View Full Version : how to get rid of the entire 40K universe using the fluff

01-05-2011, 07:27 PM
How to get rid of the entire 40K universe using the fluff,

The whole point of every secret mentioned in the 40K universe is I belive that GW has an escape goat for any event they realised this after they decided to erase the squats from imperial records without any background to what happened to them which annoys the hell out of some vets so now they can go dark eldar are anoying lets get rid of them how... slanesh has gotten into the webway bye bye dark eldar, blood angels oops they all fell to the red thirst/black rage and mephiston turned into a deamon and is now in the chaos deamos codex as a special charecter or a foot note in the fluff, most codexs/chapters could be removed from the fluff in this way even ultramarines could be removed by a tyranid infestation in there chapter house as all the tyranid spores that are laying dorment on macrag,

so heres 3 thing i think could happen if GW lost there minds but what do you all think? How could the tau disapear? What would happen to the chaos gods, i have my ideas but want to hear yours...

01-05-2011, 07:56 PM
The emperor's organs finally fail. The psychic black lash cause all space marines (From Alpha Legion to Ultramarine) to fall dead.

Enjoy collecting Guard.

01-05-2011, 10:19 PM
Enjoy collecting Guard.

Guard would be gone as well, since they can't combat the Tyranid invasion. :)

01-05-2011, 10:36 PM
Guard would be gone as well, since they can't combat the Tyranid invasion. :)

Nah. They still got the sisters.

01-05-2011, 11:18 PM
Nah. They still got the sisters.

But the sisters would lose their Faith powers since the Emperor is no longer alive. They're still tougher than guard, but wouldn't be as powerful as they are now. :(

01-06-2011, 01:26 AM
I think he was referencing all the melta/flamer weapons the sisters have to combat the tyranids not the faith powers.

But I'm curious to how they would get rid of the tyranids, I mean if they ran out of food theyd move on and find new food, maybe eat themselves a little along the way but theres always more biomass of some sort somewhere else.

01-06-2011, 02:34 AM
how to get rid of the tyranids? easy peasy!

it turns out they were only a biological superweapon made by the old ones in their exile in another galaxy.

they came over, eat everyone (so the necrons would starve to death) and then their inbuilt failsave triggered and they all flew into their repective next sun for suicide.

01-06-2011, 02:55 AM
1. Complete disregard for punctuation.

2. Wall of text.

3. Escape goat?!?

4. Missing use of capital letters.

5. Stupid subject.

Think I am being too harsh? Well, get over it.

01-06-2011, 07:22 AM
Thanks steelmage99 for your contribution of ABSOLUTELY nothing to this thread. (and yes, it's scapegoat, not escape goat, but the meaning is the same, just a contracted word over time. We got his point).

The Orks finally realize their psychic powers-- that allow them to have vehicles that work and guns that shoot when they absolutely should not-- are capable of destroying any enemy they encounter. After destroying the Tyranids, they get bored with their new found mundanity in war and move on to build major repositories of knowledge and enlightenment and revert to sedentary mushroom type fungi from which they developed originally (WAAAAHHHHGGGG! becomes RRREEEEAAAADDDDD!)

01-06-2011, 07:56 AM
The Empire, beset on all sides, particularly by Necrons and Tyranids, invades the eye of terror and uses every life eater it has on every daemon planet in a last ditch assault. The resulting psychic scream finally overloads the Emperor, who is turned into the 5th, but infinitely more powerful chaos god, called Bob.

Bob uses his powers to eat the Ctan, Gork, Mork, Kaela Mensha Khaine, all Chaos Gods. The resultant diahorrea makes him enslave the entire Tau race to clean his Khazi.

Bob then calls forth the Squat race from his forehead, like that greek god I can't remember at the mo. The subsequent disruption to the GW temporal flow causes the universe to finally implode into a 1 molecule thick super particle, thus snuffing out Bob and all other life, except for the Squats, as this infinitely heavy particle tears reality apart.

01-06-2011, 08:09 AM
The Greek gods were Athena coming out of Zeus's forehead. :)

01-06-2011, 03:05 PM
How to kill raven guard? waagh.
How to kill 'nids? necrons.
How to kill orks? weed killer/hungry hungry hobbits.
How to kill squats? Oh yeah...

01-06-2011, 04:39 PM
1. Complete disregard for punctuation.

2. Wall of text.

3. Escape goat?!?

4. Missing use of capital letters.

5. Stupid subject.

Think I am being too harsh? Well, get over it.

1. Complete disregard for punctuation.
Im sorry it was 4am when i wrote it so wasnt too bothered about it been queens english/correctly punctuated as im not bothered now if you find any further mistakes

2. Wall of text.
if you didnt want to read it why did you

3. Escape goat?!?
im sorry i didnt realise this was put into the rules section where every word must be exact as not to be mistaken as something else but i think you got what i was talking about,

But on track with this post maybe its an escaped goat that eats the 6th edition 40K rulebook that destoys the universe :rolleyes:

4. Missing use of capital letters.
Oh lordy lordy some one bring me my high school English teacher to slap my hand

5. Stupid subject.
if you didnt want to read it why did you, and it is a stupid subject this hobby is suposed to be fun cheer up and have a laugh :D

01-06-2011, 04:41 PM
How to kill orks? weed killer/hungry hungry hobbits.

I like that, this is what this threads about :D