View Full Version : Bjorn, Njal, Calgar, Honour Guard: 40K Advance Order

Brass Scorpion
01-05-2011, 09:08 AM
Check out what's in the Warhammer 40,000 Advance Order page NOW (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/armySubUnitCats.jsp?catId=cat440160a&rootCatGameStyle=wh40k):

- Bjorn the Fellhanded $57.75 US (re-release)
- Ultramarines Honour Guard $19.75 for two (from the current boxed set)
- Ultramarines Chapter Champion $14.00 (from the current boxed set)
- Marneus Calgar (in power armour) $16.50 (re-release)
- Njal Stormcaller (classic) $16.50 (re-release)

Release date: January 22

Years ago I got a Njal model in a bargain bin at GW for $4 back when they regularly had such things. He's $16.50 now!

And Bjorn now comes with a 60mm base. I got mine so long ago Space Marine Dreadnoughts didn't come with a base of any kind and 60mm round bases from GW did not exist.

http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1610030a_99060101461_UltramarinesHonourGuard_224x 160.jpg
http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1610020a_99060101074_MarneusCalgarPowerArmour_224 x160.jpg

01-05-2011, 09:23 AM
Aren't these "old" models that are just being re-released?

Brass Scorpion
01-05-2011, 09:26 AM
Aren't these "old" models that are just being re-released?
Some are older models being re-released, some are from the Calgar And Honour Guard boxed set and are being sold separately for the first time.

01-05-2011, 09:30 AM
So that Bjorn model is the "windshield smasher special" in pewter then?

Brass Scorpion
01-05-2011, 09:32 AM
Yes, the Bjorn model is still the original model in pewter.

01-05-2011, 11:37 AM
Lol, they couldn't do a plastic upgrade kit? they have to re-release the old 2nd ed models...

Brass Scorpion
01-05-2011, 11:44 AM
A plastic upgrade would be a major capital expenditure in a new mold, something reserved for big releases from which they expect big sales. This release simply makes existing models available to those who want them. Why is anyone surprised there are no new models in this release, the only new releases announced for January were Skaven? When there is something new, brand new, they announce and advertise it in their way ahead of time.

Here's a bit from today's GW What's New Today on these additions to the Advance Order page:

Right, that's all the Skaven-based action for today - make sure you return where I will be talking about painting techniques. Actually, on the subject of painting, we have added a few Space Marine models to the advance order page today too, including the classic Marneus Calgar in power armour and the mighty Bjorn the Fell-handed. All of these miniatures are fantastic figures to paint so why not check them out now.

01-05-2011, 12:05 PM
There's nothing on that Bjorn model that you can't get from the SW Pack box and the Venerable Dread kit that is all plastic and about $15 cheaper. (Just the Dread, not the SW bits. But if you have an SW army, you should have bits already.)

01-05-2011, 12:18 PM
Power armor calgar = awesome!

Personally, I think it is the best way to use him. In a razorback with tactical marines.

01-05-2011, 12:22 PM
The new kits allow you to kit bash your heroes. They don't need to make new models. Look at tycho and Dante- with the sanguinary guad kits and some goodies, you can make them in any pose you want. I have seen wonderful kit bashes on this site.

01-05-2011, 12:44 PM
The new kits allow you to kit bash your heroes. They don't need to make new models. Look at tycho and Dante- with the sanguinary guad kits and some goodies, you can make them in any pose you want. I have seen wonderful kit bashes on this site.

Its how I made my Dante. All Sang Guard bitz with a DC Box jump pack.

01-05-2011, 12:44 PM
Some are older models being re-released, some are from the Calgar And Honour Guard boxed set and are being sold separately for the first time.

The honour guard are from the boxed set but the Calgar model is not. That is also an old model being re-released, the one in the box set has terminator armour.

Brass Scorpion
01-05-2011, 12:53 PM
The honour guard are from the boxed set but the Calgar model is not. That is also an old model being re-released, the one in the box set has terminator armour.Just for the record, I believe my first post, the one that started the thread, already specified that information.

01-05-2011, 01:30 PM
So happy! Now all we need is Thunderwolves and Fenrisian Wolves.

Brass Scorpion
01-05-2011, 01:56 PM
So happy! Now all we need is Thunderwolves and Fenrisian Wolves. That would be good, wouldn't it? I'm tired of seeing terrible Thundrewolves substitutions. I've yet to see a good one. The only good unit of Thunderwolves I've seen that was not done as a Chaos counts-as was converted entirely from the Canis Wolfborn model, but I don't blame most people for not going there, it's expensive and laborious. That's a project I'm putting off myself till there's a good kit for it.

