View Full Version : Traitor Guard..

01-18-2011, 02:19 PM
hello guys.
for a few month now I have been mulling over the idea of building a Traitor Guard army, but imperial guard are one of the few 40k armys I havent played.So i was wondering if some of you guard players can help me out, I have a few questions....

1.what codex/imperial armour should i use (imperial guard, The Siege of Vraks)

2.how to win with them and what builds are good?

3. kit bash/convert or spend even more cash of forgeworld kits?

4. I would like to read some fluffy goodness about traitor guard so what BL books are good?

thanks if you can help...

! : ?
01-18-2011, 02:47 PM
a friend of mine runs an all forgeworld traitor army using imp codex,, his build is usually based on hellhounds, leman russ, deathkorps of krieg hvy mortars and lots and lots of guardsmen.. it's a royal pain in the butt to play against(Eldar!) but it looks tremendous!

oi oi

! : ?

01-18-2011, 03:05 PM
Well, if you're considering doing a traitor Guard army and using the Siege of Vraks list, might I suggest the updated Renegades Heretics Army List pdf available freely for download here?: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/News/Downloads.html

It has the traitor guard from vraks with all there colorful little fluffy bits, but updated to be in keeping with the current Guard rules and format.

Frankly, I think the Forge World renegade models are absolutely beautiful, and I would love to create an army of them myself, but they are extremely expensive. I've seen some rather impressive conversions online, ranging from simple but effective kitbashes (usually with WHFB chaos models) to extensive greenstuff and plasticard work, all depending on how patient and confident you are in your conversion abilities. A quick google search should turn some of them up for you.

As for BL books, Abnetts Gaunt's Ghosts series has a great many run ins with human chaos forces of all descriptions, from fanatical cult nuts, to the disciplined and trained Blood Pact armies. Also, they're a great read.

01-18-2011, 03:14 PM
There is a certain seller on ebay that sells different forgeworld models that are cheaper than I have ever seen.

Forgeworld is still so expensive you could use forgeworld models for higher ranking models and use kit bash
models for the rank and file?

Just a thought I am really new to Bols.

01-18-2011, 03:17 PM
thanks for the imput so far.

01-18-2011, 03:28 PM
Well, if you're considering doing a traitor Guard army and using the Siege of Vraks list, might I suggest the updated Renegades Heretics Army List pdf available freely for download here?: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/News/Downloads.html

It has the traitor guard from vraks with all there colorful little fluffy bits, but updated to be in keeping with the current Guard rules and format.

Frankly, I think the Forge World renegade models are absolutely beautiful, and I would love to create an army of them myself, but they are extremely expensive. I've seen some rather impressive conversions online, ranging from simple but effective kitbashes (usually with WHFB chaos models) to extensive greenstuff and plasticard work, all depending on how patient and confident you are in your conversion abilities. A quick google search should turn some of them up for you.

As for BL books, Abnetts Gaunt's Ghosts series has a great many run ins with human chaos forces of all descriptions, from fanatical cult nuts, to the disciplined and trained Blood Pact armies. Also, they're a great read.

but using the imperial guard codex is a good work around???

01-18-2011, 07:30 PM
Try pig iron productions. They make some decent heads for conversions.

01-18-2011, 09:22 PM
but using the imperial guard codex is a good work around???

Certainly, that would be a perfectly good way to make it work. It can also be made quite fluffy with a little thought; sanctioned psykers as rogue witches, ogryns as huge mutants, etc. They could easily represent a force only recently fallen to chaos, or a more militant and organized chaos faction, such the Blood Pact or Sons of Sek.

01-25-2011, 05:16 AM
Most Gaming conventions I have been to will not let you use the Vraaks army lists for competitions. People generally buiild the army to look renegade but use the standard IG rules/army list.

It all depends on whether you want to play competetively at conventions with them. If not, then out of the 3 Vraaks renegade army lists, I like the Nurgle based one in Seige of Vraaks Volume III.

The Wargames Factory make a nice plastic miniature that comes with different heads. They are called Great Coat Storm Troopers, and although the arms are a bit tricky to get them to sit right, the heads allow for either Death Korps of Kreig, or mutated renegade Guard.

01-25-2011, 05:31 AM
There is a certain seller on ebay that sells different forgeworld models that are cheaper than I have ever seen.

Forgeworld is still so expensive you could use forgeworld models for higher ranking models and use kit bash
models for the rank and file?

Just a thought I am really new to Bols.

Good input. Welcome aboard. One thing to note about some of the Forgeworld on ebay is that when it seems to good to be true it sometimes is. There are, or at least were for a while, a few guys on there who were either press molding or had made pour molds of a lot of FW stuff, and were doing rather poor casts of things. I doubt it's as much of an issue these days since I don't hear about it anymore, but it's worth noting just in case.

01-25-2011, 11:31 AM
Daemonette666 already said this, but it bears repeating. If you want to get maximum usage out of your Traitor Guard army, you should use the IG Codex. That will allow you to play in competitive games, as well as against people who have problems with the Vrakks list (I don't know any, but I'm sure they're out there).

As for fluff, you could also use the Blood Pact from Dan Abnett's books. Dave Taylor (http://davetaylorminiatures.blogspot.com/) has built an amazing Blood Pact army based on those books.