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View Full Version : 2000 Blood Angel vs Space Wolves/Dark Eldar

01-18-2011, 01:17 AM
Have an upcoming game coming up and may wind up playing either army. So here's what I came up with.

Everything starts in Reserve. The plan is to Combat Squad every squad splitting up the fire power equally. With the Sanguinor granting +1 attack to all men within 6" that will help. Each 5 man Assault Squad will have Melta Bombs to take out any Armor and a Flamer to help clean up the troops inside. The SGT's Infernus Pistol will help take out any big Armor threats, or IC's running around by themselves.

The Assault Troops should be ale to clean up any Razorbacks sitting in the back, a Libby, or any TWC walking around. Dark Eldar Raiders should be easily popped. With the Dark Eldar, the Flamers will be big denying saves to any Troops once the Raiders are popped. Any of their fast guys will be hit with a Template if on the table, assuming a bad roll isn't done.

The Vanguard Vets will Combat Squad as well, and either Heroic Intervention a squishy target, or get into position to help take out more Armor with the Infernus or Melta Bombs, or any HQ's running around. If I encounter any Troops, the Hand Flamers should help take out some Dark Eldar Troops, or maybe some wolves running around.

The Sanguinor will sit back behind giving his bonus to the Assault Troops that need the extra Attack he grants.

Let me know what you think. Biggest problem would be going first and sitting around on the second turn in the open. Chance that has to be taken though. Being Jump Infantry, if need be, I should be able to jump to an objective quickly if needed.

All said, there will be 14 Five man squads going after multiple attacks, 71 total models. If things get lucky and they all come down first turn thats 8 S8 Infernus Pistol shots, 12 Flamers S4 Templates, 4 Hand Flamers S3, 46 Bolt Pistols S4.

The Infernus shots and the Flamers should help alot with Space Wolves. With the Dark Eldar, the AP of the Flamers and Bolt Pistols should help thin the Troops out once the transports are popped with the Infernus shots.

Tell me what you think everyone. I appreciate any and all suggestions/feedback.


The Sanguinor


Assault Squad

SGT - Infernus Pistol, Melta Bombs
2 Flamers

Assault Squad

SGT - Infernus Pistol, Melta Bombs
2 Flamers

Assault Squad

SGT - Infernus Pistol, Melta Bombs
2 Flamers

Assault Squad

SGT - Infernus Pistol, Melta Bombs
2 Flamers

Assault Squad

SGT - Infernus Pistol, Melta Bombs
2 Flamers

Assault Squad

SGT - Infernus Pistol, Melta Bombs
2 Flamers
Fast Attack

10 Vanguard Veterans
SGT - Power Fist, Infernus Pistol, Melta Bombs
1 Vet w/ Infernus Pistol
4 Vets w/ Hand Flamers

01-18-2011, 02:26 PM
Since no one has replied, this is either an awesome list which no one can add anything to, or so crappy that its not worth any ones time.

Any thoughts at all? Have a game in 2 days and would like to have time to make changes as needed.


01-18-2011, 03:26 PM
This is probably redundant because you probably already know this.
But I don't think you can use your flamers on the unit that was in the transport
after you destroy it with another weapon.

I am not positive so please correct me if I am wrong.

01-18-2011, 03:51 PM
No priests?

Small squads need them the most.

Also, I'm not a big fan of hand flamers or infernus pistols, I would much rather use the points to give my guys PW/PF. Speaking of which, your list has a shockingly low number of power weapons/fists. Ideally you would want one for each 5 men squad and at least two for each 5 man vanguard squad.

Vanguards should always use HI to charge something juicy or else you are wasting points on them when a RAS would do the same job just as well.

The Sanguinor is one hell of a pricy HQ to use mainly to grant extra attacks, and if you want to maximise that aspect of him, you are better of with 10 men squads as you can more easily and reliably get more men in his area of influence that way.

You are also going to have problems dealing with armour, especially heavy armour and fast things that can go as fast as your assault marines.

A good dark eldar player can just zoom around with his raiders and other super fast vehicles blasting you to bits and you won't be able to get near him to use your 6" ranged infernus pistols.

Maybe considering using a storm raven or two to give yourself some much needed ranged AT capabilities. You can even stuff the Sanguinor and/or some priests in the SRs to enhance their bubble of effect. Although be careful about moving flat out if you have the Sanguinor on board.

01-18-2011, 11:17 PM
jorz192: The hope is to pop the transports one turn, pin them, then hit them on the ensuing turn.

plawolf: Priests haven't been worth it. My opponent has been hitting me pretty good with low AP weapons and Templates, hence denying the benefits of the Priests. So I figured screw it, drop them and take another squad.

He has been running a lot of Mech lately, so with the Infernus pistols should be able to pop any Transports that come out, or hit them with Melta Bombs in CC. Plus with the Jump Packs, they should be in range of whatever threat thats around. No matter what, they can only shoot at one target, so with the Combat Squadding this is making them "pick their poison" type thing.

That damn JOTWW has been hitting good targeting my heavy weapons/priests, so I figure why not take that target away from them. The Flamers and Hand Flamers are there to 1) Cover as many Wolfies as possible or 2) With the AP 4 it should deny any Armor/Cover saves from and Dark Eldar.

PF/PW are nice, but the extra Attacks have been more helpful with me much more than the PF/PW.

Could always drop 1 ***. Squad and take a squad of priests and upgrade some squads with a PF/PW.

Sanguinor isn't a must, Dante has been considered as well with a nice ***. Squad hitting a main target. Libby's are just a bullet magnet for me, same as Storm Ravens. FA 12 only goes so far against S8 Dark Lances and Long Fang ML's. So trying to stay away from Mech.

I know its a bit of a different list than what most would expect, but my opponent has been changing things up and reads the boards constantly, so he's pretty much aware of the lists that are trending, so I figured I'd try something unique.

Win big, or lose big right?

Appreciate the suggestions, any more feedback from you guys or others are appreciated as always.

01-19-2011, 02:48 PM
While I understand your logic, I think it will be your opponent's army choices that will make or break you.

Dark Eldar: Watch out for the vehicles with Splinter Cannons. If he takes multiple Venoms, keeps his distance and concentraits his fire, he'll drown you in poison and it won't matter - odds will be stacked against your squads surviving. If he takes Trueborn, well, the Venom could take out one squad and the Trueborn another each turn of shooting. Watch out for multiple blasters in the Venoms (or Raiders for that matter). Same thing if he takes larger Warrior Squads. You may be able to get into CC pretty quick, but he'll probably get a turn of shooting if he keeps his stuff all in reserve. 20 Warriors with 2 Splinter cannons and 16-18 Splinter Rifles (even at long range) will make a dent in a 5 man squad easily. Depending on what else he takes, the Dark Eldar won't mind getting into CC with you either - especially if he can thin out a squad or two before he charges or he knows you have flamers. Wyches are a great Tar-Ball unit.

Space Wolves: Well - you sound like you've already had lots of experience with them, so not much I can tell you.

My only concern for both armies is that if they tailor an army to specifically take your present list on, they both have the options to do it.

Good Luck!