View Full Version : Damocles Rhino & air support?

01-05-2011, 10:17 AM
I was looking through the FW site and the Damocles Rhino caught my eye. Looking at some old discussions I saw that there was an option to allow it to call down an orbital strike or allow 0-1 Lightning, Thunderbolt, or Vulture (seems like a good way to sell flyer kits to SM players :).

Later updates/discussions don't mention this (but do mention the orbital strike and the reserve re-roll). Can it no longer do this?

(If not, it's a shame: I'll never understand why Astartes lack dedicated close-air-support. But that's just reality creeping on on my fun little toy soldiers game. :)

Also, I don't hear about people using these very often. Is it mostly due to problems with groups accepting FW rules or is there something wrong with the unit?

01-05-2011, 10:28 AM
I'm a big fan of the Damocles Rhino, but it's generally only allowed in apocalypse and some casual games. For apocalypse, most people would rather run the big flashy 250-point beastie in their HQ slot rather than a support vehicle.

I think it's worth its points in gold, but it depends on the army list. I use it with a Deathwing list and it's amazing.

01-05-2011, 11:33 AM
Most of the lists I've seen it in tend to be pretty terminator heavy, so I see what you mean. I'm thinking of going the other way and using a lot of scouts (mostly fluffiness and the fact that I somehow ended up with a bunch), so the reserve re-roll looks like it would help quite a bit.

What about the air support question: do you know if it still allows you to take a flyer?

01-05-2011, 11:33 AM
The current rules can be found here http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/i/IA2update28AUG.pdf