View Full Version : GW Store Closing, Arundel Mills Mall, Hanover, Maryland

Brass Scorpion
01-05-2011, 07:42 PM
Games Workshop at Arundel Mills Mall is closing around Feb. 21. Apparently the Mall is raising rent on their tenants and GW was having no part of it. This is a closing, not a relocation.

However, the good news if there is any is that GW is still supposedly looking for a new Battle Bunker location in Maryland.

01-05-2011, 09:09 PM
No Sympathy for you there we lost the Only GW store with in 400 Miles a Year an Half ago and there was no good reason except old retail manager did not like having a store he could not micor manage what a dick move but they did it to a profitable store in a mall they could work a new lease with

01-05-2011, 09:30 PM
You can thank the voters in Maryland and the planned casino at Arundel Mills for that one.

Brass Scorpion
01-05-2011, 09:40 PM
You can thank the Mall for raising their rent again. GW has been getting away from expensive mall rent for years now anyway, so this really is not a huge surprise.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of GW stores in this area, but most of us are still sorry to see this one go. Because it was in the indoor mall, it was open 7 days per week, filling the gap when the one-man stores are closed two days per week. Besides, I'm always sorry to see or hear about a GW store closing no matter where it is located, unlike some people apparently. :confused:

01-06-2011, 07:48 AM
Not true & speculation on your parts. GW is pulling out of Malls across the US. It's their new company policy/philosophy. They are moving to the more traditional (read: inexpensive) strip center locations.

This mainly has to do with the economy, individual store sales, customer discretionary spending & disposable income, etc. Not that I agree, but in todays hard fiscal/economic times it may be the only thing that guarantees the survival of GW (and, for that matter, similar type stores).

I love how the "casino" gets blamed for everything. If anything the casino would mean MORE visitors to it's current location. Which of course, would hopefully translate into more sales.

I only troll the forums, never having posted, but when I saw this one I had to register & jump in.

Please, do your research.

01-06-2011, 11:44 AM
I love how the "casino" gets blamed for everything. If anything the casino would mean MORE visitors to it's current location. Which of course, would hopefully translate into more sales.

Yes, millsgamer, you are right. A casino would mean more sales. That's the reason I blamed the casino going into Arundel Mills:

Mall management makes money off of client stores in the mall through rent.

Casino goes in at the mall.

More visitors to the mall due to the casino.

Additional visitors shop at the mall while visiting the casino.

Client stores at the mall make more sales due to influx of casino visitors.

More sales means more profits for the client stores at the mall.

Mall management wants their cut of the added profits from the client stores.

Mall management raises the rent on the client stores.

Since the plan is to have the casino on the property under a tent/temporary facility awaiting the construction of a permanent facility, the casino can be operational in a month or two. The mall simply jumped in early. Personally, I could care less about a casino in Maryland as I will probably have one next door to me in Gettysburg before long.

01-06-2011, 04:46 PM
Me, I just wish it was more than slots. Hmmm... Table games.

I heart me some craps.

01-06-2011, 05:06 PM
First my local suncoast now my GW! i'm joining the rent is too da** high party. No battle bunker no Arundel Mills, are they trying to destroy my love for this game... I got out of the hobby for a long time after Waldorf GW closed those years ago

Brass Scorpion
01-06-2011, 08:33 PM
Not true & speculation on your parts. GW is pulling out of Malls across the US. It's their new company policy/philosophy. They are moving to the more traditional (read: inexpensive) strip center locations....I only troll the forums.I've spoken with people directly involved and I am not speculating as you clearly are. You can keep your own speculation to yourself please. I know I have a reputation for avoiding online "kerfuffles" and I'm a little tired of people trying to take advantage of me because of it, especially when I know what I am speaking about. I am not rude to people here and I expect the same respectful treatment in return. Please "do your own research" and if you can't say something politely, don't say anything at all. :( I have had relationships with GW staff for years, including HQ staff and I guarantee I know more than someone who "only trolls the forums".

As I already stated before you jumped in that GW has been closing its expensive mall stores you're not adding anything new with that tidbit. However, this particular closure was triggered at this specific time by a specific event. That event is the mall raising the rent and asking for very long-term leases from all its tenants now due to a specific changing situation near the mall, the new "slots parlor". GW does not sign 10-year leases, they like to be able to pull out when they want to do so and now they are doing that rather than be forced into a long-term commitment.

