View Full Version : Raven Guard and White Scar starter lists

01-24-2011, 01:07 AM
Hello everyone,

I'm looking to get back into the hobby after a fairly long hiatus (since early 4th ed). I was primarily a DE and IG player back in the day, but at this point I'm more interested in collecting than competing. However, I do wish to try and collect viable forces should I wish to battle.

I'm beginning my attentions on the Space Marines, as I was recently given an assortment of unpainted ones, and they're a fairly simple reintroduction to the hobby.

The two chapters I've found most interesting are the Raven Guard and the White Scars in terms of background, so I've decided to assemble forces for both of them. I will probably add a third chapter to the mix as I acquire units that are less fluffy fits for these fast attack oriented armies.

I've designed a basic 500 point list, and then an additional 500 point expansion, for each. Please let me know what you think. Because I'm not designing a strictly competitive list, it will likely lack the "50% off sale at Melta Warehouse" feeling you're accustomed to, instead going for more variety, but any thoughts would be appreciated, ideally improving combat potential while retaining fluffiness.

Raven Guard 500
HQ: Chaplain (bare bones) 100
T: 10 Tactical Marines, Missile Launcher, Plasma Gun 180
T: 5 Scouts, Sniper Rifles and Camo cloaks 90
FA: Assault Squad (5), Lightning claws 130

Raven Guard 1000 (1001 technically)
HQ: Chaplain (bare bones) 100
T: 10 Tactical Marines, Missile Launcher, Plasma Gun 180
T: 10 Tactical Marines, Multi-melta, Meltagun, Power weapon, Drop Pod 235
T: 5 Scouts, Sniper Rifles and Camo cloaks 90
T: 7 Scouts, Pistol/CCW, Homer, Power Weapon 116
FA: Assault Squad (5), Lightning claws 130
E:Dreadnought, Assault Cannon, Drop Pod 150

White Scars 500
Captain, Bike, Relic Blade (so can use as Korsarro if desired) 165
T: 5 Bikes, Power fist, 2 flamers 175
T: 5 Bikes, 2 Meltagun 160

White Scars 1000
Captain, Bike, Relic Blade (so can use as Korsarro if desired) 165
T: 7 Bikes, Power fist, 2 flamers 225
T: 5 Bikes, 2 Meltagun, add Multimelta attack bike 210
T: 10 Tactical Marines, Lascannon, Rhino 215
HS: Predator, Storm Bolter 70
FA: Land Speeder 50
FA: Land Speeder, extra HB 60 (Thoughts on separate vs. squadron when FOC is not limiting factor?)

01-24-2011, 09:29 AM
What's the teleport homer on the Ravenguard scouts for?

Also, Korsarro costs more on a bike than your captain so it wouldn't be that easy a transplant for your White Scars lists.