View Full Version : 1000 point recon tourny list.

01-05-2011, 07:36 PM
So at the LGS we are haveing a "recon toruny".

The rules set down:
-No Heavy Support Choice
-No total AV over 34
-No +2 Save.
-No modles with more then 3 wounds.

With the tourney coming up in March, I realized my normal Chaos lists would not work. So these are two lists I came up with. I'd appreciate people thoughts on these lists/If they can think of a better one to use with-in the rules of this tourney.he basic idea here is to use the auto cannons to de-mec my enemy from the get go and then sub-do them with my gun line fire. My deployment during the tourney will make or break this army.

My biggest weakness will be the "recovery OP" round. I listed the 4 missions that will be taking place at the bottom.

Chaos Sor

CSM Squad
-Auto Cannon

CSM Squad
-Auto Cannon

CSM Squad
-Auto Cannon

CSM Squad
-Auto Cannon

--Lighting claws
-melta gun


Chaos Lord
Power Weapon

CSM Squad
-Auto Cannon

CSM Squad
-Auto Cannon

CSM Squad
-Auto Cannon

CSM Squad
-Auto Cannon

CSM Squad
-Auto Cannon


These are the missions that will be takeing place.

search and destroy- primary objective- sieze ground, secondary objective- assinate (choose a unit, not a vehicle, in the opposing army and to destroy it) deployment- pitched battle

recovery OP- primary objective- every piece of terrain may have a vital piece of information. one an infantry unit touches a piece of terrain roll a D6. on a 6 you find the information. secondary objective- capture and control.

deployment- spear head

raid- primary objective- kill points secondary objective- trophy kill ( kill the most expensive thing in the opposing army)

deployment- dawn of war

hold at all costs- primary objective- sieze ground with vital objective ( one objective, of your choosing, is worth 2 points instead of 1) secondary objective- kill points

01-05-2011, 11:14 PM
Flamers work best out of vehicles. It's much easier to hit a decent number of models if you can drive up and tank shock them into a line. You'll probably do more damage over the course of the game with a plasma rifle as your special weapon.

I would try and bump up the number of mobile squads you have. 5 raptors isn't enough to try and take objectives. If you could fit a pair of rhinos in, you'd be able to rush two of those squads forward to sieze objectives, as well as distracting enemy fire.

On a side note, those rule restrictions kinda screw over Daemonhunters. The only good HQ we have comes with Terminator armor, and we rely exclusively on heavy support for any real long ranged shooting.

Da Gargoyle
01-31-2011, 04:02 PM
As an Eldar this would be fun for me. What does AV mean though. Does that limit the points scores for particular units or choices off the org chart ?

02-04-2011, 02:11 AM
On a side note, those rule restrictions kinda screw over Daemonhunters. The only good HQ we have comes with Terminator armor, and we rely exclusively on heavy support for any real long ranged shooting.

Well not as bad, it also really hurts CSM. CSM also rely heavily on there Heavy Support for ranged shooting. The Restrictions also means CSM can't even take there best Elite Choice.

That leaves Chaos with a Lack Luster Fast Attack, and a ****ty elite selection.

SM/SW/BA still have there Stren Gaurd, Wolf Gaurd, and Vanguard thow, plus ways to get that long range fire power with out there heavy support.

Me and another Chaos player have been play testing alot of lists for this tournament. We can not figure out any lists that will work in these conditions to counter the SM and IG army lists we have seen being tossed around.

trying to rhino rush CSM squad across the table has been done to death so much people see it comeing from a mile away, they just deploy to counter it.


If came to the conclusion that CSM will not work for this tournament. I will be using my IG or Orks instead. Unless there is something I'm missing.

As an Eldar this would be fun for me. What does AV mean though. Does that limit the points scores for particular units or choices off the org chart ?

The AV= Armour Value.

For example.
Rhino = 11/11/10 = AV32
Vendetta = 12/12/10 = 34

02-05-2011, 05:43 PM
Recon. Gunning on LI.
Having other recons try coming and knife me while I gun them and then they call me a gunner =3

Da Gargoyle
02-12-2011, 04:46 PM
Thanks for the definition on AV. With that cleared up I can safely say this is definitely an eldar type game. Just off the top of my head

Farseer Spirit stones guide mind war Runes of witnessing 125
Sqd Scorpions with Exarch scorpion sabres shadow strike -------------------------169
Sqd Dire avengers exarch with avenger catapult (Only 6 Avengers)--------------96
Sqd 10 Storm guardians with flamer & fusion gun Warlock with enhance ---------126
Sdq 10 Guardians with scatter laser Warlock Destructor ----------------------------135
Sdd 5 Rangers with pathfinder ----------------------------------------------------------120
Two wave serpents twin linked missile launchers -------------------------------------230

Total-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1001 (It can be adjusted if the rules are strict, only I have played previous tournaments where the odd point was allowed)

Must admit though, I have only just started experimenting with psychic powers.