View Full Version : The War Store Sale: New Years

Brass Scorpion
12-30-2010, 11:23 AM
This sale is 5% off the already discounted prices (http://www.thewarstore.com/TWSNewYearsSale.html), working out to about 24% off the list price of GW products. I wrote to The War Store early this morning and asked if they'd have the new Skaven items up on their own Advance Order page before the big sale this coming weekend and they said yes and the codes are now up here (http://www.thewarstore.com/GWNewReleasesAdvancedOrders.html), including the Uniform Guide.

TheWarStore New Year's Sale!

TheWarStore Annual New Year's Sale!

Save your order until December 31st, and
Save an Extra 5% off your Order Total!

Spend Dec 26-30 returning all your clothes presents, gather up your gift cards and then treat yourself to what you really wanted - that new army or game system from TheWarStore!

From Dec 31 to Jan 3 when you checkout online just type the words New Years into the coupon section of the checkout screen and you will get an extra 5% off the order total. You can also call in the order during our holiday business hours:

Dec 31: 9AM to 4PM
Jan 1 & 2: Closed for New Years
Jan 3: 9AM to 6PM

Just a few notes on the rationale for the sale:

-- To be honest, we don't want to work hard between Christmas and New Years :-)
So, we reward customers willing to wait for things to get to some semblance of normality in early January.

-- To be even more honest, sometimes I feel like the only one in this industry working between Christmas and New Years.
It can get frustrating. Our suppliers outside the US? All closed - period. US manufacturers and distributors? Skeleton crews. USPS is recovering from Christmas, UPS is on holiday schedule. Delays, delays, delays are the order of the day. Ordering between Christmas and New Years is probably not going to speed your order anyway.

-- To be brutally honest, it doesn't get much better in early January either.
All of our manufacturers, distributors and suppliers are slow to get going in January. So please don't email me about how your January order arrived later than expected! For your patience, we got you this nifty discount for your real Christmas present! .

Enjoy our Holiday Sale!