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View Full Version : 2K Tau list-Comments, criticism welcome!

01-05-2011, 12:27 AM
Finally got my Tau started and got a couple games in last week vs a Deathwing army. Pulled 2 draws so I want to see how I can change that.

Shas'El-Missile, Plasma,Hard wired Drone, Hard wired MT, Iridium, Stimulant Injector, targetting array, 2X shield drones- 157 pts

3X Crisis-Missile, Plasma, MT-186
3X Crisis-Missile, Plasma, MT-186
3X Crisis-Missile, Fusion Blaster, MT, 1 Team Ldr / HW Drone, 2X Shield drones-197

10X Kroot-70
7X Fire Warrior with Shas'Ui in Devilfish with Burst Canon, Smart Missiles, Disruption Pod, Tgt Array-190
7X Fire Warrior with Shas'Ui in Devilfish with Burst Canon, Smart Missiles, Disruption Pod, Tgt Array-190
7X Fire Warrior with Shas'Ui in Devilfish with Burst Canon, Smart Missiles, Disruption Pod, Tgt Array-190

Fast Attack:
6X Pathfinder with Shas'Ui-82
6X Pathfinder with Shas'Ui-82

Heavy Support:
Hammerhead-Railgun, Disruption Pod, 2X Burst Cannons-155
Hammerhead-Railgun, Disruption Pod, 2X Burst Cannons-155
2X Broadsides with Adv Stabilization-160

My thoughts:
From the top, I feel like my HQ is overpriced for 1 suit but I'm not sure if I should drop any of those options. The 2+ armor is nice and with FNP and shield drones, he should stay for a while. I love the fire knife config suits so 2 squads of those is a must. I've got 1 unit with the missiles and fusion to drop in behind enemy tanks and the drones are to help them stay. Troops; Not sure how I feel about the kroot, just have them go to ground on a home objective or infiltrate and find something squishy of the enemy's to nom nom on. Firewarriors, been told that the best way is to have small unit sizes in transports to hold objectives. Pathfinders are a must. Heavy support, not really sure how to feel. I like the broadsides twin linked rail guns but not their toughness 4. Thinkinging about dropping a hammerhead and picking up another 2 Broadsides...

Thoughts, comments, concerns?

01-05-2011, 07:36 AM
I assume the pathfinders devilfish are being given to the FW, just remember they can't start the game in one

My advise is drop a hammerhead and one of the devilfish (to make points) and replace it with broadsides. T4 doesn't look good on paper, but then give them shield drones. The new game is see how many times you make your opponent swear cos you heavy support can't be killed until he gets through 4 T4, 2+,4++ drones. Plus my drones actually do well in combat!
Stabilisation is nice, but with exception of walking on turn 1 in a DoW game, they shouldn't be moving.

On the surviving devilfish, don't bother with the Target Array. It only affect the burst cannon, not the drones, and spending those points on a slight chance of another hit isn't worth it. Those points can go elsewhere, extra FW if nothing else

01-05-2011, 03:33 PM
I dont have my codex so I can't be 100% but I dont think you can have iridium and drones for the HQ it's one or the other.

01-05-2011, 04:20 PM
If you hardwire the drone controller you can.

01-05-2011, 07:08 PM
Kroot are great especially if you are going for a more static gun line with more Broadsides and 2 squads of pathfinders. Add some hounds if you got em and a shaper for leadership. and large numbers. though they dont benefit from the markerlights they are a whole bunch of str 4 shots. just put them in cover to shield the tau units let them take charges or make a charge if the oppurtunity presentsitself but keep them in cover unless they can actually get into cc, they are very effective at creating anti drop pod bubbles

If you are going to keep the fw in the devilfish dont waste points with the shas ui especially if you are going to keep the devilfish laying low and grab objectives in the end

If you are going to use 2 squads of broadsides then replace the Railgun on the remaining hammerhead with an ion cannon especiallly with the burst cannons.

I like the fire knife suits but not the fusion suits the idea of deepstriking and blowing something up seems like a good idea but no matter who play it is always a one shot deal, just cant keep them alive no matter how they are equiped.

over all though it seems like a good tau list similar to what i run.

01-05-2011, 08:16 PM
Omstead of the fusion missile suits with drones, I would go with the xv9 with fusion cascades. You get nearly the same firepower, and if they are charged, you can jump away.