View Full Version : 2500pts Blood Angels Tourny

01-21-2011, 01:53 AM




Fuiroso Dreadnought
*Blood Talons
= 125pts

Fuiroso Dreadnought
*Blood Talons
= 125pts

3x Sang Priest
3* PW
2* Jump Pack
= 230pts


1.Assualt Squad (Sang/Storm)
3* Ccw, Bp
1* melta
1* PF, Hand Flamer
= 145pts

2.Assualt Squad (Sang/Storm)
3* Ccw, Bp
1* melta
1* PF, hand Flamer
= 145pts

3.Assualt Squad (Libby)
3* ccw, Bp
1* flamer
1* PW
Lascannon, TL plasma
= 205pts

4.Assualt Squad (Sang)
3* Ccw, Bp
1* melta
1* PF, Hand Flamer

Fast Attack

Baal Pred
= 145pts

Baal Pred
= 145pts

Baal Pred
= 145pts

Heavy Support

Storm Raven

Storm Raven

*Dozer Blades

Total = 2500pts
Boots = 25
vehicles = 10

Im going a tourny in a week and its semi competitive, they are running A couple of razorspam spacewolves, Nob Bike list, WolfStar, Vulken termies, And Mech Tau. Any CC welcome

01-21-2011, 08:36 AM
you know, your furiosos need to upgrade to Librarians to take the Librarian powers.

I am not sure how you are doing your points. You'd better double check.
a 5 man assault squad with power weapon and flamer + razorback with las-plas does not = 205.

01-21-2011, 09:01 AM
Also, if you take Librarian upgrade, you can't take anything else. So no blood talons.

01-21-2011, 10:28 AM
Whoops I didnt read the dreanought info correctly and your right the las/plas squad should be 195pts but i added a melta so now its 205 =D. Anyways hows the list?






Fuiroso Dreadnought
*Blood Talons
= 125pts

Fuiroso Dreadnought
*Blood Talons
= 125pts

3x Sang Priest
3* PW
2* Jump Pack
= 230pts


1.Assualt Squad (Sang/Storm)
3* Ccw, Bp
1* melta
1* PF, Hand Flamer
= 145pts

2.Assualt Squad (Sang/Storm)
3* Ccw, Bp
1* melta
1* PF, Hand Flamer
= 145pts

3.Assualt Squad (Libby)
2* ccw, Bp
1* flamer
1* PW
Lascannon, TL plasma
= 205pts

4.Assualt Squad (Sang)
3* Ccw, Bp
1* melta
1* PF, Hand Flamer

Fast Attack

Baal Pred
= 145pts

Baal Pred
= 145pts

Baal Pred
= 145pts

Heavy Support

Storm Raven

Storm Raven

*Dozer Blades

Total = 2500pts
Boots = 25
veichles = 10

01-21-2011, 12:56 PM
a 5 man assault squad can only take one special weapon.

120 Assault Squad Luna
5 Marines, Power Weapon, Flamer
55 Dedicated Transport: Razorback, w/Twin-linked Plasma and Lascannon

total: 175

01-21-2011, 05:47 PM
Sorry, lol it seems that I'm blind... so here's the list again and I hope there is no errors...

p.s Any C&C would help =D






Fuiroso Dreadnought
*Blood Talons
= 125pts

Fuiroso Dreadnought
*Blood Talons
= 125pts

3x Sang Priest
2* PW
2* Jump Pack
2* MB
= 295pts


1.Assualt Squad (Sang/Storm)
3* Ccw, Bp
1* melta
1* PF, Hand Flamer
= 145pts

2.Assualt Squad (Sang/Storm)
3* Ccw, Bp
1* melta
1* PF, Hand Flamer
= 145pts

3.Assualt Squad (Libby)
3* ccw, Bp
1* flamer
1* PW
Lascannon, TL plasma
= 175pts

4.Assualt Squad (Corbulo)
3* Ccw, Bp
1* melta
1* PF, Hand Flamer

Fast Attack

Baal Pred
= 145pts

Baal Pred
= 145pts

Baal Pred
= 145pts

Heavy Support

Storm Raven

Storm Raven

*Seige Shields

Total = 2500pts
Boots = 25
vehicles = 10

Commander Vimes
01-21-2011, 06:11 PM
I don't think walking Furioso Dreads are very good, they can't keep up with the rest of the army. Either give them Drop Pods, or upgrade them to Librarians with Wings. Your assault squads are tiny, and you have way to many Priests for you number of guys. Buying a Priest for 5 marines is a waste. Also, 5 man assault squads can't fight most units even with a priest. I would suggest dropping Corbulo and a dread, making the other Dread a Librarian, and expanding the Storm Raven Assault squads to 10 men.

01-21-2011, 06:27 PM
assault squad 4 is still wrong.

