View Full Version : FAQs Updated

01-14-2011, 06:32 AM
Dark Angels, Black Templars, Space Marines, Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Dark Eldar and the Rulebook FAQs have been recently updated.


01-14-2011, 06:49 AM
Thanks for the heads up

01-14-2011, 07:33 AM
Dark Angels too :D, took them long enough :mad:

01-14-2011, 07:40 AM
I love the Arjac one!!

Now you can hammer them and then use the Fangs of the Wolf World!!

01-14-2011, 07:48 AM
I think what you're seeing here is a tacit admission that, the lists that got updates aren't getting new codecii anytime soon.

01-14-2011, 08:09 AM
I think what you're seeing here is a tacit admission that, the lists that got updates aren't getting new codecii anytime soon.

I'm suspecting the same, Dark Angels and Black Templars might just be dead in the water coming 6th ED.

01-14-2011, 08:20 AM
Well that acutally clears up a lot of problems.

01-14-2011, 08:37 AM
I love the Arjac one!!

Now you can hammer them and then use the Fangs of the Wolf World!!

Indeed it makes a very interesting combination possibility

01-14-2011, 08:58 AM
Whee! Dark Angels got a MAJOR boost. They are, in fact, quite scary as opposed to scary.

01-14-2011, 08:59 AM
Dark Angels Terminator Squads--- Cyclones with TH +SS! Whee!

Veteran Squads--- Shields! Whee!!

01-14-2011, 09:10 AM
Hey, maybe my friend'll finally start playing Black Templar again. :P

01-14-2011, 11:17 AM
I'm definitely going to dust off my Dark Angels now. And just when I was almost done building my Chaos Daemons . . .

Also, check this out:

"Q. When a unit with the And They Shall Know no Fear
special rule regroups do they get to immediately move up
to 3" as well as moving as normal that turn? (p51)
A. Yes"

Space Marines now get to move 9" after they regroup. That's sick.

01-14-2011, 11:25 AM
Good stuff, though a little disappointed with the Black Templars one for two reasons:

1) No answer on "Is a Righteous Zeal move a mandatory full d6"?" The vast majority don't think it is but I still get into arguments about this.

2) BT units still have to buy grenades.

I really wasn't expecting points adjustments on vehicles, but I was hoping for the grenades atleast. Still, overall it's a deinite plus to have the updated wargear (Storm shields, Smoke, etc).

01-14-2011, 11:35 AM
I find it most interesting that they added an Amendment section to bring the codices up to date. Good work. Too bad they didn't bother to do one for the GK codex since a new one will be out in 3 months.

01-14-2011, 11:40 AM
Also, no more whining from DA players! You are officially 5th edition!


01-14-2011, 11:42 AM
There are actually some good little bits hidden in there. For example, they clarified that you cannot use PotMS after using smoke.

01-14-2011, 02:09 PM
Not to mention the fact tha they solved the arjac debate... It is a thunderhammer!

01-14-2011, 02:13 PM
No update for any of my three armies.

01-14-2011, 03:26 PM
Can't wait for GK to come out so I could field multiple Vindicares and make the likes of Arjac cry. :p

Baron Spikey
01-14-2011, 03:27 PM
BT Assault Terminators just became the Astartes go to guys when you need to crack heads.

Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield, hitting at Str.9 on the charge (Furious Charge), and re-rolling missed hits (Preferred Enemy).


01-14-2011, 03:32 PM
Older armies rejoice indeed.

01-14-2011, 03:55 PM
So.... can voidraven drop mine while turboboosting or not??

01-14-2011, 04:44 PM
I like the change to 'And They Shall Know No Fear'. This is a subtle change, but significant for armies that actually use Combat Tactics.

There are Problems with Combat Tactics: 1) You don't run Far Enough Away-- preventing you from rallying, or 2) Run too far away, essentially losing a turn, when you should be whipping around back into the fight.

This change significantly helps the turning right back around--- those 3" allow infantry 9" move, allow Devastators 3" move to aim n' fire guns, allow bikes and Jump infantry 15" move, and bikes a 27" Turbo Charge. A friend of mine that I fought all the time used combat tactics, he would always use them the right way, but the dice gods would always screw him. This will make a significant change to his army.

01-14-2011, 04:47 PM
Good stuff, though a little disappointed with the Black Templars one for two reasons:

1) No answer on "Is a Righteous Zeal move a mandatory full d6"?" The vast majority don't think it is but I still get into arguments about this.

2) BT units still have to buy grenades.

I really wasn't expecting points adjustments on vehicles, but I was hoping for the grenades atleast. Still, overall it's a deinite plus to have the updated wargear (Storm shields, Smoke, etc).

