View Full Version : Dark Angels - The Return?

01-22-2011, 07:45 AM
So its been a week since the earth shattering reversal of GW decisions of FAQ etc, what have all the Dark Angel Followers been doing? How have peoples gaming groups re-acted? have people already "switched back" from other SM armies.

I know I have been deep in the FAQ/Codex thinking of new list to try, and I feel that the changes brought in by just a fraction of updates to wargear has really changed the DA make up

for instance my Throne of Skull list has gone from this:

Belial w/LC.


Dreadnought w/Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer & Extra Armour.


Deathwing Command Squad (2xLC, 3xTH/SS, 1xCyclone Missile Launcher, Standard Bearer)
5 Man Tactical Squad sgt w/Bolt Pistol/Chain Sword, 1x Melta Gun & Razorback w/Twin Linked Heavy Bolters.
5 Man Tactical Squad sgt w/Bolt Pistol/Chain Sword, 1x Melta Gun & Razorback w/Twin Linked Heavy Bolters.

Fast Attack

Land Speeder w/Multi Melta & Heavy Flamer.
Land Speeder w/Multi Melta & Heavy Flamer.

Heavy Support

Land Raider Crusader w/Storm Bolter & Multi-Melta.
Predator w/Autocannon and Sponson Lascannons.
Predator w/Autocannon and Sponson Lascannons.

1500Pts dead on

To this:

Belial w/TH/SS.


Deathwing Command Squad (1xLC, 3xTH/SS,1XSB/PW, 1xCyclone Missile Launcher, Apothecary)

5 Man Tactical Squad sgt w/Bolt Pistol/Chain Sword, 1x Melta Gun & Razorback w/Twin Linked Heavy Bolters.

5 Man Tactical Squad sgt w/Bolt Pistol/Chain Sword, 1x Melta Gun & Razorback w/Twin Linked Heavy Bolters.

5 Man Tactical Squad sgt w/Bolt Pistol/Power Fist, 1x Melta Gun & Razorback w/Twin Linked Heavy Bolters.

Fast Attack

Land Speeder w/Multi Melta & TML.
Land Speeder w/Multi Melta & TML.
Land Speeder w/Multi Melta & TML.

Heavy Support

Land Raider Crusader w/Extra Armour
Vindicator w/Hunter Killer

1500 pts dead on

As you can see the anti-tank, tactical marines and maneuverability has shot up, and now DA tactical marines are acutally not bad when fitted into a combined force, what are people seeing in DA armys?


01-22-2011, 12:07 PM
I don't think you will see an huge infulx of returns. If it is, it will just prove it's a phycological and that's it.

If you can make a great list with DA now because of the new FAQ, then you could have done the exact thing prior to the FAQ. While it may be a bit easier now, it really shouldn't have made a difference before. How does just 2 or 3 changes make a DA codex almost one of the worst to one of the best now, as people claim?

This is more mind games to try and get new sales than trying to even everything up. If GW wanted to even everything up, then Sisters would be updated, Tau, Orks, Necrons, Chaos, Deamons, Eldar and Tyranids would have been updated as well. Only time will tell to see if these have been updated or not.

01-22-2011, 12:17 PM
I think as lot of Dark Angels players will do what you've done, tweak their force to take advantage of the underpriced kit (storm shields and cyclone/typhoon missile launchers) give it a run and then drift back to using what they wetre before as the vanilla dex offers more variety.

I don't think the FAQ elevates dark angels to be an overpowered codex, but it gives enough of a boost so that you don't feel like you're being punished for using the old codex.

Personally, I hope that excessive Deathwing TH/SS/CML spam is either rare or not actually that effective. Otherwise, it could deter GW from making similar tweaks to old codices via the FAQ route in the future.

In terms of your list, my preference would be to stick with the predator over the vindicator.

01-22-2011, 01:04 PM
I can see the Deathwing/Ravenwing Spam coming, but at the same time it existed before Codex Space Marines/Space wolves, just people drifted to newer codexs. I for one am looking forward to getting some games under my belt with the new codex, but i aint running my Deathwing Army just yet, I want to try out triple wing before moving on.


01-23-2011, 09:56 AM
Well, here in Spain lots of DA players than quit them and started another army... Are using back they old and green armored ones even one more time...

01-23-2011, 01:22 PM
:rolleyes:ive been a huge fan of the DA for like 15 yrs. i still use all my models(that are legal for 5th ed that is) but with the crappy 4th edition codex :mad: i have to use the vanilla codex. the FAQ doesnt fix enough of the problems with 4th ed. so until we get a brand new 5th ed codex my angels might as well be Ultra marines.:mad: it sucks but what ya gonna do? oh how i long for the good old 2nd ed days:rolleyes:

01-23-2011, 02:39 PM
it sucks but what ya gonna do?

Oh there is alot you can do, but that will just lead to arguments. :p

01-23-2011, 03:28 PM
You can't return if you've never left!

With that being said, we will see former Unforgiven who have given up hope return for some run of fun with the new FAQ, and probably some WAAC players who want to spam scoring TH/SH CML TDA.

I've always had success with Doublewing, and the new FAQ just makes it a little more viable.