View Full Version : Knight Titans

12-29-2010, 09:17 AM
Has any one used them in a Appoc battle? And if so how well did they do:cool:

12-29-2010, 04:58 PM
Fielded one once in a Guard vs 3 Stompas special game. It was a great fire magnet and killed the final stompa in hand to hand.

01-04-2011, 06:33 PM
I used an Slaanesh Hell Knight. Guaranteed it is the smallest and cheapest if the Slaaneshi Knights, but it would have performed better if I had the dice gods on my side more when rolling to hit. LOL

It has only 2 structure points, no void shields, max range of 36" for its weapons and AV 12 max. It is fast though, and being a super heavy walker, I could move 12" per turn, or even Fleet it upto another 12". Assult it 12", so a total of upto 36" per turn. It was never able to be completely hidden from enemy sight, so it was shot at each turn.

For the 3 turns it did survive, I caused a lot of damage destroying a LR Terminus Ultra by shooting it in the Butt with the D weapon. I close combated a unit of Terminators with a stomp attack killing most of them, and was stunned which I ignored. I immobalised a rhino with the TL Balast master, and caused minor damage to some SM combat squads, but not more than that. I was killed by crossfire from a shadowsword, a devastator squad.

Lucky rolls and 3 x 6's in a row, and it went BOOM. It was hilarious to see his troops go down. I lost 1 troop squad who were also flanking on that edge of the board, he lost 4 combat squads, a baal predator, a LR Crusader, and the devastators. It paved the way for my flank assault that table edge in the next round. I also sent in my brass scorpion on another table edge towards his shadowsword, and kept it busy, dropping it down to 1 structure point by the games end where it blew up and took out most of the forces on that edge. strangely enough all we had left on that area of the map was a partial squad of Thousand sons, 2 obliterators and his shadow sword on 1 structure point. LOL

In summing up, treat the Knights titan like you wold a brass scorpion, only a lot taller. It is vulnerable because of its low AV, and tall height. You can try to get cover each turn, and depending on the type of knight titan you use, it should have a decent mix of anti tank, and anti-infantry weapons. Keep it moving, as your weapons ranges are normally lower compared to regular titans, and stomp on units of troops that you think can not fight back too well. So avoid CC with Kharn,, and other special characters or troop types that are designed to kill tanks, and titans. Imagine charging a combined Platoon of 30 IG and stomping them, each one getting a Str 10 hit against them which would ignore armour saves.

I find that they are there for the fun aspect of the game. They provide a good killy monster machine, that is more mobile than a regular titan, not as scary as one either, but still natsy enought that they can cause a lot of havoc before they hopefully blow up in a massive STR D blast, and not a fizzle "Wrecjk" result. The carnage they can cause is just fun to watch, and they cost between 300 and maybe 450 points depending on the variant, and race you are using it with. Well worth the time and effort to make or purchase one.

01-04-2011, 11:08 PM
Thanks for the info and feedback I have 5 knight titans or full house of them cant wait to try out

01-05-2011, 08:30 AM
Thanks for the info and feedback I have 5 knight titans or full house of them cant wait to try out

did you make or buy them as im wanting some to escourt my titan

01-05-2011, 09:07 AM
I've seen a couple of people in my area use Bionicle Lego figures to represent them. Cheap and can easily modify it w/ bits to make it fit more with the hobby. Seen someone selling Knight kits on Ebay for around $180-200, so the $20 Lego set probably preferable if you're just wanting to try them out first.

01-05-2011, 03:46 PM
Well there not just for in game there for display as well i was thinking about scratch building but ill keep my eye out for a kit thanks rustbucket