View Full Version : Grey Knights: April, confirmed.

Duke Rich
01-10-2011, 03:45 AM
So, just looked on the GW website and yeah, see for yourself (you'll need a GW account to see the full thing) https://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?catId=&pageMode=multi&categoryId=&section=&pIndex=0&aId=14300088a&start=1

If you don't have an account it still comes up saying an April release, but for those of you who want a bit more, I've copied some of the stuff:
"This April Games Workshop releases Codex: Grey Knights, alongside a comprehensive range of fantastically detailed Citadel miniatures. Although details are being kept firmly under wraps for now, you can expect an exciting selection of plastic kits to enable you to build your own Grey Knights army."

As usual they've said about putting updates about it on their 'What's new today!' blog and bits in White Dwarf, so there we have it, Grey Knights!

01-10-2011, 04:07 AM
Well at least it’s a confirmed date... but am i reading too much into the article when i read this

"Clad in baroque Terminator armour"

Now Baroque isn’t that big a deal it’s just the style but why specifically stating terminator armour???

01-10-2011, 04:14 AM
Baroque is highly decorates, so basically they are saying 'prepare yourselves for some extremely ornate and decorated terminators', while the power armour won't be quite so ornamented. Simple as that.

01-10-2011, 04:19 AM
I was thinking as much but how appropriate it would be for the elite of the elite to be in all terminator armour

01-10-2011, 06:08 AM
My friend just wet himself in excitment.

01-10-2011, 06:27 AM
Oh dear lord. I've been waiting for this day for a long, long time.

The Emperor protects, my friends.

01-10-2011, 06:29 AM
hope he wasnt sat too close to you Gir

01-10-2011, 06:44 AM
I have to agree, i am super excited about this book. I just hope the rules are cool, i think the models will be awesome regardless.

01-10-2011, 07:01 AM
The one page blog on the GW website is the same as the email I got from them today.

And we all knew they were coming soon anyway.

01-10-2011, 07:21 AM
Finally all those rumours telling us that they'll be pushed back even more where proven wrong. I can't wait till april. Finally plastic GKs!!!

01-10-2011, 07:28 AM
Good to know!!

But... It breaks the Imperial/Non Imperial codex feature!!

The Madman
01-10-2011, 07:38 AM
In this issue: Chapter 666: Hammer of Daemons

Incoming! Grey Knights

'We are the warriors of the Grey Knights, armoured in Faith, shielded by Devotion and armed with Purity of Purpose. But greater even than these, we carry the light of the divine Emperor of Man into the dark places to purge the daemonic wherever it may be found.' - Brother-Captain Stern of the Grey Knights, Prior to the Purging of Xoedic Binary 978.M41

In April the Grey Knights, an elite and secretive Chapter of Space Marines, will stand ready to fight the forces of Chaos and the horrors of the Warp with new reinforcements. Take a look at the Astronomican today to see the Studio's Incoming! article for more information about the legendary heroes that are the Grey Knights.

From the GW email.

01-10-2011, 08:03 AM
Good to have a confirmed release date, this is one I'm really looking forward to

Brass Scorpion
01-10-2011, 08:20 AM
Why be stingy with the info, here's the full text from the GW website...

Article can be found here: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?aId=14300088a

As the Emperor prepared for his final confrontation with the traitor Horus, he granted one final gift to Mankind, a safeguard and protection against the horrors of the Warp - the Grey Knights. A brotherhood of warriors as elite as they are secretive, the Grey Knights are a shining line of silvered steel that stands between humanity and the Daemons of Chaos.

Trained as the mightiest paragons of mental fortitude and martial discipline in the Imperium, the Grey Knights maintain a vigilant watch for daemonic incursion, responding wrathfully against the scions of the Dark Gods, and those who dally with them.

Clad in baroque Terminator armour and wielding powerful weapons such as storm bolters and Nemesis force weapons, the Grey Knights tear through the enemy, unleashing an onslaught of psychic powers and sorcery to sunder the foe.

The Grey Knights are an unstoppable force, the manifestation of the Emperor's will, valiant warriors who willingly sacrifice their own humanity so that Mankind itself can endure.

This April Games Workshop releases Codex: Grey Knights, alongside a comprehensive range of fantastically detailed Citadel miniatures. Although details are being kept firmly under wraps for now, you can expect an exciting selection of plastic kits to enable you to build your own Grey Knights army.

Over the coming weeks we'll be releasing more details both here on the Games Workshop website and also in the pages of White Dwarf - to ensure you're the first to get the news, make sure you subscribe to the Games Workshop newsletter and keep an eye on the What's New Today blog.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
01-10-2011, 08:51 AM
Will be sorely tested to collect them for my SoB army. Now this gives me hope of a later release date for SoB.

01-10-2011, 09:05 AM
Will be sorely tested to collect them for my SoB army. Now this gives me hope of a later release date for SoB.

Have faith Sister Rosette... in due time... in due time. Ave Emperor.

