View Full Version : Mechanicus Master Of The Forge, Thunderfire Cannon, and Sternguard...

12-30-2010, 01:33 PM
Hey all,
Been a while since I've posted anything, but have been diligently (and quietly) working on my AdMech Guard Army. Had to take a break from that as I am preparing for a 2000pt 40k tournament and will be using my Crimson Fists. Going to be trying a couple new items in this list, first up is a Master Of The Forge with a Conversion Beamer on a Bike.. This conversion used a RT/Second edition Space Marine Chaplains' Jet Bike, some various Techmarine bits, and some pieces from the Imperial Bastion to make the Conversion Beamer...
(ps, these are still a WIP as far as painting goes...)
Next up, my Thunderfire Cannon (don't actually have a photo of just the Cannon itself, but you can get the jest of what it looks (from my AdMech Guard counts as Manticore)
I know they only let you post a few picts per post... so next up is my Sternguard Coversions..

12-30-2010, 01:39 PM
Here are a few shots of my Sternguard....




Couple More...

12-30-2010, 01:41 PM
(blurry but eh)


12-30-2010, 03:50 PM
:cool:THATS:cool: Sweet

12-30-2010, 08:04 PM
:rolleyes: brilliant work are the bionics home made ?

the thing that i like the most is that the heavy bolters are built into the arms.....kinda make me think twice before asking to shake their hand lol

but seriously great work and i certainly wanna see more

12-30-2010, 09:13 PM
Hey ya,
The bionics are from MaxMini...http://www.maxmini.eu/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=101.. while they are awesome.. there are only 1 set of legs and 1 set of arms (also a bunch of heads and hands) but its kinda tough to make a squad look dynamic without a bunch of pinning and greenstuff.. still highly recommended as conversion bits!!!! Also built the arms into the heavy bolters as i playing around with it, I thought it looked best..??? and i thought it would be more fitting for some Crimson Fist Techmarines that had just been recalled from Mars to help fill the losses from Rynn's World...