be to squeeze in venomthropes. If you are not going to taking tons of anti-tank guns, you should be making sure you bring cover with you. Most people think: horms, then warriors, then carnies. Yes, it does provide cover, but it places the carnies back at least ~6", hence at least one more turn until they start chop sue! If you take Venomthropes, you can grant cover and have the fexes in front. They also provide effective bonuses for all your units within the radius.