I'm just excited that this'll be 2/3 armies that will have a 5th ed codex! :D

Just need to twiddle my thumbs with all the other SoB players though till September/October (supposed Sisters release)

Anyone know if the the rumor that stated "the Opponent's HQ will be classified as a psyker " was ever given credence? Was it the same person that was correct on the release month? Would make for a fun game is all >.>

01-10-2011, 09:08 AM

01-10-2011, 10:27 AM
:D :D :D :D

Dear Mr. Emperor.

thankyou for the armour weapon and storm shield update


your loyal imperial servant


p.s, make the imperial holy text 'Garros Word' reveal more about the armour update.

01-10-2011, 10:43 AM
Good to know!!

But... It breaks the Imperial/Non Imperial codex feature!!

??? HUH??? How does it break it? Not sure what you mean. If you mean codex release, that was broken along time ago. It is not Imperial/Non Imperial codex. It is Space Marine/Non Space Marine.

01-10-2011, 11:02 AM
Still not soon enough. . .

But at least the uncertainty is gone.

01-10-2011, 11:57 AM
Good to know!!

But... It breaks the Imperial/Non Imperial codex feature!!

How? The last codex was Dark Eldar...and the next one is still unconfirmed....(fingers crossed for Tau) or Necrons

01-10-2011, 11:59 AM
Its always great to have a new army on the block, even if its more power armour:p

01-10-2011, 01:30 PM
Just in time for "A'rd Boys", the GK flavor of the month.

01-10-2011, 03:58 PM
It'll be nice to actually have a decent chance at 'ard Boyz this time, though. Last year I got I think second in the first round, then went to the semis and had to face all the uber-cheesy lists. I did ok, but the codex is currently far too weak (and I'm not really a super-hardcore tournament player) to move on.

01-10-2011, 10:27 PM
It'll be nice to actually have a decent chance at 'ard Boyz this time, though. Last year I got I think second in the first round, then went to the semis and had to face all the uber-cheesy lists. I did ok, but the codex is currently far too weak (and I'm not really a super-hardcore tournament player) to move on.

cannot wait for gk's!!!!!

and speaking of ard boyz i wonder when they will get the 2011 40k dates up... cant wait to bring my shiny(pun intended) new knights to the tourny

01-11-2011, 01:00 AM
It'll be nice to actually have a decent chance at 'ard Boyz this time, though. Last year I got I think second in the first round, then went to the semis and had to face all the uber-cheesy lists. I did ok, but the codex is currently far too weak (and I'm not really a super-hardcore tournament player) to move on.

Grey Knights getting to the Semi final...?

Dang that must of not been easy...

I wanted to play Grey Knights at Ard boyz as well but I sadly did not have enough of them to make 2500...

01-11-2011, 09:36 AM
We don't have too big of a gaming group here, so that helped a little I admit. I lost to a Blood Angels player (one 8 man death company unit with a chaplain literally killed 10 GK Terminators and 10 regular GKs on the charge, after I had assaulted some of his other stuff). I then came back to beat an ork horde and a black templar army.

In the semis I faced a bloodcrusher list first round, and I put my entire army into a single unit of crushers and couldn't even kill them thanks to having an old codex. I managed to contest objectives, though, and held it to a minor loss. I then faced a CSM army, which turned into a slugging match. Grey Knights cant win slugging matches. He was only a few models away from wiping me out, and got a major victory. Then last game I played Guard on a board with enough cover to get into his lines. I pretty much slaughtered him then. In the end, I got like 18th out of 36, or something like that.

Part of the problem is that GKs don't usually have the firepower to wipe out an enemy army. With battlepoints, you have to be able to wipe out your opponent. It's much harder to win through just clever play and contesting objectives. That's why firepower heavy armies like the leafblower, missile or TWC SWs and similar do so well in tournaments. It's not necessarily that they're better armies, just that when they win, they win big, and as a result get more points than a more passive army would.

01-11-2011, 02:42 PM
That's a pretty respectable placing. I know our Local Grey Knight player never came back after getting slaughtered in a Local Tournament. (Was his 1st time playing in a tournament.)

Great to here you did so well with such a old book. Not to derail. But by any chance did you snap any pitchers of the armies facing off?

01-11-2011, 03:04 PM
I did actually take a pic of the bloodcrusher army with my phone, right after his first wave came in. Three 8-man bloodcrusher units, Fateweaver, and two squads of manta rays. I'll post it when I get a chance, it was a pretty nice army. It was definately nicer looking than my army (I'm too lazy to paint vehicles up to anything more than the minimum, it seems:rolleyes:).

01-11-2011, 09:52 PM
So sad...
Was hoping and praying for a surprise Feb or early Mar release but I'll take April unless it is an early April Fools Joke.

01-11-2011, 11:25 PM
Here's the first wave of the bloodcrusher list I faced at the semi's at 'ard boyz. I think all I have is a land raider hidden just out of sight in both bottom corners of the picture, to force him to spread out. Unfortunately, my phone don't have a great camera, but whatever.

01-12-2011, 03:10 AM
I like this release 2, Ive recently wanted to a Dark eldar army, however the Adeptus Custodus has caught my eye and grey knights should have perfect rules to represent a force of them.