01-12-2011, 07:32 AM
I barely go to either of the local GW stores, one 8 km away the other 30 km away. When I am not working I go to the local gaming shop just 600 metres from my house. I is as big as a Battle Bunker, does not require you to be a member to play on all the tables, and they have so many gaming systems there for sale. In the last 2 weeks, I have played 40K, Warhammer invasion card game, Battletech Card game, Wings of Warboard game, Diplomacy board game, and Blood Bowl boardgame.

From February on the store is planning campaigns for gams that range from blood bowl, WH 40K, WH fantasy, warmachine, Napoleonics & gunpowder battles, Ancients/ in various scales, WWII - ROE and Flames of war, and the list goes on. They have a regular magic the gathering night.

Why would I want to go to a store that limits me to the 4 gaming systems they currently support, and prophibits me from talking about or painting miniatures from any of the other gamies I play. If I want to hang out with other gamers, play against others and paint I can do it at my local.

Sydney has 10 GW standard stores, and 2 battle bunkers. There are also atleast a 1/2 dozen hobby gaming stores that are large enough to have gaming tables to let gamers play games on, that I have visited.

Even if they closed a few here, we would still have another GW store within 30 km fom us. The latest GW store to open in Sydney is in a major shopping mall. Go figure that one out, t breaks the so called trend of pulingl them out of the shopping malls.

01-12-2011, 08:54 AM
I have played...Battletech Card game...

You got to play the BattleTech Card Game! I have a small box of these cards and NEVER get to play it. I REALLY gotta move!!!

01-13-2011, 07:43 PM
Not true & speculation on your parts. GW is pulling out of Malls across the US. It's their new company policy/philosophy. They are moving to the more traditional (read: inexpensive) strip center locations.

This mainly has to do with the economy, individual store sales, customer discretionary spending & disposable income, etc. Not that I agree, but in todays hard fiscal/economic times it may be the only thing that guarantees the survival of GW (and, for that matter, similar type stores).

I was going to say something like this. GW wants to get out of all the malls. My closet GW just closed down at the end of December. I said this would happen and I was told, nope, never. GW just doesn't want to be in malls. Now I forget the reasoning for this. Part of it, is not following mall hours, and they set up their own rules. I forget what the othe reasons were.

I just find it funny how alot of GW closings, are in malls.

01-13-2011, 09:20 PM
Not true & speculation on your parts. GW is pulling out of Malls across the US. It's their new company policy/philosophy. They are moving to the more traditional (read: inexpensive) strip center locations.

This mainly has to do with the economy, individual store sales, customer discretionary spending & disposable income, etc. Not that I agree, but in todays hard fiscal/economic times it may be the only thing that guarantees the survival of GW (and, for that matter, similar type stores).

I love how the "casino" gets blamed for everything. If anything the casino would mean MORE visitors to it's current location. Which of course, would hopefully translate into more sales.

I only troll the forums, never having posted, but when I saw this one I had to register & jump in.

Please, do your research.


I'm sorry, i mean i have got heated on here before. I defended my corner, I have probably stepped on a few toes made some enemies made some allies, i remember my first post/thread got some much heated response but it wasn't my intention.

Your comments however is just ridiculous. Brass scorpion from what i have seen on my time here has always maintained a fair and polite manner.

not only do you insult him, but you also need to do your research.

firstly refer to brass scorpions response and how the closure is related to a series of events.
I remember my local store leaving a shopping centre (or mall). it wasn't due to a new "no mall" policy, it was down to money.

in fact they wanted to keep the store in the centre, it offered a security team. cctv. air conditioning etc etc. However the lease just went stupid because the centre was having a multi million pound refurbishment of which you either signed into on a long term or left. so they had to leave.

