View Full Version : News: Sororitas spotted [No Pics Unfortunately]

01-05-2011, 04:28 PM
Sounds like GW are finally happy with the new, upcoming models for the next Sister of Battle/Witchhunters Codex. Here's what the cheerful chimp himself had to say about them:

I'm posting this in the rumor section on purpose, but it's more of a review.

I got to get a good look at a new protoype basic sister, and I'm hoping one of our other sources can sneak a picture out once they see it. The reason is, this sister has a "veil". Words cannot describe...the detailing is phenomenal. The veil is a separate piece, but it looks gorgeous. If they can get this right in molding the sisters wave will be beautiful models. If you've seen this one, you know what I mean... I begged to take a photo for here, but no luck.

The model maintains the existing armor styling, but with more filigree. Little details like lace boot tops, small details in the armor. Look at the evolution of daemonettes to wyches, and think what the next step would be.

The bolters however are now streamlined, they are not the marine bolter we've known and loved, but still recognizable. Feminine.

I know I'm getting folks worked up, but sisters are still a long way off, it will be a long wait. So temper any enthusiasm.
Sounds like those looking for a less 'feminine' design shouldn't get their hopes up too much...

01-05-2011, 04:33 PM
Bigfoot spotted [no pics unfortunately]

If they're still prototyping, this will be a long wait.

01-05-2011, 05:04 PM
Bigfoot spotted [no pics unfortunately]

If they're still prototyping, this will be a long wait.

It sounds like they might be towords the end of the prototyping stage. That would put us around 1-2 year from now at best wouldn't it? (I can't remember the time it takes them to do alot of this stuff.)

01-05-2011, 05:34 PM
Look at the evolution of daemonettes to wyches, and think what the next step would be.

This in particular is worth examining. Daemonettes- Partially armoured in thin corset type armour. Wyches - more covered in armour in a tank top style. only arms and midriffs are bare for the most part IT doesn't take a genius that if this trend progresses then the sister's bodies will be totally covered in armour. Which of course they always were.

Pose- the dameonettes are mostly standing or walking, Wyches very dynamic. whilst I doubt sisters will be more dynamic than wyches it is possible they will be more dynamic than 'nets (particualrly as nets have to rank up)

Wyches have more accessories and ammo packs etcmodelled onto them- the sisters will have the same

Nothing too remarkable there but can anyone else find any other things that would be the next step in this chain?

Brass Scorpion
01-05-2011, 08:24 PM
Is this like the "no top knots but they do have high pony tails" reports from last summer on the new Dark Eldar? LOL. This "rumor" hardly seems worth reporting, but I guess with so little info on the particular topic at the moment anything about that model range seems interesting. Keep in mind, even if the report has some veracity, by the time of the release things could look very different.

01-06-2011, 01:23 AM
Well, it is a rumour, so its worth reporting. We haven't heard much about any kind of aesthetic changes to the new SoB range, this gives us a small hint what they may be. Perfectly interesting if you are interested in SoB and have been actively waiting for news. I really like the sound of the wimple-helm.

01-06-2011, 06:59 AM
As for me they(GW) can redone anything but those AWESOME AS F* helmets of Sororitas(sabbat pattern) IMO best helmets in 40k next to DE no-face helmets.

Any bit of rumour abouy army you love is trilling.....its jus sad its gonna be 1-2years for them to come.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
01-06-2011, 08:19 AM
I personally dont think it's going to take that long, GW have great sculpturs, im sure they will get it right before 2 years.
If they are that enthuisiastic about them, they will get done soon. Its good to have something to keep hoping for, i have collected them since they were first available as a WD edition. And following that i sold off my whole 10k+ Dark Angels army to collect them.

To know that they are keeping the look is good, more feminine and less B&D is also hopeful.Hmm to see them get a variation of the Bolter would be interesting to see.
Yeah, with the advance of the Wyches of DE, i can imagine that when the Sisters do come out in plastic, i really hope for variations, style and a great look that made me buy thousands of dollars worth in the first place.

01-06-2011, 08:29 AM
The rumourmongers have consistently said late 20100 for SoB, that one of them has now seen a prototype model may well mean they have overcome the technical difficulties and are ready to start finalising the details and producing them. This is just speculation on my part, but so is the assumption that they are a long way off.
If GW release a new Codex: Sisters of Battle with a range of models equalling or surpassing in quality the Dark Eldar, I doubt I will be able to stop myself dropping a few thousand pounds on pre-orders.:(

01-06-2011, 09:08 AM
The way I read, it sounded like we are getting girly marines. Seriously 'frilly' lace on the boots and veils? That sounds terrible. I don't want my Sisters to be too girly, I want them tough. Sexy does not enter the equation. If they just look feminine thats fine (in fact its great). One doesn't necessarily mean the other. Of course I could be intrepreting it the wrong way.

