View Full Version : I just made this -

01-16-2011, 06:44 PM
Well, the base. To my knowledge its the tallest flying base for a super heavy flier yet. Its also stable up to 45 degree tilt test. The model itself weights 12 lbs.

Its also totally dismantlable so that the support comes free of both the base and the vampire and fits into a single carrying case (which is still in design status).

If people would like to know how I did it, I'll post instructions but if people don't care - I wont waste time :P


01-16-2011, 07:07 PM

Emerald Rose Widow
01-16-2011, 08:32 PM
Wow, that is just absolutely beautiful, wonderful paint job there. Did you make the whole model yourself or was this a forgeworld piece or something?

01-16-2011, 08:36 PM
You aim to the base right? otherwise that thing is immune to Melta weapons.... and pretty much everything else range wise

01-16-2011, 09:52 PM
Wow, that is just absolutely beautiful, wonderful paint job there. Did you make the whole model yourself or was this a forgeworld piece or something?

The paintjob is bleh - it gets by from two feet away.

Its a forgeworld model. Its the base I'm more proud of - since everyone told me that I was a bloody fool for putting it up that high.

As for aiming to the base.. heh... vehicle rules you measure to the hull but I'm not going to be a punk about it. You add 12" to the range of all weapons shooting at it anyways so it is immune to meltaguns, multimeltas not so much.

01-16-2011, 11:28 PM
...And unless you're an Anti-Aircraft weapon (or pintle mounted) you need a six to hit. And since it's a fast-moving vehicle it gets a 4+ 'cover save' and you can only ever glance it....

01-17-2011, 02:00 AM
Could we get pics of the mount itself.

01-17-2011, 06:14 AM
What did you use for that base??

01-17-2011, 07:25 AM
Here are some pics. I used a 12" square slate flooring tile for the base. It has two advantageous benefits, 1) Its heavy, 2) Its scenic and looks like a barren slab of rock (well, because it is).

My first iteration I had cut the corners off of it so it was an octogon - but it met with a sad fate (more on that later)

Here are some more pics of the base.

If I can find my damn digital camera I"ll show the pics of the build and what version 1 looked like before it died in a fire.

01-17-2011, 07:39 AM
...And unless you're an Anti-Aircraft weapon (or pintle mounted) you need a six to hit. And since it's a fast-moving vehicle it gets a 4+ 'cover save' and you can only ever glance it....

Actually the way we play it is that the fliers use the 5ed skimmer move fast rules, so they can be penetrated but they get a 4+ cover save. The apoc rule in question that says that they can only be glanced is, to us, a throwaway line used as an example of what they are talking about - and how it was in 4ed.

The eldar holofields give an additional 4+ save though before rolls to penetrate.

Opponent rolls to hit.
Eldar flier rolls that number of holofield saves.
Opponent rolls remaining penetrations.
Eldar flier rolls cover save.
Damage is rolled.