View Full Version : Some qusetions on orks.

01-09-2011, 01:14 PM
While reading some threads in different forum rooms i have got a few qustions over orks.
first off how many ork empires are there and is there any that are leaderless?
next can ork "team up" with any one, i mean like eldar(of both types), humans, choas, tau ?
also if a ork settlement was attack and only 20ish orks sirvive could their population, tech, knowledge regrow a( ie their is enough orks to maintain them all)
It is said in there codex that weridboyz gain there power form the waaagh, does this mean the if there is less boyz then more of a chance his head blows up?
and fianlly what percent of the poplution are usually oddboyz? (1-5%?)
thanks for any help you can give me :).

01-09-2011, 01:36 PM
I'll tackle a couple here.

While reading some threads in different forum rooms i have got a few qustions over orks.
first off how many ork empires are there and is there any that are leaderless?
next can ork "team up" with any one, i mean like eldar(of both types), humans, choas, tau ?
also if a ork settlement was attack and only 20ish orks sirvive could their population, tech, knowledge regrow a( ie their is enough orks to maintain them all)
thanks for any help you can give me :).

There are probably a lot of ork empires, if any are "leaderless" then they are in a sort of civil war where some warbosses are duking it out for whose the biggest and baddest ork.

"Teaming up" isn't particularly likely, but there may be some bosses that decide to follow another boss because "dey knowz wher da best fightin iz" or something similar.

Given orks reproduction and general lack of a full society, I'm not sure anyone would notice. As long as the stuff is there for future mekboyz to use. I'm not sure there is any sort of teaching in ork society.

01-09-2011, 02:39 PM
the most notable ork empire is charadon, led by the arch-arsonist. as for all the tech, it gets developed naturally as orky kulture reboots itself. when an ork dies, it releases spores which spread on the wind and generate new orky gubbinz. actual ork boyz themselves are fairly rare, since the spores produce everything from the vegetation to the giant squiggoths. a "new" ork settlement will go through the feral stage, after which it can evolve into a "standard" ork camp. once the orks get their fingers into a planet, nothing will get them off short of an exterminatus.

01-09-2011, 03:47 PM
In the fluff the Orks won't team up with anyone...cos being "allied" with someone just means theres one less army for them to get their teef in to

BUT you do find them being manipulated by the Eldar and Dark Eldar, in codexes, books and games....so the eldar might point a Waaaaagh at a specific place to uses as there hammer, but the orks are never aware they're doing the Eldars work...

01-09-2011, 08:23 PM
In "the good ol' days" Blood Axes would fight along side Imperial Guard forces (if the fightin' waz good 'nuf)
In the modern era, the Imperium just tries to convince or trick orks into attacking stuff. Planet rebelled or fell to Chaos and it's not within Imperial means to re-take it now? Bribe or trick a warboss into attacking it! Works better if the Orks fail, since the rebels are weakened and by the time that fighting is over the Imperium can re-take it.*

(personal opinion, your mileage may vary)

Vaddok Sek
01-10-2011, 12:48 AM
It is entirely probable that an ork warband would stop attacking a Khornate warband in order to follow it to better fighting. In the book Hammer of Daemons they are kept as slaves among other races to be used in gladiatorial games on a chaos held world. They didn't seem to mind too much as it allowed them to do what they did best. But one shouldn't ever think that such alliances last forever. Even in Ork Waaaghs made up of several different warbands and clans, they will immediatly start fighting each other when the warlord that was strong enough to dominate them all gets killed.

01-10-2011, 04:37 AM
first off how many ork empires are there and is there any that are leaderless?

I dont think you can call them empires but there are many out there if your meaning Waaaaghs theres about 5 going on atm

can ork "team up" with any one, i mean like eldar(of both types), humans, choas, tau ?

Like whats already been said they dont really allie themselves with anyone but yes you can have them attacking at the same time or been tricked/bribed into helping out for a short time

if a ork settlement was attack and only 20ish orks sirvive could their population, tech, knowledge regrow a( ie their is enough orks to maintain them all)

Ork society is special in that there is no real knowledge just an urge to fight theres always more meks to bash things togeter and orks have a special gift that if they belive something works it does such is the power of the orks

It is said in there codex that weridboyz gain there power form the waaagh, does this mean the if there is less boyz then more of a chance his head blows up? more boys=more power=more chance of poping head off if he cant release the power

and fianlly what percent of the poplution are usually oddboyz? (1-5%?)
i cant give an actual % but its as many as they need at the time orks just seem to know they need a new mad dok or mekboyz and one grows with that ability

01-10-2011, 02:11 PM
As said previously, orks are not very likely to ally themselves with other races, but it is not impossible.
In the first DoW game for instance, the ork warboss accepts to invade an imperial planet for a chaos warlord in exchange of weapons.

In the fluff, it is said that orks are sometimes hired as mercenaries by other races, even if the orks tend to attack their employer as soon as the job is done.

In Apocalypse, I know that it is possible to include some orks in an IG army, as mercenaries or something. I've seen a couple of players doing this. Other factions can do the same, though I can't remember which ones.

As gwensdad said, the blood axes is probably the ork clan which has the more chances of trading with the "hummies", because they tend to like some aspects of human military culture (walking in ranks with big boots, shouting orders at your subordinates, these sorts of things...)