View Full Version : New Special Character Rules and Scenarios on Forgeworld

01-22-2011, 08:23 PM
I logged on to Forgeworld and saw this little number sitting in the sidebar. Looks like Forgeworld couldn't get everything they wanted in Badab War 2.


New content includes rules for Arch-Centurion Carnac Commodus of the Astral Claws and Master Harath Shen of the Salamanders. Also included are two new scenarios; "The Red Hour", a boarding action game, and "The Doom of Hive Dominar", an apocalypse game featuring some pretty destructive special rules.

I'm not too familiar with Space Marines, so I can't really say whether the characters are any good, but "The Doom of Hive Dominar" scenario looks like lots of good, apocalyptic fun!

(I haven't seen this reported anywhere, even though it was supposedly updated on the 11th of January. If this has been brought to light already, please give this thread the Emperor's Grace.)