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View Full Version : The Legion of Taurus - a Chaos Space Marine army

08-29-2009, 02:59 AM
Hello all!

Iif you've ever visited The Ammobunker (http://s3.zetaboards.com/The_Ammobunker/index/) or Bolter and Chainsword (http://bolterandchainsword.com/), you may have come across this army. If you haven't, may I introduce my Chaos Space Marine army:


I've been working on this army since December 2007, and though it has been slow developing, I'm taking my time because a) I want an army that is painted to the best of my abilities, and b) they have a very detailed back story that I've been developing as I've slowly been putting the army together.

A Legion of Taurus marine. (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Marine_16208.jpg)

I'll start by saying that the colour scheme, and the motif of having the down-turned, forward pointing horns, was not my idea - several years ago I used to play regularly against one of my best mates who was an awesome painter with a Chaos Marine army. It was a mix Khornate units and Undivided stuff, and the latter was painted in a lustrous Brass/Bronze type scheme. He only converted one of his marines to have down-turned horns, but this colour scheme and this conversion sruck me as the awesome basis for a unique Chaos army...


I started off by making a Combat Patrol size force, as a way of developing the conversion and painting techniques that would be a central part of making this army. I also added a couple of spawn (dubbed 'The Thing of Madness' and the 'Spinesect') - pretty useless for gaming, but lots of fun to make!

As I was making this army, and devloping their story, I had the idea of using it as a basis of a 40k campaign at my local gaming club. A Narrative-lead campaign, 'The Xergev Prosecution' had an Imperial force hunting the Legion of Taurus to a deserted mining world in order to destroy them. By the time the Campaing started earlier this year I'd got just over 1,000 points painted:


The campaign was an Imperial victory, but in terms of the Legion of Taurus' story, this didn't matter: they had instigated the war on Xergev as an ellaborate ritual to revive their true Master - an ancient and powerful Daemon that had once ruled an Empire before the time of the Imperium: TAURAN.


By the time the campaign had ended I had added some more units to it, but not had the time to paint them all. Here's a group shot I took a few weeks ago:


I'm nowhere near finished with this army - eventually it'll have converted Plague Marines, Thousand Sons, Obliterators, and Raptors.

But currently I am working on two more squads of Terminators (Planetstrike here we come!), and a BFG fleet to accompany this army.

Thanks for looking!

08-29-2009, 09:36 AM
Very nice, very well done, the downturned horns thing is a very simple but very unique and effective little trademark, and the paintjob is very nice. I fully approve of the way your force grew via a narrative campaign, and I totally recommend you do that BFG fleet. It's cheap, easy, and really fun (there's my BFG propaganda spiel for the day).

08-30-2009, 03:13 PM
Thanks The Pov :cool: You'll be glad to see that I've got these cruisers ready to paint:


09-01-2009, 01:09 PM
Nice looking army loveing the colour scheme :0)

09-01-2009, 01:26 PM
Thanks The Pov :cool: You'll be glad to see that I've got these cruisers ready to paint:

Very sweet. I especially like the way you mix Imperial and Chaos ships, gives the impression the ships turned to chaos relatively recently.

09-02-2009, 07:47 AM
Nice looking army loveing the colour scheme :0)
Thanks very much Teddybear! :)

Very sweet. I especially like the way you mix Imperial and Chaos ships, gives the impression the ships turned to chaos relatively recently.
Thanks very much, that was exactly the impression I was going for ;)

I've started painting these so I'll post pics showing their progress soon.

09-02-2009, 11:52 AM
Looks awesome, I look forward to seeing the brass scorpian you had hiding in the back being done.

Warboss Spleenstabba
09-02-2009, 09:55 PM
Awesome, love the use of the balrog and bloodletter conversions, the whoke army has a nice different feel to it and encourages me to post a thread about my word bearers. :D

09-02-2009, 10:36 PM
looking good.... cant wait to see that scorpion painted!

09-02-2009, 10:57 PM
so far so good .