View Full Version : Death Guard show off thread

01-01-2011, 06:18 AM
This thread does exactly what is says on the tin, that being, to show off my death guard army, so here are some pictures of my favorite stuff.

First up is the Daemon Prince:


Next are the two best squads of Plague Marines:



And some Plaguebearers for when I need lesser daemons or want to play a daemon army:


more to come:

01-01-2011, 06:19 AM
And here's the rest of my favorite stuff:

A chaos Rhino:


Some nurgle havocs, and before people start moaning about how the death guard can't use heavy weapons, I argue that if they can keep a plasma gun working then why cant they maintain a missile launcher?


and probably my favorite unit in this army, the Blight Drones (these guy's get two photos!):



There is also a warhound titan, but that's not finished, so i don't want to show it off yet.

What do people think?

01-01-2011, 07:59 AM
I'm liking the Havocs - though I'm normally particular to Autocannon-equipped Havocs...god I love that gun.

01-01-2011, 08:30 AM
nice indeed

infact there used to be nurgle havocs box set/ blisters and theres a bitz pack on GWs site

01-01-2011, 01:31 PM
Yes there were, but those havocs only came with assault weapons because under the 3rd edition rules, models with the MoN could only take assault weapons. This was of course funny because the artwork of a plague marine that opened the Book of Nurgle part of the codex was holding a Heavy Bolter, which was an illegal option.

Anyway, nice models, though the white almost looks too clean in some places, but I guess that's more personal preference. That said, I really love the Blight Drones, I'm more of a fan of the old school green Nurgle myself, and you pulled off the corroded green armor really well, kudos.

01-01-2011, 06:43 PM
I actually really like the white with green - preheresy colors for clearly heretical models.

01-01-2011, 06:59 PM
Bigred approves of this army.

01-02-2011, 02:33 AM
Some sick looking Death Guard <pun intended> Also love the blight drones and the rust effects on them!

01-03-2011, 05:11 PM
Very nice Death Guard. In my opinion the marines would look much better if all of their trim and backpacks were the sickly yellow colour used on the champions' shoulder trim - I think it goes a lot better with the Rotting Flesh (?) armour, and makes more sense to my eyes than the darker green. How was it done out of interest?

Another thing is that for me the metal of the guns looks rather too clean - if you introduced some of the rust colour you've used on the Blight Drones (which look great btw!) onto the bolters etc I think that would be a big improvement... but just my opinion of course.

Also, kind of annoyed to see a 4x Missile Launcher Havoc squad based on the FW Iron Armour, because that is EXACTLY what I am planning to build for my Death Guard too, haha! They look really cool though, so I'm glad to see it works. I'm planning to have mine holding the MLs under-arm (because they're such tough *******s), though that might be a bit tricky to convert.

Please think about using more of that yellow, it rocks!

02-13-2011, 04:42 PM
Look Look Look more new stuff!

I got terminators for christmas, nice forge world terminators!




And I finally finished the Sorcerer I Bought about a year ago:


What do people think about it?

OCdt Mephiston
02-14-2011, 07:51 AM
Dude, the desecrated standard is BOSS!!!