View Full Version : new year resolutions for the hobby

The Madman
01-03-2011, 07:39 AM
inspired by goatboy's -first post of the year (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2011/01/goatboys-40k-nonsense-first-post-of.html), i've decided to put up a thread for anyone to share their new year resolutions. they can be about anything not just the hobby as a whole.

mine are the following;

1 - finish my word bearers, its the defilers really i messed up on the paint stripping so now its all stuck up with black gulp.

2 - finish warhound, started it late november and got the legs, crotch and main hull done.

3 - do even better at collage - i got mostly passes in my course but distinctives in my game development part of the course (which surprisingly often talks about GW and flames of war).

4 - lose weight, almost everyone puts this down. i won't be bothering with the whole calorie bs, just eat less, eat better, eat less sweets and such.

so what are the resolutions of the community?

P.S i've never bothered with these up till now.

Drew da Destroya
01-03-2011, 10:20 AM
My number one hobby resolution this year is to Paint models. My hordes of Gray Orks are pretty sad, even if I'm proud of my conversion work.

Same with my new Dark Eldar... at least I've been trying to keep on top of building them (only the Archon is in his packaging), but I need to keep on top of painting, otherwise I'll have a new horde of Gray Xenos.

In other resolution news, I think it's about time to find a new job, so I've got to rework my Resume and start getting it out there. Anybody need an English Major with customer service experience?

01-03-2011, 10:59 AM
I think most people would like to get the grey plastic painted this year and I am no different. I HATE seeing all my stuff unpainted, but my number one new years resolution is to paint a mini above and beyond my usual quality.

1. Paint a mini like a Pro

2. Find a group I can play the damn game with!

I recently moved so if anyone in Stephenville, TX. want's to play some 40K please let me know!

3. same as Da Destroya, Find a new job!

01-03-2011, 11:19 AM
#1) Tidy my flat so I can...

#2) Find all my unpainted models

#3) Finish my Ork Kopta Force

Unfortunately, #1 may take until 2012 :(

Also need to find a job (recurring theme here?) and want to get in to converting/painting commission miniatures. If anyone is interested in the later, or has a job for an aeronautical engineer for that matter, PM me.

01-03-2011, 11:31 AM
1) get better at painting
2) improve at painting
3) paint up my vulture (dear mr.weatherman make it suny so i can undercoat :P)
4) paint p the nobz box
5) paint up and enter UK GD11 youngbloods

and a recuuring theme possibly start commisions! oh and beat my Dreads CMON score (somehow it got a 7 :D nowits liek 6.7)

p.s. pass my standard grade exams (hopefully :) )


01-12-2011, 11:07 PM
1. Learn to airbrush.
2. Paint the world.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
01-13-2011, 03:42 AM
1) start on the Fortress of Redemption that im going to convert for my SoB army, already spent $200+ on add-ons for it.

2) Keep saving for the day they bring out the new SoB codex with luck this year to finish my already finished army. May add another few thousand points worth to the 12k+ i already have.

3) build or buy more terrain and paint them all.

4) already working on a new job so far so good with an interview in the morning.

5) yeah i'd like to tone up and get fitter, maybe lose a few kilo's with better eating.