View Full Version : Tervigon in da Haus

01-21-2011, 06:12 PM
It's been just over a year since the Tyranid Codex release and still no official Tervigon. I've seen a fair few conversions and here's my simple little effort to add to the list, hope you like





There's a step by step guide over at my blog http://40kaddict.blogspot.com

01-21-2011, 08:16 PM
Very nice! Creepy imo. How long did it take you to create the sac?

01-21-2011, 09:05 PM
while the tervigon is awesome, the gaunt just looks like a model tipped over on the side, it feels very awkward next to such a vivid model as the tervigon

Gene Sneed
01-21-2011, 11:53 PM
Those crumpled balls of foil covered with the PVA'ed tissue paper and string look great! Very inventive technique, and it's anatomically convincing. I agree with Fellend about the gaunt's stiff pose, and it also looks awfully clean for being fresh out the sphincter. You could rotate the head of the gaunt down into the earth, that would make for a more convincing pose. And how about pouring some translucent pink goo over it?

Emerald Rose Widow
01-22-2011, 02:30 AM
I absolutely love the tervigon, while I do agree that the pose of the termagaunt on its side seems way too artificial, this model is just too amazing to possibly have something so minor take away from it. Just an absolutely beautiful Tervigon model, im still trying to figure out what direction im going to go with mine.

01-23-2011, 05:06 PM
Thanks guys. Hmm, regarding the Termagant I see what you're getting at. The pictures don't show the Termagant quite as clearly as I can obviously see him. In the flesh he's not too bad, he just looks like he's turned up on 'All Creatures Great and Small' [80's TV vet programme no one will know what I'm talking about].

However, he's not glued down and there is still some stringy birthing goo to be added so hopefully it'll tie him in to the rest of the model, when I get round to it and allay all your fears. Perhaps you are right though, the Tervigon itself was the primary model, he was an additiont to make it more Tervigon than Carnifex, maybe that shows...

The sack doesn't take long to do at all, a couple of hours at the most.

Thanks for your input.

Emerald Rose Widow
01-23-2011, 07:02 PM
I myself am going with a kind of arachnid/insect way, or at least I want to. Where its an abdomen that is the "womb" for the termagaunts inside the tervagon, I saw this online somewhere and really loved it. It will take a lot more modification to do that, but I think the result will be worth it in the end.

Commissar Lewis
01-23-2011, 09:08 PM
^ Actually a giant Tyranid-like spider would be quite interesting, in my opinion.

Emerald Rose Widow
01-24-2011, 01:17 AM

That is where I got the inspiration for my Tervigon, and I wish to do something similar. It is a really interesting, and overall I like the design, though I may make a few modifications to that one.

01-24-2011, 01:22 AM
It just looks like a Carnifex, really.

Nothing really says Tervigon here.

01-24-2011, 09:06 AM
It just looks like a Carnifex, really.

Nothing really says Tervigon here.

You're right, it is a Carnifex. I explain in the blog that I wanted to use the Carnifex chassis and because this was pretty much my first significant kit bash I wasn't going to go too far overboard and reach beyond my modelling ability. Having a model that can easily represent both Carnifex and Tervigon to allow my son to try out whichever MC he put in the army list was also a factor.

01-24-2011, 09:29 AM
I think that it looks great. I've seen a few other Tervigons out there that have the same look but yours is really good. What caught my attention most is the small details such as the veins in the sac. That's cool. Also I really like your overall paint scheme for the model. The streaks of lighter blue with the dots really make for a natural look. My 11yr old and I were trying to achieve the same effect on her models.