View Full Version : Only one Wych weapon, which?

01-10-2011, 01:18 PM
Ok, when accompanied by a character a normal wych squad can only get one special weapon.
Yes I know, bloodbrides can still take 3, but what if I want to save the points?

So, with only one weapon, which gives the most bang for the points?

Removing one attack? Could help against a powerfist sarge etc.

+d6(likely str 3) attacks? A gamble.

Re roll those hits and wounds with the 3 attacks on the charge, or two standing. Maybe a little more consistent?

Any thoughts?

01-10-2011, 01:32 PM
What kind of opponent do you typically face? If hordes I would say pick the +d6A, if they have high A then -1A, if tougher enemies, the reroll.

EDIT: How do you figure that you only get one special weapon? I forget the minimum number in a squad, but if you are taking 10 you should get 3, even with the leader upgrade.

01-10-2011, 02:17 PM
Well, it depends on if you want a unit that mows through an enemy squad ASAP or one that gets stuck in for a turn (avoiding the enemy shooting phase) before continuing on through the other units.

You can take 1 for every 5 models in the squad, in addition to any special weapons wielded by your squad leader.

If you want the former, I would recomend the Hydra Gauntlets.

If you want the latter, I would recomend the Shardnet and Impaler. This will help reduce the number of attacks from big, nasty characters, or those who could remove your feel no pain rolls. It will also get you stuck in and prevent a turn of getting shot.

Agonizers are the Wych version of powerfists, make sure the Hekatrix is carrying one. They are invaluable for cutting through monstrous creatures and other hard-to-harm targets.

01-10-2011, 03:03 PM
I guess what he means if you put them in a raider with a leader (like a hemo/archon/Succubus) you can only have 9 in the squad. With only one weapon for every 5, means he can only have 1 squad special weapon.

For 1 squad, 1 shardnet seems pointless to me...especially if you aim for the power fist. Your save is already invulnerable, your already being easily wounded back, and a wound already inflicts death to a model. If you place your commander/squad leader out of position from the fist to protect them its not needed

Hydra gauntlets for the anti-horde. If you're already limiting your squad size the extra attacks can provide the extra kick the squad needs.

01-10-2011, 03:12 PM
Use the Shardnet and Impaler.

You can touch an enemy IC with both the Shardnet and your IC, so that your enemy will have -1 attack against your unit or your IC.

I like to run two Shardnets on Bloodbrides so that when I do this, the enemy IC usually has 1 attack base against my Archon with Shadowfield.

It is great seeing a Demon Prince have only 2 attacks on my IC per turn :)

01-10-2011, 03:24 PM
When I've played against my friend (I usually run chaos marines) he uses the hydra gauntlets 99% of the time, he tried the razorflails but rolled re-rolls to wound on the combat drugs he also tried the shardnet and impaler but I didn't have any Power fisted sergeants in combat with him ( I shot them instead with defiler), but I have seen his wyches wreck a 10 man marine squad on the charge with two hydra gauntlets and the re-roll to wound.

01-10-2011, 07:46 PM
What I do is I load up a Raider with a Huskblade Archon and a squad of 9 Bloodbrides with 3 Shardnets and impalers. This squad rushes straight at the enemy squad containing the biggest baddest Individual Character they have. Three Shardnets reduce the enemy's deadliest close combat monster by three attacks. That is some sweet stuff. I know Incubi are better for taking out Space Marine Honour Guard squads or similar but I just really like the idea of making my enemy's favorite hero completely ineffectual with those Shardnets!

I load up a second Raider with Lilith Hesperax and some Wyches or Bloodbrides with the maximum number of Hydra Gauntlets allowed. I send this squad at the enemy squad with the lowest Weapon Skill to maximize the number of extra attacks granted by Lilith's special ability. Good anti horde.

The rest of my force goes mech hunting, runs interference, and objective grabbing. If the first two squads survive at all I just consider that extra gravy on the cake.