Unlike some people i actually dig the current look. If we are getting the current look with more bling much like Blood Angels got that would be great. I guess I'll reserve judgement til I see them. Whenever that may be.

Brass Scorpion
01-06-2011, 09:47 AM
The way I read, it sounded like we are getting girly marines. So, it's not all that tremendously different than the current SoB range or SoB game play style then.

01-06-2011, 10:44 AM
So, it's not all that tremendously different than the current SoB range or SoB game play style then.

You would be way off then IMO. The current style of miniatures does not look girly to me at all. They look as feminine as teh metal can render them without being little slips of girls with frills and lace.

I'm not sure how they can have a girly play style but to each his own. :)

Now I see some more rumors that Stick Monkey has posted so some of my fears are laid to rest.

01-06-2011, 02:04 PM
I don't necessarily think people are looking for less feminine-- to be sure, I'm not looking for less feminine, I'm looking for less sexualized. Sexualized indicates sex appeal, usually towards pubescent males in this case. No, more feminine would be fine, as long as it's done tastefully.
I really like the sound of the wimple-helm.That depends on the style. I like the current helms...

Also, Sisters have a different playstyle than any branch of Marines, although Marine armies can be made to try and mimic Sisters, they can't actually reproduce what Sisters can do. Just as Sisters can't reproduce what Marines can do.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
01-06-2011, 08:16 PM
Whole hardly agree with you, i like feminine, and im waiting to someone or GW leaks a pic of them soon to confirm all this.
The way they are now is the reason i got into them in the first place, i didnt want something everyone else had, or just another SM army.
The look is great as it is now, i dont even mind the bob cut, imagine wearing a helm all day, it would make sense.
Eldargal, can you help with this, does the style of your hair make it easier to wear concerning comfort and sweat???

Personally i already have spent a few thousand, but i know i would do it again with any new miniatures.

Brass Scorpion
01-06-2011, 08:38 PM
Whole hardly ... "Wholeheartedly" I believe is the common expression. "Whole hardly" is definitely not.

You would be way off then IMOSo the corsets are not "girly", eh? And the fact that their equipment like power armor, jump packs, and bolters means their tactics make them close MEQ tactically is also my imagination I suppose too.

01-07-2011, 02:32 AM
The rumourmongers have consistently said late 20100 for SoB

I knew it was going to be a long wait but 20100?
Is that Dark Age of Technology or Age of Strife?

01-07-2011, 03:36 AM
2011, lol, don't know how I managed 20100.:p

The bob would be a fairly combat effective hairstyle I think, the fringe is cut so it won't get in your eyes, its not so long it will catch in things but not so short as to be masculine. Which is an important consideration when your organisation is forbidden 'men at arms'. You want your female soldiers to look obviously female so no one thinks you are flouting the rules.

I'm rather keen on the lace, lace is baroque which is one of the main aesthetic elements of the Imperium (baroque pseudo-gothic). As to the veil, Stickmonkey said it was going to be one option, I assume like the blank face plates of the DE Wyches.

Farseer Uthiliesh
01-07-2011, 05:32 AM
I knew it was going to be a long wait but 20100?
Is that Dark Age of Technology or Age of Strife?

I think that's when we get the real Sisters of Battle.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
01-07-2011, 09:36 AM
Brass Scorpion sorry to burst your bubble that we all are perfect spellers after not sleeping all day and playing RPG games all night, i think you knew what i meant. Also thank you for pointing out i did make a mistake, i didn't even realise myself.

Your right i did mean Wholeheartedly. Just lack of deprived sleep makes your brain do FuNnY things. ;)

Thanks Eldargal, i thought it would be that way with the hair, would make sense for helmets, and hey how many movies do you see Knights with bob cuts too??
Looking forward to seeing anything that could get leaked, or actually pictures from GW (though unlikely) until the release the announcement.

01-07-2011, 10:09 AM
I think they sexy inuff....personaly I LOVE that sister from p.19 IMO that is way they should look.

The way I read, it sounded like we are getting girly marines. Seriously 'frilly' lace on the boots and veils? That sounds terrible. I don't want my Sisters to be too girly, I want them tough. Sexy does not enter the equation. If they just look feminine thats fine (in fact its great). One doesn't necessarily mean the other. Of course I could be intrepreting it the wrong way.

