View Full Version : Gargantuan Creature Question

01-10-2011, 06:11 AM
Just wondered what you guys thoughts are on this, we're playing a game of apoc and the rules for gargantuan creatures claim that poisoned weapons wound on a 6+, Am I being a dick by claiming the agoniser isn't a poisoned weapon and simply wounds on a 4+?

01-10-2011, 07:30 AM
Does the weapon have the words "Poison" in its profile or does it just say "automatically wounds on a 4+"?

The apoc rulebook is very specific in saying that garg creatures treat only sniper and poison weapons at 6+. Witchblades for example, still wound at 2+.

01-10-2011, 07:44 AM
you arent.

ppl wouldnt want the agoniser to suddenly turn to wound non-gargantuanc reatures on 2+ only because you buy a 15pts poison-girly for your archons that makes all poison weapons 2+.

01-10-2011, 08:35 AM
this is something you shouldn't ask us, but the person who is organizing the game of apoc.

Apoc does not use standard 40k rules, and has lots n' lots of house rules.

01-10-2011, 10:27 AM
this is something you shouldn't ask us, but the person who is organizing the game of apoc.

Apoc does not use standard 40k rules, and has lots n' lots of house rules.

However, this rule IS in the Apoc rule book. Poison and Sniper weapons are both specifically mentioned in the garg creature rule set.

I'm not familiar with the evil elves book, but if this agonizer has the weapon type of "poison" then it would only wound on a 6.

Archon Charybdis
01-10-2011, 10:59 AM
I'm with Tynskel, bring it up to your friends/opponents or the game organizer. So much of Apoc needs house rules and pre-arrangement anyway, it's better to not have it pop up in the middle of the game when emotions are running high.Technically though, the Agonizer is not a poisoned weapon and not subject to the rule, if anyone argues otherwise take Xas' idea and throw a Sslyth in with your Archon ;)

However, I think it's fairly clear that the idea behind it is that GCs are so massive and powerful that attacks that are crippling to the physiology of a smaller creature are ineffective against them. From a logical fluff perspective, that would include things like Agonizers and Witchblades. I'm not saying you should necessarily agree to only wounding on 6's, but you should be willing to compromise for the sake of everyone's fun.

01-10-2011, 01:26 PM
Agonisers are not poison weapons. They say nothing about being poison in their description, and it's not an oversight of any kind because A) the old agonizers were not poison and B) the codex is full of poison weapons that specifically say "poison weapon".

Also, not knowing anything about GCs, the agonisers short out the enemy's entire nervous system. It's not just a chemical imbalance, is a paralytic.

If the agoniser were poison, you would get rerolls versus T3/4/5 (depending on drugs/FC) and as was stated, the Lhamaean would turn it into a 2+.

Vect always wounds on a 3+ with a weapon that is not poison, also.

01-10-2011, 03:06 PM
Agree with most of the above. Agoniser is not a poisonous weapon. the gargant creat page says poison and sniper, not fixed wound values. Same reason seer councils still wound GC on a 2+

01-10-2011, 06:23 PM
here's the thing, Apoc was written for 4th edition as a GUIDE how to play. By no means is it the final word. Talk to your friends and organizers.