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View Full Version : Star Dragon + Birona's Timewarp

01-08-2011, 07:16 PM
Again, new to WFB, so taking advantage of asking more experienced players (appreciate the feedback on Swordmasters)

Looking more at the High Elves (my anticipated army) and different Lores, I see a potential hard hitting combo:

-Prince with Star Dragon and The White Sword
-Mage with Lore of Light and Seerstaff of Sorcery and Staff of Solidity

Mage picks Birona's Timewarp and then powercasts 6 dice to get an almost assured Timewarp off (even better if he gets IF).... if he gets IF, then he uses Staff of Solidity to disregard the Miscast.

Timewarp goes on Prince/Dragon... thus, they can fly 20" and then charge with +1A each (5 for Prince, 8 for Dragon)... also, Dragon gains ASF (of course, Prince already has it), so they get to make their high end attacks before the enemy. Throw in the Breath Weapon and there seems to be high "alpha Strike" potential.

So, is this a potential HE "Deathstar" combo or am I missing some major points in my newbie analysis? Thanks for the pointers.

01-08-2011, 07:30 PM
Unfortunately the turn order goes; Movement, Magic, Shooting, Combat.
Birona's Time Warp lasts until the beginning of the casters next magic phase, this means that in order to get the movement bonus AND the combat bonus you need to already be in combat on the turn of the casting and eliminate the enemy unit.

02-05-2011, 11:36 AM
Also, a mage may only have ONE arcane item, so you can't do seerstaff and staff of solidarity.