Unlike some people i actually dig the current look. If we are getting the current look with more bling much like Blood Angels got that would be great. I guess I'll reserve judgement til I see them. Whenever that may be.

+1, we are talking about fanatics in gothic armours dying with prayer on lips..... sory but its grimdark 40M...we have Edward-marines already. But its too early to argue about minis we havent saw.

01-07-2011, 10:52 AM
Your right i did mean Wholeheartedly. Just lack of deprived sleep makes your brain do FuNnY things. ;)

You mean "You're right" :p. Couldn't help myself;).

01-08-2011, 12:00 AM
2011, lol, don't know how I managed 20100.:p

The bob would be a fairly combat effective hairstyle I think, the fringe is cut so it won't get in your eyes, its not so long it will catch in things but not so short as to be masculine. Which is an important consideration when your organisation is forbidden 'men at arms'. You want your female soldiers to look obviously female so no one thinks you are flouting the rules.

I'm rather keen on the lace, lace is baroque which is one of the main aesthetic elements of the Imperium (baroque pseudo-gothic). As to the veil, Stickmonkey said it was going to be one option, I assume like the blank face plates of the DE Wyches.

FINALLY! someone else who understands what a gothic style is.

very excited aabout plastic SOB's I just hope they dont turn them into female marines the way deamon hunters looks to become a psychic marines codex.

Brass, current SOB are about as similar to marines in playstyle as necrons are. infact if anything marines have been moving closer to SOB with the prevalence of mech and increased short range firepower options.

01-08-2011, 08:16 AM
"Wholeheartedly" I believe is the common expression. "Whole hardly" is definitely not.
So the corsets are not "girly", eh? And the fact that their equipment like power armor, jump packs, and bolters means their tactics make them close MEQ tactically is also my imagination I suppose too.Corsets are sexualized, they're there for sex appeal. I don't consider them particularly "girly" for that reason.

So what if they have bolters and power armor? They still aren't MEQ no matter how much the complete and utter morons of the hobby might scream that. They cannot do what MEQ can do, and MEQ cannot do what they can do because of statline and ability differences. That's right, Sisters don't have anything that even remotely resembles a Marine statline. Tau have units that re closer to MEQ than Sisters.

Brass Scorpion
01-08-2011, 09:56 PM
Getting pretty free with the name calling, aren't you? And it's not the first time either, not even close. Be glad some of us won't stoop to that level. Yes, we all know how you feel every third post in every thread on every forum in existence about anything even remotely referencing SoB and of course, as always, anyone who doesn't parrot whatever you say is a moron. That attitude along with your 25 posts or more per day stands you in good stead with so many people on so many forums and the list just keeps growing.

01-09-2011, 02:54 AM
She is right though, SoB are not MEQ.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
01-09-2011, 08:07 AM
Well Brass Scorpion, have you actually taken the time to read her posts? I mean actually read them before you scoff it off to just another so called rant? Doubt it. I for one, maybe im just alone on this, but i find Melissia's posts very constructive, thoughtful and well researched, compared to many on this forum, you included.

If you did read most of her so called 25 a day posts, as you claim, well you would realise she may actually be right like she clearly is. Do you play SoB so much as some of us here, like Melissia does? Again doubt it.
MEQ,well Sob just are not that.
They are a troop army, they are a secial weapon army, they are get in your face and say die army. Not heavy weapons, tanks (Immolators are not tanks), great hulking Special Characters or even super tough units.
There an army that is low in strength, good armour saves, and Faith. That's just some of the quality of the SoB army, and yes no other army can do what they do, and yes SoB cant do what other armies do. But i guess if they did, well they would be just like other armies and generic then would'nt they.

Lay off.
Stop turning this person, and maybe concentrate on the posts, and yes she is right there are Morons out there who keep claiming there MEQ, or there cheese, or that they are part of the Inquisition. And rightfully so should be called morons if they dont do there research before posting here claiming otherwise.

01-09-2011, 12:16 PM
Truth be told, nobody should be calling anyone morons or any other derogatory name. Someone may be misinformed, or judge too quickly, or a myriad of other things... But we should all give each-other the benefit of the doubt. And as far as posting a lot, I encourage posting (Duh) as long as it is 1. on topic and 2. adds to the conversation (not spam, insulting to another person or one word replies). Please keep this in mind and play nice everyone.

Mod Duke

Now as far as Im concerned the only thing that Marines and Sisters have in common is their gear. But beyond that they aren't MEQ... Women in power armor doesn't equal FSM (wink).


