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01-20-2011, 02:40 PM
... because we don't have enough of those going on. :)

This is my first time posting pictures on here, so the angles and lighting might not be ideal.

A little background for me: I've been collecting 40k for two years, and I started with CSM before collecting DE (simultaneously) a couple summers ago. For the first year, I had maybe 6 models that I personally would've considered "done" for painting (only two of which I had bothered to clear coat), a few dozen to three colors, a poorly painted used DE army that I found through eBay, and a whole bunch of black undercoated minis. Last summer I managed to get 2000 points of CSM to three colors for WarGames Con, but otherwise I'm still far behind. I love converting, and I love painting a couple models at a time, especially ones that have some character to them. I love painting flowing cloth too because I think I'm pretty good at it. As you'll soon find out, I'm bad with armor, and I'm had with skin, but I'm hoping to get better through practice.

However, I've been intrigued with airbrushing, as I used to use an airbrush in an old job. It was only for flat basecoats of steel, but I enjoyed it and understood how the paint would flow and how I needed to move to keep even coats. This hasn't translated well for me to brush work, and part of the reason I had so much unpainted plastic was because I just got tired of the basecoats. So this Sunday, in an effort to improve my enjoyment with the hobby, I purchased myself an airbrush (after a couple months of watching videos and researching).

I've recently started on painting my DE army, which will be a force centered around The Baron and The Duke together. I will include every unit choice in my collection, but the army I'm putting together for the summer's tournaments will mostly focus on Hellions and Venoms. So guess what you get to see today?

I've decided on the color scheme for my force - it's going to be a post-apocalyptic (I love post-apocalyptic fiction) color scheme, where they'll appear to be wastelanders. A lot of desert/dry earth browns, blacks and grays, as well as fiery red in places, particularly the hair. My girlfriend is a redhead, and she's flattered that my entire army will be redheads. I didn't have the heart to tell her that they're the most sadistic and cruel race in the universe, for fear she'd read too much into it. :D

First up is a Helliarch with a Stunclaw. As you can see I need a lot of practice with the airbrush (used for the skyboard) and my gray hightlighting could use some work, but I'm fairly happy with it overall. The skyboard is lighter than I had envisioned but that's actually a happy accident. I need to remember to mix paints for a better transition next time though.

01-20-2011, 02:48 PM
This is my current Duke. I will convert a new version of him soon, when the bulk of my force is complete, but until then I'll be using this guy. I'm actually planning on converting every SC, other than Urien and Lelith as I have the new models, and have begun sketching and planning all of them.

This model is obviously nothing more than a fantasy DE Corsair. I used Corsairs as Mandrakes in the old codex, with the cloaks being the source of their infiltration. Unfortunately, you can't tell as easily in these pictures, but that cloak is actually blended well (well enough at least for my tastes) from purple to green. I washed him a bit aggressively so he's not quite the same, but still I like it a lot (this was actually the first model I clear coated, so it's very dear to me).

Again, first model completed ever, and you can tell in a few spots (apparently I didn't paint hair back then), but overall I'm happy with him.

01-20-2011, 02:52 PM
My first venom attempt. Uses the common choice of Vyper + half a Raider (I was "lucky" enough to get defective side panels a couple times, and after a quick e-mail to GW had replacements to complete the actual Raider kits). This thing was, needless to say, annoying to put together. Every extra blade I added broke off, the rider was too big and sticking out the top so I had to chop his head off and put the canopy on (I'm going to paint it solid like Darkwynn did on his) and the barbs kept poking me. But overall I'm pretty happy with this model - now to make a couple more!

01-20-2011, 02:54 PM
They look good, particularly the hair, skin and the engine on the skyboard.

As long as you don't name an Archon after your girlfriend i'm sure she can live with the praise...

01-20-2011, 02:58 PM
My cousin (who got my brother and I into the game) has painted models for us the last couple years as birthday presents. For my brother he did a Carnifex, and for me he was going to paint a Tzeentch Greater Daemon, but I could never get the darn thing assembled! So when Lelith came out, he offered to paint that as a present. He still owes me one (I've had a birthday since) but I'm in no hurry to cash that in just yet.

He's not a big fan of the white skin (he said she looked like a clown when he did it) so he made her more lifelike, and I'm pretty happy with her overall. And look at that, she's another redhead! :D

I'm not going to use her in my Baron/Duke army obviously, but I'm going to use her in a 1500 point game this weekend along with the Baron. I'm still debating on switching her to a regular Succubus for points/comp, but I'll know that on Saturday.
