View Full Version : good purchase or not???

01-21-2011, 09:14 AM
I have just bought the Catachan Battleforce and the
Cadian for £45.20 each on waylandgames.co.uk, is that a good price and with both the battleforces is there a playable army. Also what could I do with adding after these, Im after not too much Mech and not too much foot, something of a balanced army (if such a things exists)....

01-21-2011, 09:38 AM
Its not a bad price....they sell at £56 each. So saved about £20...enough to buy a chimera probably!

Could use a few chimeras...a lot more infantry, some vets...and then your choice in Russes or Valks...

01-21-2011, 01:13 PM
It can be a playable army if done correctly. One Battleforce, minus the Sentinel, would be an Infantry Platoon (Troops choice #1). The other Battleforce could be two Veteran Squads, Troops choices #2 and #3) or one 10-man squad could be a third Infantry Squad in the Infantry Platoon, but the Command Squad from that Battleforce would have to serve as a Company Command Squad to give you an HQ choice.

01-21-2011, 05:22 PM
As they stand, you've got a very small IG infantry force. That's kind of the problem with horde armies like guard and orks - you have to buy loads and loads and loads of plastic.

I'd run on of the HQ's a company HQ (HQ choice), the other as a platoon HQ with two squads of infantry, which I would then blob on the battlefield into a twenty-man unit (making one troop choice), then run the other two units as Veterans (aking two further troop choices). I would suggest giving each Veteran squad three of one special weapon - Melta for anti-tank, Plasma for anti-MEQ, or Flamer for anti-horde.I would use the Sentinels depending on how you equip the Veterans - if the Veterans are Anti-tank, the Sentinels get Heavy Flamers and become anti-infantry; if the Veterans are anti-horde, give the Sentinels Lascannons to make them anti-tank. If you want them general purpose, go with either Plasma Cannons (expensive, inaccurate, but awesome) or Autocannons (reliable, but with less shots that needed to make them truly awesome unless spammed in large numbers.)

I'd then equip the Heavy Weapon Teams with whatever gap needs filling. Autocannons work brilliantly if spammed several times over; I've achieved good results with nine Autocannon Teams against pretty much anything except Land Raiders - and that's only because I don't really fight Land Raiders.

As far as additional models, I'd consider investing in 2 Chimera for your Veteran squads, and some meltaguns for them too. Also, magnets for the Sentinels, so you can alter the weapon loadouts (5mm diameter is the best).

Melta Guns:


Alternative Helmets for Veterans:

01-21-2011, 06:21 PM
thanks guys for the help so far...

01-25-2011, 06:31 AM
Wayland is good, but Dark Sphere is cheaper again and likewise very reliable.