145 Assault Squad Luna
5 Marines, Powerfist, Hand Flamer, Meltagun
20 Dedicated Transport: Razorback w/Twin-Linked Hv Flamer

total 165

Gotta work on the maths...

01-21-2011, 06:28 PM
I don't think walking Furioso Dreads are very good, they can't keep up with the rest of the army. Either give them Drop Pods, or upgrade them to Librarians with Wings. Your assault squads are tiny, and you have way to many Priests for you number of guys. Buying a Priest for 5 marines is a waste. Also, 5 man assault squads can't fight most units even with a priest. I would suggest dropping Corbulo and a dread, making the other Dread a Librarian, and expanding the Storm Raven Assault squads to 10 men.

you do realize he has 2 stormravens in the lists--- the two dreads are not walking.

01-22-2011, 08:54 PM
Well storm raven squads and the dreads are suppose together. The sang priest will probably charge in too so having 3 I think would be good unless theres something better i can use the points on.

Also you get a 35pt discount if you drop the jumppacks right plus the heavy flamer is free. Im trying a very in your face army and i dont know if I can approve it.

01-22-2011, 10:56 PM
A single vindi never works out for me as it always gets popped before it can do much, I think 2 is a minimum. However, with two SRs flying into your opponent's face, maybe that will provide enough of a distraction. But I would prefer a dakkapred myself.

The second thing I noticed is the distinct lack of anything that could be called a deathstar unit in your list, or anything that would make a good tarpit.

While neither unit is by no means mandatory, I feel a list aiming to be competitive should have at least one, preferably both.

The closest thing to a deathstar would be old crazy eyes Mephi and the Talon dreds. I think by now most people have figured out how to effectively counter Mephi and the dreds are only really effective against hoards and is very variable in its performance.

It is pretty standard for a list to include at least one deathstar unit at even 1500pts, so at 2500, I would pretty much expect all other lists to have at least one proper deathstar unit and still have a pretty balanced rest of the army to back it up.

Now I would be pretty concerned with how I would be able to effectively counter units like TH/SS termies, TWC and the likes with your list. Currently, you don't have anything that can effectively go toe to toe with such units, and nothing that you can throw at them to keep them occupied for a few turns.

Your list also lacks long range AT. Your SRs should be legging it upfield to deliver your assault spearhead, so they would not be able to do much, your vindi and baals are all 24", so that leaves a single lascannon as your long range AT.

At present, your list just doesn't feel like it has a real edge you can use to really threaten your opponent with.

I would suggest you drop Mephi, and get a Vanguard squad instead. If you get some lucky rolls, you might be able to first turn charge something really juice, like long fangs or devastators to take the heat off of your incoming main force.

Maybe also get a second Librarian, and I would take shield and rage for both, stick them in the SRs. This way, your SRs can get a cover save, making them more survivable. Rage should also give your small squads a little more punch once they get there.

01-23-2011, 12:02 PM
Drop Mephiston and pick up a different libby an put him with your stormravens with Shield and any other power you want to give your vehicles a cover safe.
Drop the vindicator and take a rifleman dreadnought to give your army some more range dakka fire and then you could upgrade your assault squads to field more troops then 5 man dead men walking squads
. Upgrade your stormravens by dropping the heavy bolters for multi-melta twin link as this will give you more heavy armor punch power and take hurricane bolters as they are defense weapons for some more troop dakka fire power.
Maybe if you have the points by your dreads a drop pod put a locator beacon in it so pending on who you face you either put a dread in it or have it ride still on the tail of a raven. But it will be confuse your opposing player. Just some food for thought. You should also have plenty of spare points to buy another unit of jump troops that i would give melta guns too.
Hand flamers not sure if they are worth there points being only str 3 but you could give them plasma pistols so you can crack armor or help take down high armored troops. Since you have a melta there maybe if you upgrade to a 10 man squad give them a regular flamer. This will give your squads a chance to beat down most targets.
I find when i run 3 Baals also to take only 2 of them as asscan/hb and take the other one as a Flamestorm/HB. It gives you a very deadly threat against marine troops from it's ap 3 str 6 marine killer of a weapon. If the rest of your army can deal with getting troops out of there transports then the flamestorm can come in and help do clean up work.
Also maybe give your razorback since all it has is a heavy flamer give it a hunter killer missile as most people will look at it as a none threat to start with so it may be able to get into a side arc of something and hit it with that one shot side hit on a piece of armor. Great against orcs and other marine vehicles.

Your Blood Talon Dreads I would give them a heavy flamer in place of the stormbolter as it's designed for clean up duty and a magna-grappler is a great choice also as it helps crack open armor and with a Baal Pred with flamestorm they work well with each other for cleaning up troops quickly without leaving them a chance for those melta troops from tearing them down becuase you left one alive to take the shot. Also Magna can be used against troops it just doesn't pull them in.