01-09-2011, 02:00 PM
@Brass Scorpion
Brass, Mon do what I did....ignore her(no offence).

And the fact that their equipment like power armor, jump packs, and bolters means their tactics make them close MEQ tactically is also my imagination I suppose too.
Kinda yes, but IMO afther playing them back in 4ed....they are like glass cannon(no SM are that), with T3 you cant take much of punch....although they(10 sisters) can tie up Warboss with nobs for 3 turns.

01-09-2011, 03:25 PM
Due to sheer numbers, they're fairly durable against shooting. They still do have a 3+ save, after all, and not only are they slightly cheaper than SMs, but you're more likely to take lots of bodies instead of buying toys like Land Raiders.

And BoSL means they'll at least live for a while in CC, though they don't usually want to be there.

Women in power armor doesn't equal FSM (wink).

So if the thread devolves into a FSM argument, do we get to blame you for actually saying that first;)

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
01-09-2011, 06:59 PM
Well personally Sorry Duke on my part for getting personal.
I just finished a Apoc game with my SoB vs DA/BA MEQ army, and though it was over 9 1/2 hours long, being 11k points, the DA player used no less than 4 LR's, 4 Dreads, and lots of other tanks/transports and so much anti tank weapons i really thought i would loose by round 2.

Yet with lots of troops, Dominion squads and yes lots of Faith, i had 32 total and only used 16 i think, i was able to pull off a win. How, well i tookit to him, launched so many Dominion squads and took out the units that threatened me, and blasted away the rest.
Used Penitant engines to tie up squads of heavy weapons and just played tactically.

SoB are not MEQ, but they can win against them.
Forgot to mention, by round 2, i had eliminated all his troops, mostly. SoB are great at shooting, large squads rapid firing can make real pain for you opponent.

01-09-2011, 07:01 PM
Pics or it didn't happen.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
01-09-2011, 08:44 PM
I think we are all hoping for a picture or more to really beleive this. Me, well as much as i like rumors, there just rumors until i see eveidence.
But its nice to hope thats it is true.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
01-09-2011, 08:46 PM
Hey just noticed i got to Chaplain level, though its great, cant i be something more inclined to SoB??? :(

01-10-2011, 09:39 AM
I know Eldargal got promoted to Autarch, so it's possible in special cases. You just have to really impress a mod:rolleyes:

01-10-2011, 02:27 PM
Lay off.
Stop turning this person, and maybe concentrate on the posts, and yes she is right there are Morons out there who keep claiming there MEQ, or there cheese, or that they are part of the Inquisition. And rightfully so should be called morons if they dont do there research before posting here claiming otherwise.

I'm sorry but. This post genuinely bothers me.

We should "lay off" and not make this personal. Yet we should allow you to call us morons for disagreeing with you? Then you justify it by saying we're morons yet agien for disagreeing with you.

How is anyone to contribute meaningfully to this thread when the opposition degrades them selves to name calling?This statement is so hypocritical that it confounds me!

I'm sorry. But that last part of your post genuinely bothers me.

I was going to write a well thought out counter argument to your statement that Sisters are not MEQ. But I see no reason to any more if your only response to to call the other side a moron.


01-10-2011, 03:46 PM
I guess you missed all that red text on the last page:rolleyes:

Brass Scorpion
01-10-2011, 04:22 PM
I'm sorry but. This post genuinely bothers me.It should bother you and everyone else. People are always going to have differing opinions on this forum or anywhere else. It is simply not acceptable to start name-calling or worse every time someone disagrees with you. If someone is not capable of civil discourse or "agreeing to disagree" they don't belong here. Report it to the MOD, that's what moderators are for on forums, they are the "enforcers".

Lockark, you also did the right thing on bailing out of the conversation as it wasn't going to go anywhere when the go-to strategy of the other person is personal insults. I've even seen a moderator on one of the other popular forums get trashed by a certain person in a nearly identical discussion. You'd think people who play strategy games would have a better strategy than insults, wouldn't you? Amazing.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
01-10-2011, 11:31 PM
Firstly Lockark, if you did read further than just my post, or actually read before posts, you would see that i actually did appologize to DUKE for getting personal. Secondly, well it stifles the immagination how many times i read posts from "said" people who obviously don't research anything before their points of opinions on here.
SoB are not MEQ, Female SM's or any of the other things many claim them to be, yet i still face palm myslef atleast once a month when i see someone who claims otherwise. I noticed you said you were going to disagree with that SoB are not MEQ, glad you understand that.

