View Full Version : Constructing a Slann Mage-priest?

01-01-2011, 02:36 PM
I'm currently assembling my Lizardmen host, and I was looking for some advice. In regards to the actual building of the Slann, more specifically the palanquin, what did you use? I was thinking of just green stuffing the tongue and groove joint and the sides. Anyone bother to pin, or do both?

Any other advice for me putting together the glorious hypno-toad would be appreciated.

Silver Drakes Legion
01-02-2011, 12:32 AM
Well hopefully you didn't get as bad a cast as mine was...
You'll need to pin the entire side walls but only glue the palanquin together vacant of the angry toad otherwise he will be a pain to paint. The clear stand I would suggest cutting off the tip of the stand so it will actually fit in the hole properly. Use green stuff because the pieces will not fit perfectly together.
hope that helps.

01-02-2011, 06:14 PM
Thanks. My cast seems fine, just the usual amounts of flash and whatnot. I had heard about greenstuffing the clear flyer rod. I will definitely put a couple of pins from the sides into the back piece along with green stuffing the gaps and all that. Definitely no going to glue the toad until the end.

Thanks again.