01-05-2011, 01:58 PM
That PA calgar model was a GD special- OOP. I think you mean the TA calgar.
And really, splitting calgar and honour guard is pointless:
Ultra players will only use honour guard with calgar.
Other SM players still can't use the honour guard models- they have ultra symbols everywhere.
There's a similar thread over on dakkadakka:

Brass Scorpion
01-05-2011, 02:13 PM
No, the PA Calgar was the original Calgar model before there ever was a boxed set with him in Terminator armor or Honour Guards. The PA Calgar was in print for a while even after the boxed set was released, then discontinued. Now it is back in print. It was never a special release for Games Day or any other occasion, it is a quite old model by miniatures standards. Some of us have been doing this long enough to remember when it was new. ;)

01-05-2011, 02:28 PM
That would be good, wouldn't it? I'm tired of seeing terrible Thundrewolves substitutions. I've yet to see a good one. The only good unit of Thunderwolves I've seen that was not done as a Chaos counts-as was converted entirely from the Canis Wolfborn model, but I don't blame most people for not going there, it's expensive and laborious. That's a project I'm putting off myself till there's a good kit for it.

I'm quite pleased with mine although I haven't yet got round to doing the rest of the unit.


Sister Rosette Soulknyt
01-05-2011, 11:59 PM
Is that a wolf or bear??
Reminds me of that armoured polar bear from ....damn it cant remember the name of the movie now....the one with Nicole Kidman in it..that's it the Golden Compass.

01-06-2011, 03:02 AM
Not really anything new...

I like the Dark Angel upgrade pack tho...that Power Mace is awesome.

I think that Bjorn is re released because of Prospero Burns...that was a great book...

01-07-2011, 12:24 AM
God leave it to gw to re release the same old crappy models from a bygone era.. and why in gods name would you buy a bjorn the fell handed model when he sucks so absolute. hes the worst upgrade in the wolves book point blank no self respecting competitive wolf players uses this lame model

01-07-2011, 02:21 PM
Just for the record, I believe my first post, the one that started the thread, already specified that information.

Oh yes, I see that now, I originally read it as meaning that you were referring to the calgar model as being the one from the boxed set.

01-07-2011, 03:56 PM
God leave it to gw to re release the same old crappy models from a bygone era.. and why in gods name would you buy a bjorn the fell handed model when he sucks so absolute. hes the worst upgrade in the wolves book point blank no self respecting competitive wolf players uses this lame model

Are you saying the rules or the model suck? 'cause the model itself looks just like any other Dread, just with space wolf details.

And as for the rules, I know a few very good players who might disagree with you about how good Bjorn is;).

MC Tic Tac
01-07-2011, 08:06 PM
Good job I got PA Njal for Ģ3 off ebay and got Bjorn for trading a few SM bikes......

01-07-2011, 08:25 PM
Ive noticed a lot of you complaining about ferasian wolves <sorry if spelt wrong> i agree havnt seen any good thunderwolf but cheak out these




01-08-2011, 01:26 PM
Ive noticed a lot of you complaining about ferasian wolves <sorry if spelt wrong> i agree havnt seen any good thunderwolf but cheak out these




Those are some nice wolf models, but pretty pricey...and they don't included bases. :(

As far as Thunderwolves go, Paulson Games' riding wolves are pretty bang-on, I think.

I bought 6 for my SW army. They come with custom resin bike-style 40K bases, the wolves themselves are about as large as an attack bike, and they also come with a saddle/rider legs bit which is styled after power armour, and suits marines perfectly.

01-13-2011, 01:51 AM
Are you saying the rules or the model suck? 'cause the model itself looks just like any other Dread, just with space wolf details.

And as for the rules, I know a few very good players who might disagree with you about how good Bjorn is;).

270 points for a bs 6 dread? the only reason to take him is the free plasma canon that wouldnt scatter more than 6 inches s7 big whoop i3 why is he slower? makes no sense... oh boy he gets a 5+ invo save and 13 armor for 270 no thanks
and once he dies hes a liability

re roll a die for turn ok maybe.. but 270 points? not in the face of the ba lib dreads that are a hell of a lot cheaper.. 150 points if i have them figured correctly

Bjorn went from he is in every sw list to hes in no ones sw list and yes the model is terrible

Njal is twice the hq choice and only 240 points imo

Vaddok Sek
01-13-2011, 02:39 AM
I think its good that they are bringing back the old Bjorn model. After all, what else (legal for public carrying anyway) is a wolf player going to use as a melee weapon in case he catches his opponet cheating and decides to use some of that Fenrisian procactiveness to resolve the issue?

01-13-2011, 03:17 AM
I think its good that they are bringing back the old Bjorn model. After all, what else (legal for public carrying anyway) is a wolf player going to use as a melee weapon in case he catches his opponet cheating and decides to use some of that Fenrisian procactiveness to resolve the issue?


01-13-2011, 08:26 AM
Those are some nice wolf models, but pretty pricey...and they don't included bases. :(

As far as Thunderwolves go, Paulson Games' riding wolves are pretty bang-on, I think.

I bought 6 for my SW army. They come with custom resin bike-style 40K bases, the wolves themselves are about as large as an attack bike, and they also come with a saddle/rider legs bit which is styled after power armour, and suits marines perfectly.

I also have Paulsonīs ones!!

They are very well done... And as big as a Rhino!!