Now after Duke replied in red, i actually did apologize for my comments, it just irrates me to continually see that any time Melissia respons to something she has a right to believe in, some people jump the gun and go off personally against her, dismiss her comments as just another rant, and not take a single moment to consier she may be right or knows more about SoB than most people.
Guess if you read all the fluff, write fiction, collect every codex and read every novel, have dozens of thoughtful discussion on the SoB, you still are not justified to possible know more than others.
If they dont like what she says, or her then its simple....dont respond, no one forces you too, some think they have to get personal thats all. Me, as others like her here, and value her opinions, if you dont...Fine, leave it alone.

Lastly before i get back on track, if i have offended you for saying certain words, well its my opinions, i have aplogized for such personal attacks, read Dukes red worded post and then next post for my response. But, there are to many people on here who feel its ok to attack her for saying what she thinks, and then make it sound like there the victoms...its sad and dishonest.
Guess as Brass Scorpion pointed out, will just have to agree to dissagree with certian people now.

Back on track, i think with the release of the Grey Knights in April we could see a positive buildup to a later in the date for the SoB. For me, and i know others, there is much hope, i keep my fingers crossed, yet until i get a positive go ahead from GW, well i just hold my breath.

01-11-2011, 12:47 AM
If you think SoB are MEQ then pretty much the only armies who aren't would be Guard and Tau.:rolleyes:

Anyway, the fact that we now know it is going to be 'Codex: Grey Knights' gives me hope we will certainly be seeing Codex: SoB/Adepta Sororitas and not Witch Hunters or even Ecclesiarchy. All we need now is some confirmation that it is Phil Kelly writing the blasted book and we can be sure of getting an excellent codex.

01-11-2011, 05:30 AM
Dose it mean you dont like Inquisitor part in last codex??

I will miss Inquisitors cuz when you play army made of maidens its hard to personalise with HQ when youre guy.

01-11-2011, 05:38 AM
Its not that I objected to the Inquisition being in the codex, it was the fact that what was supposed to be a predominately an SoB codex was more of an Inquisition book. SoB felt like an afterthought. I do hope there is an Inquisitor HQ choice, but give /himher an SoB retinue and keep it at that. The same applies to the Ecclesiarchy, while they should be in the codex, it was extremely galling to have three times more E special characters than SoB characters!

Someone on Warseer reminded me that at one of last years Games Days (or at Warhammer World) Jes Goodwin said when SoB were re-done the vehicles would be getting a revamp to make them much more Adepta Sororitasesque rather than just 'oh, here are some rhino bases stuff, enjoy). Something to look forward to.

01-11-2011, 08:24 AM
I said Sisters WERE MEQ. "a counter argument to your statement that Sisters are not MEQ". All MEQ means is Space Marine equivalent. The same way Necrons are a Space Marine equivalent. That dosen't mean I'm calling them "Female space mariens" and don't under stand why you are getting so worked up about that.

All MEQ has less to do with how they play, and more to do with the how you kill them on the table top

01-11-2011, 08:35 AM
All MEQ means is Space Marine equivalent.

Sisters do not have an MEQ statline. They are T3, S3, most of them are WS3 and I3 to boot. They have more in common with veteran Guardsmen than they do with Marines.

01-11-2011, 08:42 AM
And that is why you are hideously wrong.

Sisters do not have an MEQ statline. They are T3, S3, most of them are WS3 and I3 to boot. They have more in common with veteran Guardsmen than they do with Marines.

Sisters of Battle still have power Armour. The weapons that are most effective ageist Guard/GEQ are not as effective ageist Sisters of battle because of the fact they have power Armour.

On the flip side of that, some of the weapons most effective ageist ageist space marines are most effective ageist Sisters. Because you by-pass power Armour.

01-11-2011, 09:13 AM
Read the Terms of service #6. I will be deleting every post that has anything to do with personal comments. If you want to make personal comments against each-other use a PM.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
01-11-2011, 09:14 AM
just because an army has power armour or equivilant of, doesn't make them MEQ. Its about there statline.

01-11-2011, 09:16 AM
Right, by that logic anything with a 3+ save is a MEQ, regardless of how you use them, which is just absurd. The categorisation becomes so broad as to be meaningless.

Sisters of Battle still have power Armour. The weapons that are most effective ageist Guard/GEQ are not as effective ageist Sisters of battle because of the fact they have power Armour.

On the flip side of that, some of the weapons most effective ageist ageist space marines are most effective ageist Sisters. Because you by-pass power Armour.

