View Full Version : 1850 Dark Eldar Kabal

01-12-2011, 03:20 PM
Been thinking of running this list. It's more balanced than my previous Hellion heavy lists, and gives me a nice assault punch.

Huskblade,Combat Drugs,
Soul Trap,Shadow Field,
Phantasm Grenade Launcher 170

Baron Sathonyx 105

4x Incubi 88
Venom 55

6x Incubi: Klaivex, Onslaught 162
Raider with Flickerfield 70

6x Incubi: Klaivex, Onslaught 162
Raider with Flickerfield 70

14x Hellions: Helliarch with Stunclaw 239

7x Kabalite Warriors: Sybarite,Blaster 88
Raider with Flickerfield 70

7x Kabalite Warriors: Sybarite,Blaster 88
Raider with Flickerfield 70

9x Wyches: Hekatrix with Venom Blade, Haywire Grenades 123
Raider 60

Heavy Support
1x Ravager with Flickerfield 115
1x Ravager with Flickerfield 115

Total: 1850

C&C apprecieated :D

01-13-2011, 11:19 AM
I'm not sold on the Huskblade - simply because Str3 doesn't do well against monsterous creatures. I would honestly consider downgrading to an Agonizer, then use the points for Haywire grenades (just in case he ends up against a Dreadnaught) and upgrade the Venom's Splinter rifle to a 2nd Splinter Cannon. But it's a preference thing - you might do better with the Huskblade than I would.

LOTS of Incubi! Bravo!

I Haven't tried the Hellions yet (they're on my list). Wouldn't 15 be a bit much in a single unit? I'm thinking footprint on the table and trying to get them all into CC.

The rest of the army looks good to me. I would like to beef up the Wyches and Warriors, but with 3 squads of Incubi - you just don't have the points. I think I would hate to reduce their squad size any more or drop a squad of Incubi just to do that. If you find the list doesn't do well, then you can always drop a squad or re-organize later.

Good Luck! Let us know how it goes!

01-14-2011, 12:36 AM
Hellions can be really nasty. My 1st few games I ran(proxy) 3x15 man squads and they were awesome. The amount of fire that they can pour coupled with a charge can put a serious hurt on opponents.

I've always loved the lore behind Incubi, so this list is heavy with em. Actually in my army's fluff, my Archon is a former member of The Baron's gangs, who has reached the level of Hierarch of an Incubi temple. So he still has loyalty(well what amounts to loyalty in DE society) for Sathonyx.

Anyway, I've re-vamped the list a lil bit. Here it goes.

Huskblade,Combat Drugs,
Soul Trap,Shadow Field,
Phantasm Grenade Launcher 170

Baron Sathonyx 105

4x Incubi 88
Venom with Splinter Cannon 60

7x Incubi 154
Raider with Flickerfield 70

7x Incubi 154
Raider with Flickerfield 70

14x Hellions 239
Helliarch with Stunclaw

7x Kabalite Warriors 88
Sybarite, Blaster
Raider with Flickerfield 70

7x Kabalite Warriors 88
Sybarite, Blaster
Raider with Flickerfield 70

8x Wyches 116
Hekatrix with Venom Blade, Haywire Grenades
Raider with Flickerfield 70

Heavy Support
1x Ravager with Flickerfield 115
1x Ravager with Flickerfield 115

Total: 1847

01-14-2011, 01:58 AM
Since nobody else has one, I'd suggest an Agonizer for the Hekatrix. Making the wound on X a power weapon will really help against things ike Wraithlords and Hive Tyrants which have a very good armor save in addition to their high toughness.

01-14-2011, 09:35 AM
I'd get rid of the stunclaw on the helliarch. The idea is nice... being able to pull out an IC in combat, but that Helliarch is only S4 with the claw. 5 on the charge, but when you pull him out of combat he's not charging the subsequent rounds and it is entirely possible to go up against an IC that can and will win combat against 14 hellions.

01-14-2011, 10:00 AM
huskblade does work with combat drugs with a bit of luck, soul trap doubles strength IF you kill the IC and pass the LD test.

01-14-2011, 05:58 PM
Since the Baron leads the Hellions, I'm not overly concerned with my Helliarch having a Stunclaw. If anything, it's a way to "drag" an IC closer to my Archon's squad. Hellions don't need to win combat to Hit and Run, just not break,iirc. As far as high toughness models, I give that job to Splinter weapons. I've already dropped a few Hive Tyrants with Splinter Pod shooting. My Wyches are the "bog down" unit, as well as any Dreads or walkers I might come across(Haywire grenades).