The Righteous Zeal is cumposory movement---- you always move max with uncontrolled movement.

01-14-2011, 04:48 PM
BT Assault Terminators just became the Astartes go to guys when you need to crack heads.

Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield, hitting at Str.9 on the charge (Furious Charge), and re-rolling missed hits (Preferred Enemy).


Sounds like Blood Angels...

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
01-14-2011, 09:45 PM
Good to see finally the DA's got the rewards of 3+ SS, Heavy 2 Cyclone's and in accordance with 5th ed SM now.

As for SoB, well some wargear is obsolete, and doesn't work much with Kill Points, and thankfully some of helps a bit with SoB, but not much yet.

01-14-2011, 11:21 PM
I'm definitely going to dust off my Dark Angels now. And just when I was almost done building my Chaos Daemons . . .

Also, check this out:

"Q. When a unit with the And They Shall Know no Fear
special rule regroups do they get to immediately move up
to 3" as well as moving as normal that turn? (p51)
A. Yes"

Space Marines now get to move 9" after they regroup. That's sick.

They always have under 5th. I don't even know why this needed to be in the FAQ.

So.... can voidraven drop mine while turboboosting or not??


01-15-2011, 11:29 AM
it was nice to see the older SM codexs get updated, how about some SW devistators for everyone?

But as always , GW pumps the Imperiim and disses the xenos. DE got a punch to the face. Don't get me wrong the DE are stilla good codex, but why every run Vects Raider or Beasts ever again?:mad:

01-15-2011, 11:58 AM
Vect's raider is a bit crap, should have the aerial assault rule and both shields.

Beasts I think are already pretty good and would have been too cheap to benefit from pain tokens.

01-15-2011, 12:29 PM
but why every run Vects Raide

Why did you ever run it before anyway? It never had the option to get upgrades before, so the FAQ did nothing to make it weaker. If WITH upgrades the Dias is still a worthless pile of crap. The FAQ did nothing to make this smelly turd into a pile of feces.

or Beasts ever again?:mad:

Really? Beasts are still powerful. The loss of FNP is not a big deal at all. Against opponents who knew what they were doing, they would just fire strength 6 weapons at the beast unit ANYWAY.

Dark Eldar army should NEVER count on FNP for anything. FNP is nice to have as support, but it is not a strength of the army.

Beasts coming out of a WWP is still nearly broken, especially since you can have, what, 60 Rending attacks on the charge for 210 points coming out of a WWP?

The Dark Eldar FAQ was sorely needed, and in the end it is a great FAQ to have.

01-15-2011, 01:49 PM
I only think it fair that BT have to buy grenades and spend the few extra points (if they choose so) to get the same exquipment as normal marines when they get perfered enemy for roughly 0.5 points per model on things as deadly as assoult terminators with furous charge.

However the most scary unit now is the scoring, deathwing terminator squad with a chainfist (for av14) 3-4 thunderhammers and a cyclone missile launcher. one of them even ahveing FNP.

all I can say to that is "UGH!"

So.... can voidraven drop mine while turboboosting or not??

Why? Because unlike some silly psychic pwoer (prolly ork in origin) turns them from VEHICLES into (JET)BIKES they simply can NOT TURBOBOOST.

What they can is use the mine while going flat out and moving 36".

01-15-2011, 02:24 PM
Also, no more whining from DA players! You are officially 5th edition!


what are you talking about?

They got rid of the characters, the Psychic Powers Suck, and the Space Marines get the Dark Angels only Dreadnought (mortis) where the Dark Angels do not get it. :(

01-15-2011, 09:34 PM
No update for any of my three armies.

We'll hope this means those codicies are next up.

They got rid of the characters, the Psychic Powers Suck, and the Space Marines get the Dark Angels only Dreadnought (mortis) where the Dark Angels do not get it. :(

I've never figured out where people get the idea that the DA are the only one to use them. Imperial Armor didn't say that, it actually referred to other chapters' mortis dreadnoughts. Their codex didn't have anything about it.

01-17-2011, 09:13 AM
The Righteous Zeal is cumposory movement---- you always move max with uncontrolled movement.

Knowing the intention of the rule and the fluff behind it you would think this is right, but it is not. The BT codex states to treat this as a consolidate move, which says you 'may move up to d6 inches' The words up to indicate that the full move does not have to happen. The BT codex also states that you must move towards the enemy, so as long as you move at least a fraction of an inch towards the enemy then it is within the rules.

01-17-2011, 09:58 AM
what are you talking about?

They got rid of the characters, the Psychic Powers Suck, and the Space Marines get the Dark Angels only Dreadnought (mortis) where the Dark Angels do not get it. :(

Did they get rid of the characters? I can't see anything about that?