01-11-2011, 09:21 AM
Having power armor is irrelevant. They still don't have an MEQ statline. A 3+ save alone doesn't and never has made MEQ, nor does the addition of bolters, either. Marines have, as default stats, T4, S4, I4, and almost always have BS and WS4 as well, and Ld8 on standard troops. Basically, 4 across the board makes a standard MEQ statline. No marine units have less than S, T, or I4, and the only Marine units that have less than WS and BS 4 are scouts, who are newbie Marines, and only special, above-average marines have higher than that (plague marines having T5 for example).

Sisters have T3, S3, I3, and WS3. Basic Sisters are, as far as stats go, stormtroopers with bolters and power armor instead of carapace and hellguns.

01-11-2011, 09:25 AM
Well, while Sisters don't play the same way that Space Marines do, neither do Grey Knights. At the same time, Sisters play more like Marines than they do Guardsmen as far as I can tell (I've never played a Guard army, so I could be wrong about how Guard play).

Both Sisters and vanilla Marines focus on short ranged firepower and controlling the board. Sisters have less of a focus on close combat and more on rapid firing and burninating, while Marine can take advantage of several potent CC units, as well as dedicated long ranged firepower. Though part of that simply has to do with the Marines having a much newer and more flexible codex.

01-11-2011, 09:35 AM
Sisters play not too dissimilar to a mechanized guard with veteran guardsmen (melta and flamer spam is popular amongst vet guard), only because of our outdated codex, we only have one proper tank, and it's more of a tank hunter than a real tank, and all of our choices are overpriced. Hell, Orders even have some similarities to Acts of Faith, and the Lord Commissar is VERY similar to a canoness with BoSL.

01-11-2011, 09:52 AM
I'll toss my 2 cents in here real fast... but let me preamble with this: I play both Space Marines, and Sisters of Battle (and Grey Knights, but that doesn't matter for this post).

Sisters are in NO way the same in gameplay terms. Let me explain:
1 - Stats. Holy hell, stay out of close combat in this generation of close combat armies of 'face-killy-ness'.
2 - They SHALL know fear... sisters fail a ton of command checks... they can just rally at odd times if they have enough faith points.
3 - With the proper guess work and timing, a standard sister can survive what a normal marine would get destroyed by (faith points again).
4 - No standard grenades (frag or krak). You have to buy them... and that sucks (but at least there is the option).
5 - No Pistols. Doesn't seem like a big difference, but it really is... it means you can't soften up even Eldar and charge them... it's either shoot or charge (the sister superior may be able to fire something if you charge, but that's about it)... which leads me to...
6 - It's usually best not to charge. Initiative 3 on standard Battle Sisters (seraphim are 4s), and strength 3 with a WS of 3... so... usually it goes like this: 4s to hit, and 5s to wound. You need a hell of a lot of sisters to put a dent in anything. Not to mention if you're missing grenades, well... initiative 1. So that means sticking to guns.
7 - Long Ranged weaponry is almost solely in 1 unit. The Excorsist has a 4 foot range... it's our most impressive piece that constantly makes my opponents go "holy sh--, that's broken!!!" or whatever flavor they choose that day.
8 - Natural psyker protection. 5+ vs psychic attacks? Marines have no comparison at all.
9-10 all have to do with Inquisition, assassins (their lack of assault gernades! >.<), psychic hoods, weaponry, etc. but that's not why I'm commenting...

The point is, statline is one thing... another is effectiveness. YES I can assault and win... I have to do with with 20 Battle Sisters on most other armies to be effective... walking out with usually 5 wounds done and a slew back to me... but are they space marines? Heck no... no where NEAR space marines... equipment, weaponry, statline, point cost (I didn't even get into point cost in my list above!), etc... it all adds up. All these things make other armies different from Space Marines and Sisters are way beyond being 'MEQ'.

It's sorta insulting to Marine players and Sister players to their either are similar to each other... not on a personal level, but more of on a "really?!" level.

I don't blame you for thinking it though, really... I started out thinking that when I first saw them... but after reading mounds of fluff, 2nd ed codex, and the current 'dex... and playing almost as many games with the SoB as I've played with Space Marines (at this point), I have totally different expectations and tactics every time I field the Sisters over the Marines.

With all that said... Will i keep playing them with new models and a new 'dex [hopefully] on the way? Of course... I just hope they all don't have the same stance and growl like they do now...(shoulder width and snarly).

01-11-2011, 09:56 AM
*EDIT* It seems Revarien has put all my thoughts into an even more well worded argument and put it up before me.

I have to say (well I don't HAVE to but I feel like it) that I agree with the non MEq contingent.

