View Full Version : Preferred Enemy

01-22-2011, 09:49 PM
Me and a friend of mine recently played a game with his orks versus my chaos space marines, with a bunch of Khorne berzerkers, and it was surprisingly a lot of fun for the both of us. We play to win and usually if one of us is winning the other is pissed off so that's why it was odd for both of us to be content. I got to thinking about it and why it was so much fun and I think I figured it out. In my opinion it was our choice of army I can't remember the exact list but I'll list the hard hitters. He had a wall of killa kans, big mek with kustom force field, Wazdakka and some bikes, and a bunch of boys. I had a vindicator, defiler, 4 squads of Berzerkers, Tzeentch lord in terminator armor and daemon weapon, and Tzeentch Terminators.(the one with chain fist was the game winner) There were a lot of epic moments like when he took out my vindicators cannon and wrecked my land raider with one shot, or when three berzerkers ran off into a blob of boys and piled the bodies sky high. I love the chaos versus orks because it’s like two crazy people arguing about who's crazier. And with my Tau I love playing against blood angels. They are so fast that sometimes they're too fast and easy to bait and catch in traps. But with my Tau I HATE playing against my pals Ultramarines, they advance steadily and tighten up on me like a noose and it's hard to focus my firepower.

So what does the community think? What army is the most enjoyable to fight against?

01-22-2011, 11:09 PM
For me, it is the person, not the army, that brings me either pain or pleasure.

I have a few people I love to play, and a rare few I loathe to stand across the table from.

01-23-2011, 01:02 AM
Depends on what kind of game I'm playing, but generally I like facing Xeno armies, it makes if feel more like my Black Templar are on a vengeful crusade or being assaulted by evil than if I'm facing space marines and Imperial guard

01-23-2011, 09:46 AM
I get a great deal of satisfaction beating space wolves. I think it is because most SW payers sem to think that there army is undefeatable. It is especially satisfying to beat them with Tau by out manuvering them but lately I hav been beating them with my Blood Angels which is almost as satisfying.(cue twi light references)

had my first battle aginst DE the other day but it was a reletively new player so there was no satisfaction I am waiting for the competant DE players to get their armies built to see if DE replace SW.

Ultimately I agree with BuFFoThe most enjoyale games are against the best and fairest players.

01-23-2011, 02:40 PM
my favorite is my buddy who i got into the game way back when, the two of us build armies the same way, with more fluff then comp ( not trying to start up that debate! just how i am) so we build histories of our favorite units and characters, so when they end up duking it out it always ends up a titanic battle of epicness but ive noticed for me that whoever loves to really get into the game and imagine the battle going on is always the best to play with, that way win or lose its always a great story to tell when the beers come out

01-23-2011, 02:56 PM
I think it is a lot more fun when the game is close and could go either way until the final turns.