View Full Version : Free modelling

01-23-2011, 06:50 AM
In Ireland most gaming shops will all you to make your minis there for free- they will provide clippers, knives glue, paints and brushes etc. You may have to ask permission but this is a free service they provide and people can sit and chat whilst they build a marine or two.

I have moved to london recently and cannot find anywhere that does this. Dark Sphere Games my nearest gaming store said they used to, until local school kids wrecked everything.

1. Is this the norm where you come from, or a uniquely Irish gaming thing.

and more importantly

2. Does anyone know anywhere in central london that provides this feature

(I know Bols is mostly a US site but its the only aming site I visit)

01-23-2011, 08:05 AM
Any London GW should help u make your things, other than that dnt have much more info to give.

01-23-2011, 09:01 AM
GW here can lend you things, but they appreciate more if you bring in your own paints, glue and tools.

Its just another buisness decision thats hurting stores as being hobby centres...

01-23-2011, 09:25 AM
Yeah I realise they'd probably appriecate it if i brought my own stuff, unfortunatly its in Ireland at the mo- thats why I need to borrow gear from others.

My next big project is a warmachine army of some description so GW wouldn't look to kindly on it. My only models here so far are necromunda models, and I've been told before (in an Irish GW) that despite teh fact they are GW models I cannot paint them there

01-23-2011, 09:31 AM
GW has problems with playing necromunda. However, I dnt think its company policy to be against painting in store. Only a partuiculary arsy person who would stop painting there.

Lunar Camel
01-23-2011, 10:24 AM
When I worked for GW in the US (California), we made everything available to the players: clippers, files, glue, even paint. We would still give you that "Where's your stuff?" talk but would still let them use our tools.

It depends on the manager of the store as well. I've had some who welcomed, even had campaigns for Necromunda, Mordheim, and BFG; others who said it didn't belong in their stores :confused:

If its an independant store, they might have an issue with pulling the tools from their inventory and counting it as a loss, since they would rather sell it. Yes, some people take advantage of it, thinking they don't have to buy tools since they can use the store's. But, the employees should know who's who in their store.

01-23-2011, 11:17 AM
Try London plaza.

Ask if it would be possible as you are in the process of bringing things over. I won't imagine they will provide free services for ever, but iv'e met some of the guys there and they seem friendly enough, im sure they would let you use some materials.

Having said that the manager wasn't around so i don;t know what he's like or what his store policies are. (they each seem to have their own)

01-24-2011, 05:15 PM
It seems about 50/50 split here on the west coast of the U.S. However, GW stores around here will loan you paints and glues and such to get you started but won't let you use them forever.

01-24-2011, 06:13 PM
I go to a Local Gameing shop here in NB, Canada. Your allowed to come in and build/paint if you want. But all they will supplie is water and a place to dump the water out.

Glue, Clippers, Brushes, and even a cup to hold the water you must supply your self.

I never even heard of a place giving you glue and lending you clippers to build your models.

Doesn't really bother me thow. That's the kinda stuff you would have your self anyway.

01-24-2011, 06:31 PM
I live in Florida, and we don't even HAVE a GW in our entire STATE. Kinda sad, Florida's a big state. I have been to a few up in TX, but there wasn't even any space for people to work on their models. HOWEVER, it's pretty funny when you see a teal/white/pink XV8 proxied for a Warboss. LOL at Hello Kitty with Plasma Rifle XD

01-24-2011, 10:56 PM
I'm luck that our local game store here in San Diego, CA has a whole rack full of paints, glue, bits, cutters (including foam), and many random terrain pieces to use. It's great! A real 'old game store' feel.

01-25-2011, 02:44 AM
Both of my LGS' here in the California Bay Area (Games of Berkeley and Gamescape North, for the record) have clippers, and there is usually glue around. Granted it helps being a regular, and being friends with a lot of the staff, but I've never seen anybody told "no" if they want to work on their minis, borrow clippers for a bit, etc.

01-25-2011, 04:57 AM
Do not forget the Australians here.

GW Australia let you use their equipment to make and paint miniatures. My local non-GW shop on the outskirts of Sydney lets you do the same, however they also let you build miniatures from any game not just GW, and especially try to get people involved in evrything from Warmachine/Hoard, Infinity, Malifaux, Battletech, WWII games like Flames of war, Mediaeval and musket wargames, and so on. They also are going to run a Blood Bowl tournament next month, and the store owner is ordering in some ShadowFroge Blood Bowl Dark Elves for me.

Shotgun Justice
01-25-2011, 12:49 PM
Hey Grailkeeper,

Shame about Dark Sphere, it's a great store. Didn't know they had banned construction in the shop as the new premises are well set up for chatter over mold-line-shaving and dirty paint water.

In central (ish) the Kensington GW was very friendly and evenings were always full of people modeling and painting around a communal table, they also provided tools. This was before the cuts in staff however, don't know about now. Always worth a phone call.

GW Croydon instituted a no specialist games rule a couple of years ago, a decision I never liked, I haven't been there since so again a phone call will tell you, it's not central but is very easy to get to as it's on a fast commuter line.

Very sadly GW Hammersmith is no more but used to let anything get built in there, I saw other manufacturers products in there although it could have been through subterfuge.

BTW if you fancy a game of Necromunda in London I'd love to pull out the Escher girlies again, can't get my hands on my models for a few months though.