View Full Version : Tabletop Resolutions?

Colonel Pryde
12-31-2010, 05:31 AM
Haven't been on the forums lately, and just got back into gaming a few weeks ago. My army needs a painting, I hate seeing that dull plastic tone on my fearsome Black Templars. So what a way to start off 2011? Why not set some goals?

-Field a fully painted templars army sometime in the year
-Find time to head on over to the local venue and play a new player monthly
-Invest in some terrain
-Get to know layering

In the tabletop universe, it can get expensive and time consuming, so staying focused seems to help out.I've wasted much money buying excess units i don't use and jackrabbiting armies (IG, Necrons)...


12-31-2010, 05:48 AM
For me, I would like to get my Kopta force finished.

I'd also like to play more games, and if possible even enter more than a couple of tournaments.

I'd also like to get more in to doing Commission pieces, though that kinda depends on other people wanting my work as wel :P

If I were to really push it, maybe finish all my other models (though I think I'd have to give up my job and paint full time for that lol)