The point that sisters are as hard to kill as Space Marines was brought up earlier and that is just not true, sure they will be saving the same ratio of wounds, but as others have pointed out Sisters are all T3, which in fact makes a huge difference in the number of wounds suffered in the first place. It also means that the Sisters HQ's can be insta-killed by S6 or better weapons as opposed to the Space Marines S8.
In fact, for the +5 points a SM has over a Battle Sister he gets +1 to WS, S, T and I. Plus he gets ATSKNF, Combat tactics, in addition to frag and krak grenades. Conversely the sisters get the Adeptus Sororitas rule and they also get Faith points to play around with.
So if you are of the opinion that its the equipment and playstyle, well the equipment is not the same (unless you spend an additional 3 points on the Sisters), and the special rules are quite unique between them.
Not to mention the differing options the two armies have, SM can get everything while sisters can get melta, flamers and heavy bolters.

On to the topic of the models.

I'm quite happy with the recent rumours as SoB is one of the armies that I really wanted to start playing but couldn't quite justify the high cost (especially when my four fantasy armies still need my love and attention). I really hope they redo the Sisters Repentia as well, the current models are, well, not quite pg13 and not that well done in the first place.

01-11-2011, 10:21 AM
Sorry Novatomato :)

One last thing I kinda forgot to say is:
I know that a few of us SoB players don't exactly see eye to eye on how the armor should be modeled on the SoB... I understand people's concerns with that, but I really see their armor as being ornamental with hidden function: old tech that the church has access to (e.g. better ceremite and all that). That being said: Pg 12 and 13 of the current dex are what I pictured from 'Faith and Fire' for being the standard in what a Sisters army would look like going to war... and their imagery and armor (I'm looking at YOU Repentia!!!) should look mor similar to this.

I could understand 1 repentia looking like the current models... 1 out of say...8 sculpts or so... but currently: They're massive point holes, unruly on the field ("OH A DROP POD, GET IT!" (((due to silly rules))) *sigh*.... *saw saw saw* *BOOM* *all die*), and such laughable models that I fear putting on the field for that reason alone...

Yeesh... I've posted waaaay more than my lurking quota allows >.> lol

01-11-2011, 12:06 PM
It occurs to me that this is a thread about a SoB model, whilst we wander off into an argument over the definition of MEQ...

Sisters play not too dissimilar to a mechanized guard with veteran guardsmen (melta and flamer spam is popular amongst vet guard), only because of our outdated codex, we only have one proper tank, and it's more of a tank hunter than a real tank, and all of our choices are overpriced. Hell, Orders even have some similarities to Acts of Faith, and the Lord Commissar is VERY similar to a canoness with BoSL.

Actually, now that I think about it, it does make some sense. Sisters are almost at the halfway point between Guard and Marines, with a wall of rhinos providing cover and short-range firepower, backed up by exorcists. Individually, some of the units are similar to basic Marines, but as a whole they operate differently, relying on shooting and numbers rather than CC and elite units.

It seems to me that you could play Sisters like Marines, but you could also play them like Guard. Neither is quite optimal with Sisters, so any rigid definition of MEQ or GEQ is pointless here.

01-11-2011, 01:57 PM
Right, by that logic anything with a 3+ save is a MEQ, regardless of how you use them, which is just absurd. The categorisation becomes so broad as to be meaningless.

"Any army that uses units of +3Sv dudes across the board"?

Not really.

All that Includes is:
SM, SM Variant Books, CSM, Necrons, and Sisters.

Eldar/Dark Eldar have a 1-2 elite units with a +3Sv but are not MEQ because they don't have that +3Sv across all unit. (Or if not the majority of the units)

If you limit MEQ to meaning "4 across the board with a +3Sv", then that means chaos marines are not MEQ because of the Cult Troops and Chaos Marks that mess with the stat-lines.

Armies that aren't MEQ:
Eldar/Dark Eldar, Tau, Deamons, Gaurd, Nids and orks.

Witch even thows can be broken down into two separate groups. (Elite and Hoard, based mostly on the model counts of the respective armies.)

01-11-2011, 02:15 PM
Well, from the logic you yourself have put forward then no army is MEq, as even the SM books have scouts which do not have a 3+ save.

I know that when I talk about a MEq it would always refer to a unit not an army. Maybe that is where the confusion is coming from?

If you think of MEqs as units then it makes more sense, a MEq unit is a 4 almost across the board with a 3+ save and decent to high leadership.

01-11-2011, 02:22 PM
Well, from the logic you yourself have put forward then no army is MEq, as even the SM books have scouts which do not have a 3+ save.