A prime example of a "mall" store that will remain is london plaza. I can;t see that closing anytime soon. Alongside that i could name multiple other in centre GW stores. Ok thats the UK, but you provide no proof of your own "research" other than an understanding of economics (which doesn't directly mean that GW has a new policy)

Besides as i said, Brass scorpion was refrencing a particular event with particular aspects involved. how about you read posts next time.

addamsfamily (possibly suffering from some redthirst/black rage)

01-14-2011, 04:47 AM
You got to play the BattleTech Card Game! I have a small box of these cards and NEVER get to play it. I REALLY gotta move!!!
Yeah, I bought 6 of the larger boxes of them when wizards was still making them. I have about 1,500 cards covering Clans, Mercenaries, and Inner Sphere and Comstar. I hear there are some still available on E-Bay.

I also have played Classic Battletech there the other day, and will be playing a campaign Saturday out mercenary company against Word of Blake. I have 2 Clan Clusters, and 6 mixed Inner Sphere mixed regiments.

Maybe s you should move to Sydney LOL.

Brass Scorpion
02-02-2011, 10:47 PM
The Arundel Mills GW closing has been postponed till April from the original Feb. 21 announcement. That's good news, two more months the store will be around.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
02-02-2011, 11:57 PM
Besides my local gaming store, that i don't really enjoy as the owner is a rude and uncaring so-and-so, the closest GW is Melbourne 50km.
We dont have any battle bunkers here to my knowledge, and regardless i'd rather stay in Victoria and Melbourne, much nicer place to live lol.

Seriously though, i understand how you feel, the city GW moved from a mall, to a store about the same size, yet out of the way. If you don't know where it is, you would'nt find it. It is out of the way in the business centre of the city.
Its harsh but its fair for anyone to raise retail rent prices, i dont like it when they do, it is just rising economy that's all.
Hope you find somewhere else to play.

I just wish we could have more GW stores down where i live. Or more local gaming stores. If i could afford it, i would open my own store for gaming.

02-03-2011, 03:17 PM
Maybe they're closing because they have 2 other GW stores in the vicinity: Annapolis, and the old HQGWUS in Glen Burnie. Those are all within 20-25 miles of each other. Not to mention the other MD stores, plus the ones in northern VA.
It's stupid to have 3 of those stores so close together, and the rising mall traffic, plus the un-family-friendly casino just made the Arundel Mills the likely target.

I wish they'd dump - or at least move the Annapolis one. It's small, cramped, and in a craptastic location. I hate going there just for those reasons. That's my closest GW, an hour away, and I'd just as soon do mail order than fool with that place.

Sanguinary Dan
02-04-2011, 04:01 PM
You do know that the Glen Burnie Battle Bunker closed months ago don't ya?

As it stands now GW will only have Annapolis and what ever the heck that place is out Georgia Ave. Drove to the BB all the damn time but still haven't managed to go to the store 8 miles away. Go figure.:D

02-04-2011, 05:18 PM
Wow... and here is me with 2 within 5miles plus other independent stores.

If it is that much of a blow, open an independent, sounds like you'd be raking it in with the lack of competition.

11-25-2012, 09:56 AM
Not sure if they moved it but i live in Annapolis and it appears that they have closed the Jennifer Square store (formerly the store in Annapolis mall). I drove by the other day and all i saw was an empty shell of a store with no sign. I also called the store phone to double check and I got a "This line has been disconnected" automated message.

Mr Mystery
11-25-2012, 01:15 PM
Well, I'm alright.

I can nip to and from GW from my comfy chair within 10 minutes. And I'm looking at a flat more or less above it :p

Brass Scorpion
11-25-2012, 05:03 PM
Amazing, this thread I started is more than a year old. Probably should have started a new one about Jennifer Square in Annapolis, MD.

Yes, Annapolis GW is closed forever. That was back in September! The massive Battle Bunker GW store is only 20 minutes in Bowie, MD at Hilltop Plaza (Racetrack Rd and Route 450). And that's 20 minutes and only 11 miles on Route 450.

For more information on the Games Workshop Battle Bunker in Bowie, MD go to https://www.facebook.com/GWBowie

By the way, I have a number of models on display at the Bowie Battle Bunker. Come join us there, we have a growing community. Monday night is a fun hobby night and there's tons of gaming and hobby space all the time.

Mr Mystery
11-25-2012, 05:32 PM
Bowie Battle Bunker sounds like Heroes!

I just they're not under pressure, or there may be changes. I guess you just have to enjoy the golden years, and trust it remains in fashion.