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View Full Version : 1850 Chaos SPACE MARINES"REBELION"-Competitive

01-03-2011, 10:31 AM
Lucrez la o lista de Chaos SM,desi nu ii suport si cred ca sunt Daemon fakes...dar pentru ca totusi contin ceva demoni si am vazut ca Alex face minuni cu ei ma gandeam poate ar fi o alternativa in a il opri pe Blake.
Desi eu nu voi juca niciodata cu ei,poate usa.Lista:


1XDaemon Prince-155(Wings,Lash of submission)

1XDaemon Prince-155(Wings,Lash of submission)

1xGreater Daemon-100


7XChosen Space Marines-166(Campion,3XMeltagun


10XChaos Space Marines-190(1XLascannon,1Xmeltagun,Icon Chaos Glory

10XChaos Space Marines-185(Campion-combi-weapon,2Xflamer)

9XKhorne Berzekers-229(Campion cu power fist) into LR

6XLesser Daemons-78(Bloodletteri fara power weapon si furios charge)


1XLand Raider-220

1XChaos Defiler-150(3 Close combat arms-s10,TL Reaper Autocannon,Battle Cannon
Reaper cannon because if you get weapon destroyed...and if you get immobilized


01-03-2011, 03:49 PM
Greater Daemon yes.

What does everyone else think?

*** 1: Should I CUT the Land Raider and get a Rhino for my Zerkers?(Isn't The Rhino gonna go boom boom leaving my zerkers in the open?)

*** 2 .6 man CSM squads seem fragile to give them a power fist what do you think?

***3.Defiler GOOD? or BAD? 2 Oblits or a Defiler? or BOTH?

*** 4.A cheap Dreadnought for 100 points is the way to go?(you can avoid frenzy by keeping him with a ML next to a rhino as shoot the s4 missile versus AV11)

***5.Chosen SM- I would kit them 6 man squad with 3 melta/2 flamer/champion

***6.Lesser Daemons are they any good? I think for the objectives they could work

***7.Greater Daemon do we use it?(I think it's like a Super powerful Champion with 4 wound T6 s6-could come in handy..plus when it comes it can assault-BUT it's 100 points...almost like a DP

The LASH tactics it's not just to get them outside cover,put them in a circle for template/blast weapons,pull thme near your dred/defiler or drive MC or other units back or make them fly into terrain to take dangerous tests..BUT also every unit that is touched by it MUST take a Pinning Test,which could matter a lot(If you pull something out and it fails the pinning test you can fire at something else)

01-08-2011, 07:45 PM
I like it. The lash tactic is a very sound tactic. The landraider allows your berserkers to assault from the tank, and the lesser daemons are good, just make sure you have enough icons. If the squad with the icon gets destroyed, you can not bring them onto the table.

You have 3 champions, which should be enough to get one close enough to be the unlucky sacrifice to bring the Greater Daemon in. I only see 2 vehicles. Speed is necessary for an army based on what your general tactics are.

I have worked out a slightly different force, that fixes some of the weaknesses in the list. Even this one has its faults, because dark Dldar, Eldar and Tau have either lance weapons, or high strength weapons that could destroy the landraider quickly. Space marines with drop pods and a veteran squad with melta guns, and another dropped nearby with flamers can mop up the Khorne unit fairly easily unless you have it supported.

Have a look at the list I worked out, it is very similar to your with just a few changes, and I wil explain the general tactics I would use for it below the list.

2 x Daemon Princes of Slaanesh with wings and lash of Submission 155 points each

Summoned Greater Daemon - 100 points

6 x noise marines champion doom siren, power weapon 5 troops sonic blasters, rhino dedicated tpt, havoc launcher - 230 points

7 x Khorne Berserkers - Champion - Power fist, Pers Icon, mounted in Landraider - Possessed, Havoc Launcher 192 point + 255 points

6 x summoned lesser daemons - 78 points

10 x Chaos Space Marines - Champion - Power weapon, Troops - Icon of Chaos Glory, Melta Gun, Flamer mounted in rhino TPT - 230 points

5 x Raptors, Champion - power weapon, Troops Icon of Chaos Glory, 2 x Flamers - 150 Points

Defiler - reaper auto cannon, 2 x Dreadnought Close Combat Weapons, Battle Cannon, additional Close Combat Arm - 150 points

2 x Obliterators - 150 points

The army has 4 troop choices including the lesser daemons. The raptors allow you to move rapidly behind cover, and act as both an icon for summoning, and well as sacrificing the champion for the greater daemon. Each of the units is set up with this in mind, the rest are just mounted in vehicles.

The 2 Daemon princes can move and lash your enemy units and walkers out of cover so you can blast them with melta guns, doom sirens and flamers. Then they can move in to assist in CC.

The Obliterators can either be left in ruins to cover the advance, or deep strike using the icons as a guide, then go to work on the enemy.

The defiler is your artillery, close combat tank unit, and will also help the other big units in the army by being another big nasty target that the enemy has to allocate shooting against.

The Landraider with its Berserker payload, they will be a prime target, that will hurt the enemy. These are backed up by the noise marines and the CSM in Rhino APCs.

The daemons both lesser and Greater can be summoned onto the table to deny/hold objectives, and the Greater daemon is death to most enemy unis in CC.

Armies you will have trouble against because you will be relying on either the lash tactic, or the daemon summoning tactic are:

Eldar who reduce the effectiveness of you psychic abilities, and use lance weapons that will kill your tanks.

GK with Guard allies who can hit deep strikers as they arrive, and have lots of artillery.

Tau because they can run a mobile vehicle based army, and their higher weapon strength, and the free jump move the battle suits get in the assault phase helps them get out of your weapons/ charge range. Their smart missiles will ignore your intervening cover, and they have a plethora of special gear for their tanks, and marker lights to make it easier to hit you, or reduce your cover save.

Dark Eldar because of their fast mobile troops who can assault quickly, dark lance weapons, poisoned weapons, special characters who are almost unstoppable in CC, and units that have a great deal of power weapons.

Space Marines because of their drop pod assaults, veteran squads with both anti armour and template weapons, dreadnoughts, vindicators, whirlwinds and land speeders that can move so fast and still shoot up your flanks. Their Librarians can also try to counter you psychic spells.

I am sure you will get more feedback from others who play chaos. Some will direct you to a Tzeentch or Nurgle based army. I prefer a mix of Khorne, Slaanesh, and undivided, as I find the Tzeentch units are too expensive for their low amount of attacks, and slow and purposeful rule. Nurgle can be too expensive especially since they rely on their higher toughness, and FNP, and these are easily countered by power weapons, and high strength weapons like demolishers and basilisks, and the low initiative means enemy get to strike first or at the same time.

Well those are my recommendations.