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View Full Version : Hell Pit Abomination

01-09-2011, 06:08 AM
I assembled my local store's black box hell pit yesterday and I've got to say that it is a great kit. It easily matches the plague furnace/screaming bell in height which is good and the model in real life is just as gribbly as the pictures make it out to be. Also it's less hard to build than you might think (I had to do it with no instructions so that's saying something!). Not a huge amount of spare parts when you're done but some of the spare arms could be grafted to a rat ogre or similar with a bit of green stuff. The hardest part was probably the multiple small heads that were around the main one as not all the heads fit in all the sections so it's worth doing a dry run with those before applying the glue. The kit's not exactly cheap but the scultping on the model is top quality (there are numerous little stichings which actually start on one piece and then 'hook' onto the piece where the stiching joins up, it's hard to describe but when you've built one you'll understand what I mean) and it certainly will be a centre piece for most skaven armies due to its sheer size.

01-09-2011, 01:03 PM
I was hoping for more greeblies and bits to make it unique, because with what little there is in options means that everyones hell pit abom will be fairly similar, lending little to the idea that each one is a unique spawn of skaven warp madness.

01-09-2011, 01:51 PM
While it is nice to hear the model is well designed I still won't be sending a request to clan moulder for one. Too me the model looks rather bad much like someone just threw some extra heads and arms onto a blob (to be fair that is exactly what the skaven did in the first place) and the aesthetics of it just don't jive with me. I will be looking forward to seeing if this ease of assembly and attention to detail is continued with other models down the line, I speak primarily of the Aracknarock (gargantuan spider) that is rumoured to be in the O&G army book.

I will of course be reserving final judgements on the A-Bomb until after I get a good look at one in my own hands.

Have you anything to say about the other models in the release? Particularly the plague-claw catapult/warp lightning cannon?

Brass Scorpion
01-09-2011, 10:37 PM
The display model at my local store is now assembled and even unpainted it is most impressive. The pictures on the GW website don't do it justice because 2-dimensional pics just can't really show off the horrid jumble that is the Hellpit model like when you see it up close and you can really make out all the details. It's fantastic and the extra parts will be great for so many monstrous and daemonic conversions.

01-10-2011, 12:26 PM
I managed to look at the sprues for the plague claw and warp lightning cannon and I'd give similar comments I think, simple to assemble and great attention to detail, one particular example of this is the way the gooey stuff being loaded onto the plagueclaw's 'claw' actually drips through on the underside of the claw. The kit can be built either way with regards to the frame, so you can the plagueclaw low to the ground and the warp lightning cannon with the taller frame.