View Full Version : Ork Necron hybrid

01-18-2011, 02:22 PM
I have what should be fluff question, but I just played in a tournament where one of the other players complained to the judges about the “What you see is what you get” design of my army.

I field an elite heavy Ork army with most of the minis having cybork parts “looted” from Necron models (I wrote some fluff about my Big Mek obsessed with creating an "Orky Nekron Waaagh"). His complaint was that the Necron’s self-regeneration and resistance to psionics would make it impossible for an ork to use it for cybork bitz. At best they would hang uselessly and at worst the try to kill its host.

My argument was that the ork’s gestalt psychic field and the mek/painboyz’ being accustom to “looting” bitz actually aided in fusing the parts to the lucky ork. Another player pointed out an orks fungus based regeneration and the necron’s living metal based regeneration might even result in a genetic hybrid.

Nevertheless, after bring the tournament to a grinding halt, he finally caved to peer pressure, but I had to deal with over 2 hours of passive aggressive comments. Aside from players sucking the fun out of the game, what is your take? Can orks use looted nectron bodies for cybork parts?

01-18-2011, 02:36 PM
Orks can loot ANYTHING

01-18-2011, 02:38 PM
I'm pretty sure they would all phase out with the 'crons that are still live and kickin'

On the other hand, kitbash where-ever you want. It would be a good source for Iron Hands parts too.

01-18-2011, 02:39 PM
terminator orks.....

! : ?
01-18-2011, 02:40 PM
man that's insane! I hope you won against him!? To put things straight, you had converted ork minatures with necron parts that did no difference gamewise, but he objected because of fluff reasons? so what if the fluff doesn't fit!!? so what if I play an all pink spacewolves army with ratling heads!!? As long as all parts are GW products and you use a GW codex everything goes!! Orks can use anything as cybork parts, period!

oi oi

! : ?

01-18-2011, 03:28 PM
The fact that I used all GW minis is what the judge ruled that I was clear to play. I felt it was a fluff issue, he made it a "What you see is what you get" design issue.

And I just found out he broke all kind of rules in using his Lash of Submission, so I feel no guilt what so ever. *laugh*

01-18-2011, 03:40 PM
wysiwyg=what you see on the table is what is in your army list eg this guy carrying a melta gun has a melta gun not the guy with a melta gun has a lascannon.

As long as your weapons were correct and the models were easily recognisable as to what they are eg you can tell your warboss armed with power claw and big shooter is a warboss armed with power claw and big shooter.

then there is no rules problem,

It would be nice to see some pics tho as this army sounds quite cool

01-18-2011, 04:07 PM
I cant help myself from see you as some child crying cuz "he made my army look funny"....in this game Orks can loot anything from emperor golden throne to dead/living carnifex....your living-metal dudes are no diffrent...face it, be a man.

01-18-2011, 05:52 PM
I cant help myself from see you as some child crying cuz "he made my army look funny"....in this game Orks can loot anything from emperor golden throne to dead/living carnifex....your living-metal dudes are no diffrent...face it, be a man.

I think you didn't read the post correctly mate. It was "the other guy" (as in opponent) that complaint about Dellamorte's army, NOT being WYSIWG....

So you pretty much dissing Dellamorte and then support him in the same sentence :)

My first language isn't English either , so I get how you can misunderstand something, but think your barking up the wrong tree this time mate :p

@ Dellamonte
Would love to see the army too . Another thing is, that most weapons the orks make, shouldn't work, but somehow do, because the orks believe they do (ork psy gestalt making it work thingy theory), so while they might not get stuff to work like they used to, they will never the less work...just Orky instead.

And if GW is okay with looted carnifex's I have no problem with looted Necrons (darn cant find the GD looted carnifex.....does any one still have it ? :) ).

01-18-2011, 07:10 PM
Seriously, there is literally nothing an Ork can't loot. Being both an Ork and a Necron player, I think you had a pretty cool idea.

You don't happen to have any pictures of your army do you?

01-18-2011, 09:54 PM
Orks can loot ANYTHING

AMEN Brother!

01-19-2011, 04:03 AM
Even if the 'crons phased out, the orks could still make bionics that looked like necrons, if they liked the look of necron bits.

Anyway. I want to see this army!

01-19-2011, 11:24 AM
I cant help myself from see you as some child crying cuz "he made my army look funny"....in this game Orks can loot anything from emperor golden throne to dead/living carnifex....your living-metal dudes are no diffrent...face it, be a man.

Ummm... him not read so good do he?

Thank you for taking the time to misread my question then mock me from the depths of your ignorance GrenAcid.

To all others, I really do appreciate your input. I pretty much felt his complaint was baseless, I was tring to suss out if there was any seed of a reason to him grinding an entire tournament to a halt just to argue fluff, and everybody pretty much agreed with me.

01-19-2011, 11:30 AM
I do have pictures on facebook, I'll see about getting them on "dakkadakka" or "cool mini or not".
My two favorite squads are my gretchin squad with flayed one limbs and my black orks/destroyers as a warbiker squad.

01-19-2011, 11:52 AM

Looted Necron Tomb Stalker:

Nothing beats the sheer humor horror of grots with flayed-ones claws and squigs with scarab armor. Its kind of like looking at a clown with a knife getting ready to attack you.

01-19-2011, 04:47 PM

Sorry mate, for some reason I read it as Crae said...gods...that was fail, sory...now Im going to punish myself with pointy stick.

01-19-2011, 06:04 PM
As previously stated, WYSIWYG has nothing to do with fluff. He doesn't really have any concrete basis for saying X doesn't Y, frankly. If he was that upset about it then clearly something else was going on, but any guesses are merely speculation.

Personally I think the idea is awesome. We all want pictures, man! I may have to swipe the idea for some of my own boyz.

01-19-2011, 06:16 PM
orks/necrons hybrids?
Damn! I thought these kind of things only existed in horror films! I guess it would turn your stupid ork boys into an army of terminators, with Arnold Schwarzenegger as a big boss!;)

Night System
01-19-2011, 06:36 PM
Personally, i would LOVE to play your army!

01-19-2011, 10:04 PM

Sorry mate, for some reason I read it as Crae said...gods...that was fail, sory...now Im going to punish myself with pointy stick.

No problem Gren, its all good in the end.