I know that when I talk about a MEq it would always refer to a unit not an army. Maybe that is where the confusion is coming from?

If you think of MEqs as units then it makes more sense, a MEq unit is a 4 almost across the board with a 3+ save and decent to high leadership.

If the basic troop choice is +3Sv and the majority of units share the same +3Sv it should be quite obvious that it's a MEQ.

I might not of said it in so few words, but that was the point I was trying to make.

Now for something completely different. For some reason I remember seeing artwork of a sister of battle in Veil Before. But looking threw the witch hunter codex I can't seem to find it.

Dose any one remember the artwork I'm talking about? Because I swore I remember a friend showing me it before. I know on Pg.13 of the book there are sisters of battle in hoods. But I thought I remember seeing one with a sister of battle in power Armour wearing a veil.

Am I miss remembering the hoods as veils?

Brass Scorpion
01-11-2011, 03:05 PM
If the basic troop choice is +3Sv and the majority of units share the same +3Sv it should be quite obvious that it's a MEQ.Space Marines, small expensive elite force with power armor, jump packs, rhino transports, bolter, flamers, plasma weapons, power swords and a walking war machine.

SoB, small expensive elite force with power armor, jump packs, rhino transports, bolter, flamers, plasma weapons, power swords and a walking war machine.

If it looks like an MEQ, is equipped like an MEQ, plays tactically like an MEQ, it's an MEQ. In this case, as I said a few pages back, near MEQ thanks to the difference in stats, but the equipment and tactics means this army essentially plays like an MEQ and playing against it requires virtually the same exact tactics as playing against Marines.

01-11-2011, 03:44 PM
Space Marines, small expensive elite force with power armor, jump packs, rhino transports, bolter, flamers, plasma weapons, power swords and a walking war machine.

SoB, small expensive elite force with power armor, jump packs, rhino transports, bolter, flamers, plasma weapons, power swords and a walking war machine.

If it looks like an MEQ, is equipped like an MEQ, plays tactically like an MEQ, it's an MEQ. In this case, as I said a few pages back, near MEQ thanks to the difference in stats, but the equipment and tactics means this army essentially plays like an MEQ and playing against it requires virtually the same exact tactics as playing against Marines.

That's like comparing a motorcycle to a truck.
Just because they both drive down the road, they have wheels, run on gasoline/petrol, have engines, have speedometers, and can be fixed by various mechanics...

Once again, "Really?!" Such a limited scope of things. Anything can be broken down to it's baser elements to be compared with anything else... A sport: It's played with a ball, there are teams, there are coaches, there are star players, it's played on a field, there are fans and a referee... which sport was I talking about?
Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Rugby, Football, Bowling, Golf, Quidditch?

The point is: it doesn't matter what I say or anyone else says to you... if you're going to troll us, at least do it better then that.

01-11-2011, 03:55 PM
Now for something completely different. For some reason I remember seeing artwork of a sister of battle in Veil Before. But looking threw the witch hunter codex I can't seem to find it.

Dose any one remember the artwork I'm talking about? Because I swore I remember a friend showing me it before. I know on Pg.13 of the book there are sisters of battle in hoods. But I thought I remember seeing one with a sister of battle in power Armour wearing a veil.

Am I miss remembering the hoods as veils?

Quite possibly but there's only my word for it currently, I don't recall any sort of veil in any of the artwork I have encountered.
Having said that I will peruse through my collection of artworks when I have a chance to double check that.

01-11-2011, 07:58 PM
SoB, small expensive elite force with power armor, jump packs, rhino transports, bolter, flamers, plasma weapons, power swords and a walking war machine.

Actually, Sisters have very limited access to plasma weapons, relying exclusively on melta and flamers. And with low strength, attacks and initiative, you can't compare the close combat prowess of Sisters to Marines. The only real offensive CC unit in the Sisters codex is the Cannoness.

And Seraphim are a very, very, very different unit than Assault Marines. They don't fill even close to the same role.

I'm not sure I would define Sisters as a "small" force, either. Seeing as there are a limited set of options for viable units, most Sister armies consist of a few Exorcists and as many Sisters as you can cram in. 50-60 infantry models in 1500pts wouldn't be in the least bit odd. I wouldn't exactly call that a small army.

Plus, Sister's walking war machines are kinda not so great...

If it looks like an MEQ, is equipped like an MEQ, plays tactically like an MEQ, it's an MEQ.

Well, they don't actually quite play like Marines. You can play them the same way as Marines, but in the same sense as you can play, or try to play, any army the way you would Marines.