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View Full Version : Skaven Doomrocket!

12-31-2010, 08:02 AM
Hi all
I play Skaven and have been awestruck at the mass destruction caused by this cheap-ish item. I have decimated many regiments chalking up 12 greatsword, 17 beastmen and 15 black guard much to the disgust of my opponents. This wargear seems pretty underpriced at 30 points for the amount of damage it seems to cause.
What are peoples thoughts on this WMD? Am I just having good luck with it or do other people cause untold suffering with this missle of flaming death?

12-31-2010, 10:48 AM
Its one of those when it goes right, Its AMAZING!!:D

when it goes wrong it can be frustrating.

At 30pts its a low - mid range priced item. which is good for what it does. It is only one use. which is perfectly understandable considering what it does, but i have seen them miss a fair amount of times, and you need to make sure your troops are well clear.

when it misses thats 30pts of nothing.

but yes when it hits :D

12-31-2010, 09:57 PM
It killed 17 Chaos Warriors in a unit of 25 at the 'Ard Boyz semis this year with that. He then killed an ironic 13 Warriors with the Dreaded 13th. Basically, I lost.

01-02-2011, 08:06 PM
I just liked modeling mine. Took the Pistol off the IOB Warlock and modeled a small rocket on his wrist a la Iron man! It makes me smile!

01-04-2011, 03:38 PM
I find that I have a hard time fielding it with a straight face. For 30 points it is a one shot regement destroyer. With the fact that you can measure the range before choosing how many dice to roll it makes it pretty hard to miss(baring the triple ones). I would have tyhought that if was going to be str 5 they should have made it the small template or made it a strength str 4 large template.
I also rather enjoyed making a doomrocket model as well..mine has a destinctly coyote and roadrunner feel to it, rocket on a stick.

02-17-2011, 06:46 PM
With the FAQs they determined the razor banner (gives the unit the Armour Piercing rule) affects both shooting and melee attacks. If you are taking a unit with it already consider putting the Warlock in there. S5 AP means -2 save and it boosts the already destructive potential of the weapon